Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Fact sheet
Contexto de cadena láctea

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena láctea enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Manejo agronómico: fertilización

Estos análisis son los de mayor precisión para estimar el estado de la fertilidad del suelo y de la nutrición de las plantas. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate WhastApp Noticias científicas AGROMETRICS CRIS AGROSAVIA:
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Policy brief/paper
Irrigating from space: Using remote sensing for agricultural water management

With water becoming increasingly scarce and irrigated agriculture already accounting for 70 percent of global water withdrawals, governments around the world are supporting efforts to improve the performance of water use in agriculture. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its partners have invested in developing...
2022 - FAO

Journal article
Brazil - IYAFA 2022: Ear to the Ground

How can spaces for dialogue between small-scale fisheries social movements, policymakers and scientists be revived when they remain unlinked in local policy and management?. The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the resilience of increasingly interconnected food systems and actors across the world. During this time, even as hunger increased significantly—including in rural...
2022 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Une agriculture familiale de plus en plus dépendante du salariat ? Les travailleurs saisonniers dans l’agriculture familiale sénégalaise (régions des Niayes et du Delta)

Le Sénégal connaît une demande croissante en travail saisonnier dans le secteur agricole. Dans le cadre de l’agriculture familiale, ce phénomène résulte d’une différenciation socioéconomique au sein de l’agriculture familiale induite par des décennies de soutien de l’État à des modèles productifs agricoles particuliers. Cet article analyse le travail saisonnier...

Fact sheet
Contexto de cadena limón tahití

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena de limón tahití enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Introducing the Agrifood Systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook (ATIO)

Agrifood system transformation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals requires increased attention to developing, adapting and diffusing impactful science, technology and innovation (STI). Current levels and patterns of STI uptake are inadequate to facilitate needed agrifood system transformations, especially in today's low- and middle-income countries. Moreover, the descriptive and evaluative...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Policy brief/paper
IMPROVING ECO-SCHEMES IN THE LIGHT OF AGROECOLOGY - Key recommendations for the 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy

One of principal changes within the new CAP has been the inclusion of Eco-schemes – voluntary programmes linked to the first pillar which will be available to farmers with the hope to incentivize more ecological and environmentally-friendly farming practices. While agroecology holds an eminent space within this list by being...
European Union
2022 - AE4EU - Agroecology for Europe

Exploring the role of voluntary sustainability standards in women’s economic empowerment in the agriculture sector in developing countries

Women are equally as important economic actors as men, yet they suffer gross inequalities such as gender gaps in income and human capital, despite rapid improvements in global living standards and educational attainment. The compilation of evidence and data presented in this report proves that the many gender-related gaps identified...
2022 - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

Blog article
Agriculture : L’ISRA va lancer une variété de blé adapté au Sénégal

Les conséquences de la guerre entre la Russie et l’Ukraine doivent servir de leçon. Elles doivent même inciter dès maintenant les pays qui en souffrent de se réinventer pour se mettre à l’abri dans le futur. Ainsi, au Sénégal, l’institut sénégalais de recherche agricole (ISRA) a annoncé le 24 mars...

Abierta la inscripción - MOOC Agroecología 2022

Este curso descubrirá qué es la agroecología, cuáles son los diferentes enfoques y cómo se traducen en prácticas agrícolas. En una dinámica de capacitación participativa, basada en la diversidad social y geográfica de los actores, el MOOC propone construir un enfoque de la agroecología desde la perspectiva de las ciencias...
2022 - El INTA

Case study
Holistic land and livestock management in Manicaland

Poor management of the land over the years resulted in a series of problems. Cattle were not herded and grazing management was poor; livestock were overgrazing parts of the veld leading to bare lands and loss of biodiversity. The lands were badly degraded and exposed to persistent soil erosion, leaving...
2022 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Journal article
IYAFA 2022: Seize the Day

The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) is a rare opportunity to promote much-needed transdisciplinary research into small-scale fisheries. This is a special year for small-scale fisheries. The International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) brings more attention to the sector as also to the people...
2022 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Blog article
FAO-Turkey Partnership is determined to “leave no one behind” in agriculture

Rural women provide significant contributions to agriculture and food security while simultaneously taking care of their families and households. This heavy burden often goes unrecognized and uncompensated.  In addition, rural women face barriers in access to resources such as property (including land), credit, technologies, decent employment, information and skills. FAO data...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Fact sheet
Contexto de cadena maíz

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena de maíz enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Policy brief/paper
RuLIS country brief: Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey 2018
RuLIS is a tool to support policies for reducing rural poverty, bringing together harmonized indicators and comparable data across countries and over time on rural incomes, livelihoods and rural development. It includes a set of harmonized household- and individual-level data and indicators on different aspects of livelihoods, including crops and...
Sierra Leone
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Why so many Polish farmers are embracing agroforestry

Agroforestry, known and practiced by our ancestors, has recently been recognized by the UN as the most important agricultural innovation in the EU in the 21st century.  In Poland, this trend is already noticeable, although it's gaining ground slowly among the country's farmers.
2022 - Euronews

Technical paper
Energy and food security implications of transitioning synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to net-zero emissions

By synthetically producing nitrogen fertilizers from ammonia (NH3), the Haber–Bosch process has been feeding humanity for more than one hundred years. However, current NH3 production relies on fossil fuels, and is energy and carbon intensive. This commits humanity to emissions levels not compatible with climate goals and commits agricultural production...

Blog article
Agriculture outperforms imagination

A Farmer Field School in Malawi helps Jeffrey Chimenya attain more than he dreamed he could as a farmer
Jeffrey Chimenya could not imagine that agriculture could one day allow him to own a decent home and have a thriving milk supplying business. Farming meant subsistence for Jeffrey; it didn’t mean success. Yet today, four years after joining the Nyadanawo Farmer Field School (FFS), Jeffrey says that his dreams...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Aspectos generales del cultivo de papa en Cundinamarca

Esta publicación le brinda al productor, en un lenguaje natural de fácil entendimiento, algunos aspectos clave para el cultivo de papa. Está enfocado en temáticas como el clima, el uso de suelo, las plagas y las enfermedades, con conocimientos actualizados con el fin de mejorar las prácticas en su actividad...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
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