Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Tapping into Asia's biodiversity to feed a hungry region

The Asia region’s agriculture, livestock, forestry and fisheries produce food through an intricate and complex relationship. Better understanding these associations can help scientists and food producers improve food security and nutrition in a region that is expected to lead global population growth in coming decades.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

Caderno Boas Práticas de ATER

Essa primeira edição reúne uma amostra representativa das Boas Práticas que os serviços de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural desenvolvem em todo o país para a diversidade da agricultura familiar orientadas pela Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Pnater), instituída pela lei número 12.188 de 11 de janeiro...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead)

Blog article
Albania, Turkey join forum on agrifood value chains in the Mediterranean

Investing in sustainable agrifood value chains in countries surrounding the Mediterranean could be the key to solving a range of socio-economic and environmental problems. At a high-level forum this week in the Albanian capital of Tirana, representatives of Albania and Turkey joined colleagues from Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco,...
Albania - Türkiye
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Connecting Smallholders to Markets

‘Connecting Smallholders to Markets’ is the title of policy recommendations negotiated on 8- 9 June 2016 in the Committee on World Food Security, the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform deliberating on issues of food security and nutrition. Work on this extremely important topic has been underway since 2014. It...
2016 - ROPPA

Case study
Integrated Diversified Organic Farming System

Las Kuatras Marias farm is located in San Narcisso village, near Victoria City in Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, where rice monoculture is the main source of income for family farmers in the area. Applying an extensive knowledge of indigenous and organic practices, the farm is strategically structured in distinct components that...
2016 - Asian Farmers' Association for sustainable rural development (AFA)

EAFRD financial instruments for agriculture and rural development in 2014-2020

The Europe 2020 strategy for growth and jobs called for a stronger role of financial instruments in 2014-2020. The European Council subsequently gave a mandate to the European Commission that the programming of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) should be used to significantly increase the overall EU support...
2016 - European Commission

Mujeres que labran su destino

Según la Fao las mujeres rurales son responsables por más de la mitad de la producción de alimentos a nivel mundial, pero en América Latina y el Caribe continúan viviendo en una situación de desigualdad social, económica y política, que se expresa en temas como el acceso al crédito y...
2016 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - CLACSO

Open Letter to the Member States of the African Regional Protocol for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

Protocol for the Protection of New Plant Varieties
An Open Letter by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food highlighting concern over the Regional Arusha Protocol for the Protection of New Plant Varieties by the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)The letter highlights concern that the Arusha Protocol is inappropriate for the ARIPO region and the non-transparent...
2016 - National Committee International Year of Family Farming + 10 of Uganda

Policy brief/paper
Sustainable production intensification and value chain development in Africa

Based on experience and lessons learned in 2014-15, Africa’s Regional Initiative 2 (RI2) (originally entitled “Integrated Management of Agricultural Landscapes in Africa”) has been revamped for implementation in 2016-17 to sharpen its focus and to make it more programmatic. It takes a food systems approach with two integrated components, namely...
Cameroon - Chad - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Kenya - Mali - Mozambique - Rwanda - Zambia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

“Changing our Mindsets - Seizing opportunities in the Green Economy”

A one-day ENRD seminar to look at the practical opportunities for promoting the Green Economy through the Rural Development Programmes. The event is designed for all those involved in the implementation of the Rural Development Programmes from EU, national, regional and local levels. The aim is to share experiences, provide...
2016 - ENRD

Book part
Experiences in Creating Space for Innovations in Agriculture

An Introduction to the AgriSpin Project
The idea behind the approach of AgriSpin project is that all partners have their own experiences, ideas and approaches which are worth sharing with others. Nobody pretends to know best. A golden standard or silver bullet for stimulating innovations does not exist. Every partner is working in a context that...
European Union
2016 - AgriSpin

Conference proceedings
Organic Innovation Days 2016: review and presentations

On 6 December 2016 the second edition of Organic Innovation Days took place at the Representation of Emilia Romagna Region in Brussels. The event generated a great interest among the researchers, European regions, farmer organisations, companies and policy makers. The day started with a policy panel where Simona Caselli, Minister of...
European Union
2016 - TPOrganics

Conference proceedings
Organic Innovation Days 2016: review and presentations

On 6 December 2016 the second edition of Organic Innovation Days took place at the Representation of Emilia Romagna Region in Brussels. The event generated a great interest among the researchers, European regions, farmer organisations, companies and policy makers. The day started with a policy panel where Simona Caselli, Minister of...
European Union
2016 - TPOrganics

Discover Tarnava Mare

A Unique Sense of Place - the Tarnava Mare area of South-eastern Transylvania is one of the forgotten jewels in Romania's crown. It is one of the Europe's most important natural and cultural landscapes, including some of the finest pristine wildflower rich grasslands – the result of centuries of good...
2016 - Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania

Magazine article
Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources for family farmers: Theory and practice

Only a small number of governments have established meaningful and effective farmer-centred measures for the implementation of access and benefit sharing of genetic resources. One reason is the highly complex nature of the international regulatory system. This special issue of Farming Matters magazine presents practical ways in which access and...
Brazil - China - India - Nepal - Peru - Zimbabwe
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Blog article
US$ 5 million livestock traceability project gets under way in Georgia

Improved standards for food safety and animal health should make Georgia’s agriculture sector more competitive. That is exactly the objective of a new US$5 million project launched recently by FAO and Georgia’s Ministry of Agriculture. The four-year project – financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Austria Development Agency –...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

“Forging the Links - connecting RDP support to the Food & Drink Supply Chain”

The Seminar is part of the ENRD work on ‘Smart and Competitive Rural Areas’ where the main objective is to ‘To maximise the impact that RDPs have on supporting farms and rural firms in accessing emerging markets’. The main focus for the activity has been on cooperation and investments which increase...
2016 - European Network for Rural Development


V consulta sobre soberanía alimentaria realizada en Panamá los días 19 y 20 de febrero 2016. Organizada por la Alianza por la soberanía Alimentaria para América Latina y El Caribe.

PGS: A guide to Participatory Guarantee Systems for Organic Agriculture

This educational video presents Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) through practical examples and theory. It is illustrated by 4 PGS initiatives: “Nature et Progres” in France, “Rede Ecovida de Agroecologia” in Brazil, “Bryanston Organic and Natural Market” in South Africa and “Sabeto Organic Producers Association” in Fiji. The video is structured...
2016 - IFOAM

The European CSA Declaration adopted in Ostrava

150 participants and volunteers from 25 countries gathered from Sept 16th -18th in Provoz Hlubina (Ostrava, CZ) for the 3rd European meeting on CSA. Participants unanimously adopted the European Declaration on Community Supported Agriculture which they will all take home to their respective countries.
2016 - Urgenci
Total results:4096