Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Actions intégrées en nutrition et alimentation-1

Le programme s’inscrit  dans le cadre de l’initiative de l’Union Européenne visant à accélérer l’atteinte de l’Objectif du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) 1c, « réduire de moitié, d’ici 2015, la proportion de la population vivant dans l’extrême pauvreté et souffrant de la faim ».  Il est coordonné par la...
2014 - Union Européenne (UE)

The good honey from Pastor Kamara

Pastor John Kamara, Musaia, Koinadugu Province, Sierra Leone.Through the narrative of his life, Pastor Kamara tells the story of the development and improvement of honey business in Sierra Leone. From the struggle to make a living collecting honey in the traditional way to the success of producing raw honey with...
Sierra Leone
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Conference proceedings
Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture: Contributing to food security and sustainability in a changing world

Given the importance of the sustainable use of biodiversity for food and agriculture, and the critical role of biodiversity and ecosystems in sustainable intensification of agricultural production, this publication addresses these issues, and by doing so also contributes to furthering the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Programme of...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Policy brief/paper
Agroecology, what it is and what it has to offer

In a context of a changing climate and growing concerns for more healthy food systems, agroecology is gaining momentum as a scientific discipline, sustainable farming approach and social movement. There is growing anecdotal and case study evidence of its multiple benefits, from climate resilience to farm productivity. Yet its promotion...
2014 - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

IYFF convention

On 24-25 November 2014, Farmers, Agencies of the Government, Civil Society and International Organizations came together to define a roadmap that will institutionalise incentives for farm families through specific policies and programs from all the stakeholders. 

“New Success Factors” - The organic cave

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2014 - reterurale

Case study
Realising the potential of peasant seeds

In the Ecuadorian provinces of Bolívar, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, family farmers are building new capacities to conserve and use the biodiversity on their farmland. They are gaining greater access to and control over their biological resources, increasing their resilience and food sovereignty. The key: individual farmers who are passionate about...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

A Preliminary Report on Seeds & Seed Practices across the United States

For too many people and communities around the world, the dominant agricultural model is causing economic hardship, the destruction of biological diversity, and the exploitation of earth’s ecological commons. It is a model based on the commodification of life. We can no longer continue the status quo that enables multinational...
United States of America
2014 - U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance

Conference proceedings
Agroecology for food Security and nutrition - Proceedings of the FAO International Symposium

Our global food system is at a crossroads. Agriculture must meet the challenges of hunger and malnutrition – against a backdrop of population growth, increased pressure on natural resources including soils and water, the loss of biodiversity, and the uncertainties associated with climate change. while past efforts focused on boosting agricultural output to produce...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

AgStories: "Family Farm" Story

The Story of an American Family Farm. Meet the Heinrich Family and their 9 Children living and working in the Wood Colony Farming Community of California.
United States of America
2014 - AgStories

Territorialidad Tz´utujil

La descampesinización está íntimamente ligada con la destrucción de la vida y la identidad de los pueblos indígenas. La vida campesina está en peligro y, en Guatemala, la mayoría de familias campesinas son indígenas. Con el despojo corporativo de sus territorios ancestrales, está en peligro no sólo el valor del...
2014 - Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR)

Sources of Life. Seeds and family farming in Brazil

Family farmers in the Paraná region of Brazil are conserving local and traditional seeds and promoting diversification of varieties. They are supported by organisations such as AS-PTA. Access and use of these seeds creates autonomy, food sovereignty and sustainable livelihoods. The government's PAA program is playing a major role in...
2014 - ILEIA Foundation

Fact sheet
A time of transition

Most of Near east and North Africa societies have been in the midst of social and political transition in recent years. Three of them changed governments following the events of 2011, and some have endured armed conflict. Moreover, most of them face the challenge of food security in a drylands...
Egypt - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Yemen
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Blog article
Mujeres que gracias a ferias agroecológicas mejoran su tierra y su vida en Paraguay

En estos días se ha celebrado una nueva edición de la Feria Jakaru Porã Haguã (“Para que podamos comer bien”, en guaraní) en la capital de Paraguay, Asunción. Estas ferias, que también tienen lugar en otros lugares del país, como Concepción o San Pedro, son un espacio de intercambio entre productores/as y consumidores/as que optan...
2014 - OXFAM

Agroecology: farmer's perspectives

The video outlines three case studies of farmers utilizing agroecological practices in their farming systems. It focuses on complex adaptive rice systems in the Easter part of the island of Java, Indonesia; on a large-scale farm in the Netherlands applying sustainable soil management practices; and on social aspects of agroecology...
Brazil - Indonesia - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Journal article
Hartmann Farm

Imre Hartmann has been involved with agriculture for all his working life. During the communist era he headed one of the sectors of a co-operative farm. As an independent farmer, he started off rearing Hungarian Grey Steppe Cattle in the 1980s, and pork later in the 1990s. After the Restitution,...

“New Success Factors” - The organic cave

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2014 - Rete Rurale Nazionale

Fact sheet
Agroecología y circuitos cortos en Ecuador

Agroecología Ecuador, consolidación de la oferta organizada de productos campesinos agroecológicos y circuitos cortos de comercialización en la sierra del sur
Esta ficha presenta las etapas y los primeros resultados de una cooperación implementada por AVSF en Ecuador en apoyo a gobiernos locales, ONGs y organizaciones campesinas del Austro ecuatoriano. Desde hace quince años, estos actores decidieron por una parte, promover juntos una agricultura más sostenible, basada en prácticas de agroecología y, por...
2014 - Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras (AVSF)

Potentially Important Food Plants of North East India

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

La agroecología está presente

Mapeo de productores agroecológicos y del estado de la agroecología en la sierra y costa ecuatoriana
La presente publicación es un esfuerzo de Heifer Ecuador para evidenciar la importancia de la agricultura campesina familiar, y de la agroecología en el Ecuador. En los cinco capítulos que conforman este trabajo, el lector viaja por las distintas encrucijadas que conforman el agro ecuatoriano, desde la perspectiva de los...
2014 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador
Total results:4096