Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Journal article
Ending groundwater overdraft without affecting food security

Groundwater development is key to accelerating agricultural growth and to achieving food security in a climate crisis. However, the rapid increase in groundwater exploitation over the past four decades has resulted in depletion and degradation, particularly in regions already facing acute water scarcity, with potential irreversible impacts for food security...
2024 - IFPRI

Journal article
Investigating the genetic basis of salt-tolerance in common bean: a genome-wide association study at the early vegetative stage

Salinity poses a significant challenge to global crop productivity, affecting approximately 20% of cultivated and 33% of irrigated farmland, and this issue is on the rise. Negative impact of salinity on plant development and metabolism leads to physiological and morphological alterations mainly due to high ion concentration in tissues and...
2024 - Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy

Women from the State of Sucre in Venezuela: resilient and entrepreneurial

FAO Venezuela deployed actions in the states of Amazonas, Apure, and Sucre to "Reduce the protection risks of selected vulnerable communities through the improvement of their food and nutritional security, the rapid restoration/creation of their livelihoods and community awareness and knowledge creation, integrating gender and intersectional approaches", between January 2023...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Captadores de niebla (neblinómetros)

Los captadores de niebla son estructuras similares a un letrero caminero que emplea bastidores de malla plástica para atrapar los bancos de niebla formados por las nubes que se internan en valles y mesetas de la cordillera andina. Las gotas de agua contenidas en la niebla chocan contra los hilos...
2024 - EncontrAR

Journal article
Pastoralism in Changthang, Ladakh: Adaptations, Challenges, and Pathways for Sustainability

In the Changthang region of Ladakh, India, pastoralism serves as the cornerstone of both the local economy and the local way of life. However, recent socioeconomic shifts and environmental constraints put this economic structure, which has been expertly adapted to the difficult trans-Himalayan geography, in danger of becoming unsustainable. To...
2024 - Sher E Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, India

The importance and determinants of purchases in rural food consumption in Africa: Implications for food security strategies

We analyze rural households’ purchases of food (cereals and non-cereals) in Sub-Saharan Africa using nationally representative data with 65,000 observations covering 7 countries over a decade. We distinguish between three strata of countries: lower stratum in income and urbanization, middle stratum, and upper stratum. The paper breaks ground by the...

Blog article
La résilience de communautés rurales face au manque d'eau

Au Brésil et en Tunisie, les populations de zones semi-arides s'adaptent à la raréfaction des ressources hydriques grâce à des innovations individuelles et collectives. À l’occasion de la journée mondiale de lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse, découvrez en image quelques-unes des mille façons de faire de ces communautés...
2024 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Régulations pastorales et changements climatiques : regards croisés entre territoires pastoraux au Maroc, en Tunisie et en France

Ce numéro de Regards sur le foncier a été produit dans le cadre d’une initiative d’expertise collective accompagnée par l’Iram et l’IRD, dont l’objectif était de mettre en lumière la question du devenir des communs pastoraux en Méditerranée à partir de la création d’un cadre de dialogue politique entre acteurs...
France - Morocco - Tunisia
2024 - IRAM

Yemaya Newsletter No.66, March 2023

Yemaya No. 66, dated March 2023, features articles on IYAFA Asia workshop, National level women in fisheries workshop in Chennai, India, article on gender and marine plastic pollution, report of a panel discussion during the 8th global symposium  on gender in aquaculture and fisheries. Kyoko Kusakabe write that gender responsive fisheries require not only...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Breaking barriers to agroforestry: FAO’s global capacity needs assessment

The FAO's Global Agroforestry Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA) revealed persistent challenges which are hindering widespread adoption of agroforestry despite its recognised benefits. Three primary action areas were identified: transforming agroforestry into an economically viable production system; strengthening enabling environments through agroforestry policies and strategies; and improving agroforestry extension for more...
2024 - Tropenbos International

Journal article
Valorization of cocoa pod side streams improves nutritional and sustainability aspects of chocolate

Chocolate production faces nutritional, environmental and socio-economic challenges present in the conventional cocoa value chain. Here we developed an approach that addresses these challenges by repurposing the often-discarded pectin-rich cocoa pod endocarp and converting it into a gel. This is done using cocoa pulp juice concentrate to replace traditional sugar...

Mapping System and Services for Pressurized Irrigation Systems

FAO's Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 63 introduced the MASSCOTE methodology in 2007, tailored for modernizing large-scale canal irrigation systems. With global interest shifting towards pressurized pipe systems, particularly in water-scarce regions, the need for a similar methodology became apparent. Pressurized systems offer advantages like on-demand irrigation, reduced water wastage,...
Egypt - Italy - Spain - Tunisia
2024 - FAO

Website - Plants for pest and disease management

In Africa, there is a great deal of ancestral knowledge about the pesticide or antibiotic effects of local plants, but scientific research is very fragmented. Scientists from CIRAD and IRD have therefore created a website that organises the knowledge from more than 700 documents. However, they warn against the use...
2024 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Entreprendre en Afrique : les PME dans l'agroalimentaire en Afrique, trop petites pour survivre ?

Chaque mois, le coach Didier Acouetey, président d’AfricSearch, conseille un jeune entrepreneur sur ses difficultés. En deuxième partie, débat avec des patrons de PME du continent. Dans ce épisode, il reçoit Ousmanou Sheou, fondateur de l’Établissement Ousmashe, entreprise de transformation et commercialisation de céréales et tubercules en farines, Garoua, Cameroun La seconde partie...

Good practices to cope with soil salinization in the Asia-Pacific Region

Topic outlineThe course explores effective practices for coping with soil salinity in the Asia-Pacific Region. Some practical examples and case studies of successful salinity management practices are introduced and analysed, to identify implementation features, benefits, challenges and applicability to similar contexts. You will learn about Irrigation and drainage practices for soil salinity...
2024 - FAO

Journal article
Wild fish consumption can balance nutrient retention in farmed fish

Wild fish used as aquafeeds could be redirected towards human consumption to support sustainable marine resource use. Here we use mass-balance fish-in/fish-out ratio approaches to assess nutrient retention in salmon farming and identify scenarios that provide more nutrient-rich food to people. Using data on Norway’s salmon farms, our study revealed...
2024 - University of Cambridge, UK

Du recours au droit des usages pour des projets de territoire plus harmonieux

Ce numéro de Regards sur le foncier a été produit dans le cadre d’une étude sur la Valorisation des usages dans les forêts et les zones de pêche : une expérimentation sociale à Sainte-Marie, Région Analanjirofo. Le Droit des usages entreprend de faire valoir la force juridique des pratiques légitimes et...
2024 - Regards sur le foncier

How to make organic pesticide Muokozi - A Guide on how to prepare an organic pesticide (Muokozi) from locally available materials

Why Muokozi?It is natural extracts from medicinal plants and spices mixed to control insect pests and diseases that have been used for years in the context of Zanzibar Agriculture.After many years of using agricultural chemicals, the farmers themselves realized the negative effect of excessive use of chemicals in crop production....
United Republic of Tanzania
2024 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Les Tutos de Milo - Destruction en agroécologie d'un couvert végétal

 Tutoriel sur la destruction en agroécologie d'un couvert végétal
2024 - CIRAD

Journal article
Trade-offs in the externalities of pig production are not inevitable

Farming externalities are believed to co-vary negatively, yet trade-offs have rarely been quantified systematically. Here we present data from UK and Brazilian pig production systems representative of most commercial systems across the world ranging from ‘intensive’ indoor systems through to extensive free range, Organic and woodland systems to explore co-variation...
2024 - University of Cambridge, UK
Total results:19888