Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Great opportunity in a small village

Hernádszentandrás is a small village with a population of 450 in North East Hungary. It has an unemployment rate of 40%, and 35% of the population is of Roma ethnicity. The region is listed in the multiply disadvantaged category. For centuries, traditional agriculture provided work and a living for the...

Criterios generales para la agricultura familiar

El estudio de las experiencias de agricultura familiar con base agroecológica en Colombia, evidencia que es una opción viable para promover la seguridad alimentaria y a su vez contribuye al uso eficiente del suelo, la conservación de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos que provee. El resultado de este estudio es producto de los...
2014 - Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (MADR)

Journal article
Panorama of agroecology courses in Brazil

The agroecology courses have grown the last years, and its introduction in educational institutions began especially from the 2000s. Since then, several courses are created annually. However, there are few and spread studies that perform a systematic quantitative analysis of courses in agroecology in Brazil. This study aimed to identify...
2014 - Rev. Bras. de Agroecologia

Tecnologias para a agricultura familiar

A agricultura familiar necessita de tecnologias apropriadas para melhorar os processos produtivos, aumentar os níveis de produtividade e se tornar mais competitiva. Predominantemente, os agricultores ainda têm pouco acesso às técnicas necessárias à produção sustentável. No entanto, existem várias tecnologias disponíveis para adoção imediata e incorporação em diferentes arranjos produtivos. Várias...
2014 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)


Viçosa市坐落于巴西米纳斯吉拉斯洲带 达马塔地区,由群山和贫瘠的土地围绕。这 里更适合家庭耕作而不适于机械化生产。
2014 - LEISA China

Feeding Europe: food sovereignty and agro-ecology

Over the past fifty years, the food system has become increasingly globalised and heavily dependent on cheap raw materials, chemical inputs and mechanisation. In short, the global food system is broken increasingly controlled by a handful of multinationals. This film demonstrates how people across Europe are re-organising their food supply...
2014 - Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEEurope)

Aušra and Vladas Griciai farm

Aušra and Vladas Griciai family`s farm established in Kretinga district, Imbarė surroundings, Juodupėnų village. Part of the farm is certified as ecological. Currently, farmers are involved in “Landscape Program”. Major agricultural income is received from milk production. Aušra and Vladas are farming since 1993, after Lithuania regained its independence. Before...
2014 - Baltic Deal

No seeds, no future

For many generations subsistence farmers have successfully grown their own fruits and vegetables, and reared their own livestock. KwaHhohho in Mtubatuba, KwaZulu-Natal, has a rich history of these traditional farming practices. But these are under threat, and this small farming community is fighting to save their natural seeds and traditional...
South Africa
2014 - Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR)

Estudio sobre alternativas de protección jurídico – normativa y de otra índole para semillas y prácticas tradicionales relacionadas con la agricultura, utilizadas y mantenidas por agricultoras y agricultores de nuestro país

Para el desarrollo de este estudio, se realizó un levantamiento de las normativas legales nacionales e internacionales vigentes en relación a la protección, conservación y uso de semillas y sus prácticas tradicionales y un análisis comparado de ambas normativas. Por otra parte, se presentan propuestas de alternativas de protección jurídica...
2014 - Oficina de Estudios y Políticas Agrarias (ODEPA)

Blog article
Veterinary help for livestock herders brings relief to Angola

The European Union and FAO are working together to strengthen food security in Angola by boosting its veterinary services.
Food security and animal health in Angola, Africa’s second biggest oil exporter, remain  as some of the biggest challenges the country is facing. The Strengthening of Livestock Services in Angola (SANGA) project, led by FAO and co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the Institute of Veterinary Services (ISV) of...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Nourrir les villes, défi de l'agricultureure familiale.

Des innovations locales et paysannes en Afrique de l'Ouest
La Fondation de France et le Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI) ont lancé le programme Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest (PAFAO) en 2009. Centré sur la question « Comment une agriculture familiale durable peut-elle nourrir les villes ? », il accompagne les productrices et les...
2014 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI)

Handbook On Agroecology: Farmer's Manual on Sustainable Practices

"This booklet is aimed to educate and inform farmers about diverse possibility of sustainable and safe food production methods and its techniques. This handbook is designed as a practical guide to these different practices of agroecology and their specific principles, techniques and strategies.We hope that these practical techniques would help...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Stafva Farm, Gotland

Stafva farm has been in the von Corswant family since 1862. At present Patrik von Corswant is the owner and responsible for the management. The farm formerly comprised about 550 ha but is now divided between several owners.   The main farm has about 50 hectares of arable land and 50...
2014 - Baltic Deal

Magazine article
Rural reality check in Montenegro

Agriculture dominates the rural economy. Pastures and meadows occupy 90% of the farmland and the remaining 10% is mainly devoted to horticulture, vineyards and orchards. The structure of farming is dominated by small family farms, which provide all or most of their income for over 50,000 rural households, many of...
2014 - EU Agriculture and Rural development

Making Agroecology Viable for Small Farmers: Experiences from the Field

"The practices illustrated through these case studies are being extensively shared among farmers from across the country. These local practices are not just ways of thinking or alternatives; they are based on the specialized knowledge and practices of people and communities.They contain insights that when appropriately applied, can help farmers...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Blog article
Women of Kanem taking the lead in agricultural development

The project has enabled women’s groups to access irrigable and fertile land and farm it in their own names.
In the western Chad region of Kanem, the majority of men from poor rural families have migrated to areas with better economic opportunities to ensure the survival of their families. Women are often left as head of household and assume particularly heavy tasks, including cultivating the land. Agricultural production has...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Where Have All the Small Farmers Gone? The Story of Agriculture and Indian Farmers

"This first booklet in the series – 'Where Have all the Small Farmers gone?' – traces the broad path that agriculture took in India, to see where and how the small farmers are placed in it. It notes the major milestones en route, and underlines the major ups and downs,...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Veckūkuri Farm

The farm Veckūkuri, located in the Strenči County, Jērcēni Rural Municipality, Cālīši, is managed by Ilvija Jakovina, her husband Jānis, and their sons Robins Jānis and Ričards Dāvis. The herd consists of 75 Holstein Black and white cows. The best yield from the highest-yielding cow is 12 000 kg. The...
2014 - Baltic Deal

Norup Farm

Norup Farm is situated in Skåne, 20 km north of Kristianstad, in South Sweden. It is owned and cultivated by the Norup family and has been in the family since the beginning of the 20th century. The main crop is potato, but there is also a production of cereals, peas,...
2014 - Baltic Deal

Blog article
Creating a brighter future for farmers

Charcoal smokers introduced by the South-South Cooperation programme have improved women’s income in the Edeha fish market.
During the past ten years, over 600 Chinese experts and technicians have been deployed in Nigeria to share their agricultural skills with local farmers. The South-South Cooperation (SSC) programme, which has been fully funded by the Government of Nigeria and facilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:4096