Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Case study
Permaculture/Agroecology system in Timor-Leste National School Curriculum for Basic Education

Timor-Leste is a half Island country with a total population of 1.2 million people; it is geographically situated between Asia and the Pacific region. It is a tropical country and 80 per cent of its population live in rural areas. Agriculture, fishery and forestry are the main economical mainstays. In 2013,...
2016 - Permaculture Timor-Leste

Entwicklung des Gemüsebaus in Deutschland von 2000-2015: Anbauregionen, Betriebsstrukturen, Gemüsearten und Handel

Vegetable production is the most important horticultural sector in Germany, as measured by production area and gross value added. During 2015, open field vegetable production included 115,500 hectares. The annual per capita consumption of vegetables in Germany has increased significantly over the past decades from only 64 kg in the...
2016 - Thünen-Institut

Case study
La Costanza: Urban Agroecology in a quickly urbanizing place

Let's make a national minga together!
48 million people live in Colombia nowadays. During the last 60 years of internal conflict, the country urbanized. According to the World Bank stats, less than 24% of the Colombian population lives in rural areas. About the 30 largest cities concentrate more than 70% of the population. The competition for...
2016 - La Costanza Cooperative

Agroecology Learning Exchange Report

From the 10th to the 13th of May 2016, the AgroEcology Fund (AEF) and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) brought together 70 people representing 30 organizations to share experiences and ideas about amplifying agroecology. True to its name, this Learning Exchange aimed to facilitate learning and cross-pollination...
2016 - AgroEcology Fund (AEF)

International Green Week

Established in 1926, International Green Week is taking place for the 81st time in 2016. The IGW is a one-of-a-kind international exhibition for the food, agricultural and horticultural industries. At the same time, the IGW is the point of origin for the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) with...

Magazine article
Agroecología en América Latina y el Caribe

El universo de la agricultura familiar comprende varias formas de organización social del trabajo (que corresponden a múltiples identidades culturales), todas estructuradas a partir del control sobre los principales recursos empleados para la reproducción de los medios de vida.   Para llamar la atención sobre la complejidad de la actual crisis alimentaria,...
2016 - Revista Leisa de Agroecología

Blog article
Agriculturalists recommend approaches for reducing pesticide use

Farmers, experts, policy makers, researchers, extension specialists, and NGO representatives learned techniques for minimizing the use of pesticides at a recent FAO workshop in Dushanbe. Some 70 participants – hailing from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan attended the three-day event (15-17 August) on Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

الفلاحة الطبيعية : الكومبوست أو السماد العضوي

No description available
2016 - Terre et Humanisme

Guía de cultivo de la quínoa

La presente guía de cultivo busca mostrar en forma sencilla y clara los diversos pasos a seguir en el cultivo de la quinua, dando en primer lugar información sobre el medio ambiente en que se desarrolla la zona productora de quinua, la morfología de la planta y la fenología o...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

الفلاحة الطبيعية : إنتاج البذور

No description available
2016 - Terre et Humanisme

Research for Agri Committee – Structural Change in EU Farming: How can the CAP Support a 21st Century European Model of Agriculture?

This is the reference document of the Workshop on the "Effects of the structural changes on EU farming: How to better support the European model of agriculture of the 21st century with the CAP" of 14th March 2016, organised by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) and the...
European Union
2016 - European Parliament

Romanian Village Farming

Hay is at the base of almost all traditional meat & dairy farm products – even to the farmyard chickens eating grasshoppers brought into the yard with the new hay crop.   Hay – especially cut with a scythe, has shaped Romania’s rural cultural landscape and resulted in enormous biodiversity of...

Promoting food chain organisation and risk management in agriculture

When farmers’ position in the food supply chain is relatively weak, they can benefit from organising themselves better so as to improve revenue opportunities. One route to doing so lies in local markets and short-supply chains. Risk management tools are needed to help farmers cope better with the uncertainty created...
2016 - European Union

Blog article
Tajikistan’s fresh produce supply chains grow more efficient, profitable

Fruit and vegetables are a major source of income for rural households in mountainous Tajikistan – and essential for healthy diets. Fresh produce such as sweet cherries, onions and table grapes make up an important share of the country’s agricultural exports. The potential to supply domestic retail and export markets remains...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Blog article
Investing in agricultural science and technology critical to achieving zero hunger by 2030

In order to meet the world’s sustainable development goals of defeating hunger and poverty by 2030, governments and the private sector need to reenergize their agricultural science and technology research capacities, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization announced today at a meeting of the world’s top agricultural scientists. That will require...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Rural Development and High Nature Value Farmlands in Romania: a project funded by the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme

HNV farmlands in Romania are an estimated 30% of the total utilisable agricultural area: 5 million ha, associated with smaller holding sizes in hilly areas within the Carpathian arc. Traditional farming practices are responsible for maintaining many of Romania’s (and Europe's) HNV farmlands, which deliver a host of public benefits (goods...
2016 - ADEPT Fundation

الفلاحة الطبيعية : التويزة

No description available
2016 - Terre et Humanisme

Support to family farming and small scale agriculture as a strategy to achieve rural poverty reduction

The workshop “Support to family farming and small scale agriculture to achieve rural poverty reduction. Opportunities and priorities to strengthen FAO Regional Initiatives” is aimed at analysing the main trends in family farming and debating the strategy and achievements of the three FAO Regional Initiatives related to family farming and...
2016 - Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Pratiques agroécologiques et agroforestières en zone tropicale humide

Ce guide est conçu comme un outil d’accompagnement des techniciens et paysans engagés dans des actions de promotion et de développement de l’agroécologie. Il fait suite à un premier guide technique réalisé en 2014 en République démocratique du Congo dans le cadre du projet Defiv, projet de sécurité alimentaire mis...

Right to Food and Nutrition Watch

Keeping Seeds in Peoples' Hands 2016 - Issue 8
Despite feeding the world and providing resilience to natural disasters, peasant seed systems face severe threats due to the appropriation of nature by corporations and the accelerated destruction of agricultural biodiversity. Increasingly, seed and agrochemical businesses seek to privatize, monopolize and control seeds by patenting and commodifying this very source...
2016 - Right to Food and Nutrition Watch
Total results:4096