Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Improving agricultural production in the Gaza Strip

The agriculture sector in the Gaza Strip faces a number of systemic issues; most prominent is the depletion of its coastal aquifer, which is the only source of freshwater. The aquifer is also extremely polluted; and high groundwater salinity leads to poor plant performance for some of the most produced...
Gaza Strip
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Urban Agriculture in the Gaza Strip

There are multiple constraints which limit the development of more sustainable and resilient urban agriculture in the Gaza Strip (and the West Bank). Current urban development policies, land use classification systems and planning have ignored to recognise urban agriculture as a land use category and urban development strategy. Furthermore, there...
2018 - the Gaza Urban & Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP)

The role of forest producer organizations in social protection

This study reviews the literature on the provision of social protection by forest producer organizations, with a specific focus on their role and practices in this regard, the types of benefits they provide, the factors that may enhance or hinder the provision of benefits and the opportunities for taking advantage...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Working paper
Water management in fragile systems

Building resilience to shocks and protracted crises in the Middle East and North Africa
Fragility has become the reality in several countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Armed conflict and forced displacement are taking an enormous toll on human lives, with the region accounting for about 60 percent of the estimated global total of battle-related casualties since the turn of the millennium....
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Conference paper
Agroecology: Adapting to Climate Change in Semi-arid Areas for a Sustainable Agricultural Development

The ability of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region to attain significant progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) will largely hinge on sustainable management of agricultural water and adaptation to a changing climate. Agricultural transformation in the NENA region has followed a specific...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Symposium International: L’investissement, Dans Les Oasis Les Enjeux Du Présent Pour Un Avenir Sûr

Quels sont les investissements qui répondent aux spécificités des oasis et comment on peut unifier les efforts pour stabiliser la sécurité entre eux ?Dans l’environnement économique oasien c’est le moment de diversifier ses investissements indispensables pour obtenir des bons rendements et améliorer la vie des citoyens. Ce symposium vise à...
2018 - Centre d'études et de développement des territoires oasiens et désertiques (CEDTOD)

Rural Development Programme in the Mountain Zones

This programme is designed to improve living conditions for rural people in mountain zones, where climate change has caused erosion and desertification. It has two components: Agricultural value chain development and value addition Sustainable nature resource management, climate change adaptation and diversification. The programme area includes 32 rural communes in the provinces of...
2018 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Journal article
Diversité des contributions des systèmes dʼélevage de races locales. Les points de vue des éleveurs de trois races ovines méditerranéennes

La diversité des contributions fournies par les systèmes d’élevage s’appuyant sur des races locales, au côté de la production de biens alimentaires et non alimentaires, est rarement abordée de front, bien qu’elle soit essentielle pour comprendre les modalités de gestion de ces races. Ce travail de recherche fait le point...

Blog article
Online discussion: Strengthening the role of women in rural and agricultural areas – obstacles and opportunities in the Mediterranean region

As part of the publication “Strengthening the role of women in rural and agricultural areas: obstacles and opportunities” (September 2018) and the conference “Women4Mediterranean Conference 2018 – Women build inclusive societies” (Lisbon, Portugal, 10- 11 October 2018), during which the “Empowering Women in Rural and Agriculture Areas” (UM-CIHEAM) workshop will...
2018 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Blog article
Les savoirs et savoir-faire des mesureurs d’eau des foggaras ou aiguadiers du Touat-Tidikelt

L’élément concerne le savoir et les savoir-faire des mesureurs d’eau des foggaras (système d’irrigation), ou aiguadiers, des communautés ksouriennes du Touat et du Tidikelt. Les mesureurs d’eau participent à différentes opérations qui vont du calcul des parts d’eau à la réparation des peignes de répartition des eaux et la conduite...
2018 - INESCO

Yemen Emergency Livelihoods Response Plan 2018

The Emergency Livelihoods Response Plan (ELRP) 2018 guides FAO’s response in Yemen to prevent the levels of food insecurity and malnutrition from worsening. It sets out key emergency agricultural livelihood interventions to be implemented within the framework of the 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan. The overall goal is to improve food...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Water institutional scarcity in MENA: guidelines for enhanced governance

Climate simulation models are converging in terms of forecasts for the MENA region, that already suffers scare water quantities and poor quality, with expected higher temperature and decreasing rain fall. While conventional water supply alternatives are getting more and more limited, it has been shown through many studies that water,...
2018 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Journal article
The difficult escape from dualism: the Green Morocco Plan at a crossroads

This article analyses the development effects of a foreign-owned almond farm in Morocco from the perspective of its role in affecting the dualism present in the Moroccan agricultural sector. The farm was situated on lands owned by the State, leased under the framework of the Green Morocco Plan and aimed...

International training course for the Design of Resilient Farming Systems in face of climate change in Dry Regions

This course will be conjointly organized by the SEMIARID project partners: IAV-Hassan-II-Morocco, ENSA-Algeria, INRA-Morocco, Montpellier SupAgro, INRA-France, CIRAD, CIHEAM-IAMM, an international research centre of the CGIAR (ICARDA), which contributes through staff-time and direct support to trainees, and University of Mohammed VI Polytechnic-Rabat and the Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP-Morocco) by...
2018 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Journal article
A sustainability comparative assessment of Tunisian organic and conventional olive growing systems based on the AHP methodology

This work aims to assess, in a comparative way, the sustainability of organic and conventional olive growing systems in the Sfax region (Tunisia). This assessment will be undertaken based on I) a multidimensional perspective considering the three classical dimensions of sustainability – environmental, economic and socio-territorial – and II) on...

Journal article
Vertical relationships and food supply chain coordination: The case of processing tomato sector in Algeria

This paper analyzes the vertical relationship between growers and processors in the Algerian tomato processing industry. We use extensive data on production contract outcomes for processing tomato growers (including 3,740 coordinated contracts) to examine the performance of grower-processor vertical contracts. The results indicate that the tomato grower-processor vertical relationship undergoes...

Journal article
Cultivating vision and networks to untap rural women’s and girls’ potential in the Mediterranean

Last March in New York the sixty-second Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) took place with a priority focus on ‘Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls’. The Commission recognized in its conclusions «the crucial contributions of rural women to local and...

Blog article
Reviving Iraq through Conservation Agriculture

ICARDA has been expanding conservation agriculture in Ninawa province in northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Conservation agriculture is an approach to managing agro-ecosystems for improved and sustained productivity, while simultaneously preserving and enhancing the environment. Through a combination of reduced tillage, crop rotations, and stubble retention, conservation agriculture allows farmers...
2018 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Journal article
Biophysical and econometric analysis of adoption of soil and water conservation techniques in the semiarid region of Sidi Bouzid (Central Tunisia)

Soil and water conservation technologies (SWCT) are important to farmers, to the research community, as well as to the policy makers, given that declining soil health, and increasing erosion and moisture stress have implications for agricultural livelihoods, national food security, and more generally for well-being within rural communities. Yet, despite...

Blog article
FAO Egypt launches water management and irrigation project in collaboration with MWRI and MALR

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR), has launched the project “Support sustainable water management and irrigation modernization for newly reclaimed areas”. This project will set up and...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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