Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Case study
Maldives and FAO

Achievements and Success Stories
Maldives became a member of FAO in 1971 and was accredited to the FAO Representative’s office in Sri Lanka in 1979. The economy of Maldives has grown rapidly since 1975, making impressive socio-economic progress when measured by improvements in socio-economic indicators and poverty reduction. The government has played a central...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Demographic and occupational dynamics and the social reproduction of family farming

A case study at the Municipality of Praia Grande - Santa Catarina
This dissertation covers the social reproduction of family farmers in the community of Praia Grande, Southern region of Santa Catarina, facing the trade expansion of family agriculture and the  socioeconomic  transformations  derived.  Focus  is  given  on  the fall  in  income  and agricultural employment, shaped mainly from mid-1980 on, within the...
2011 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Alternative Farming Techniques for Sustainable Food Production

Sustainability and food security are the major challenges faced by third world countries for the past several decades. Most of the third world countries are also facing problems of climate change, increasing population, overexploitation of natural resources and resource degradation associated with rapid economic growth. Among the scientific and policy...
2011 - ResearchGate

Journal article
The agroecological revolution in Latin America

Rescuing nature, ensuring food sovereignty and empowering peasants
This paper provides an overview of what we call ‘agroecological revolution’ in Latin America. As the expansion of agroexports and biofuels continues unfolding in Latin America and warming the planet, the concepts of food sovereignty and agroecology-based agricultural production gain increasing attention. New approaches and technologies involving the application of blended...
Brazil - Cuba - Mexico
2011 - Journal of Peasant Studies

What farmers are doing for the environment

In this brochure seven farmers are explaining how they protect our environment with their agriculture and preserve it for future generations. The Austrian farmers have already been working for centuries with the natural bases of life water, soil, air and biodiversity. By means of their near-natural management they have succeeded...
2011 - The Austrian Agri-environmental Programme ÖPUL

Sierra Leone: Farming as a business - Part III

Sierra Leonean farmers benefit from new business skills. This final video of a three-part series shows how FAO has used EU Food Facility funding to train farmers on how to better market their produce.
Sierra Leone
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Estudio técnico-económico del sistema de producción de tomate bajo invernadero en Guateque, Sutatenza y Tenza (Boyacá)

La región del Valle de Tenza (Boyacá) posee condiciones agroecológicas que históricamente han favorecido el establecimiento del cultivo de tomate. El sistema de producción de tomate bajo invernadero principalmente de híbridos tipo larga vida se ha venido adelantando en esta región desde finales del siglo pasado, generando una actividad agroempresarial...
2011 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Case study
Estahbanat Rainfed Fig System Iranian Agricultural Heritage System

Figs are originated from the southern region of Arabia and gradually developed into the Mediterranean region. Based on historical evidences figs are planted 4000 Bc in Egypt. Many different species are grown in Iran. Fars is one of the major producer of figs, about 75 percent of the total land...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Sado's satoyama in harmony with Japanese crested ibis

Traversed by two mountain ranges with a broad plain in the middle, the Sado Island located off the shore of Niigata Prefecture is characterized by a variety of landforms and altitudes, which have been ingeniously harnessed to create the satoyama landscape, a dynamic mosaic of various socio-ecological systems comprising secondary...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Promotion de l'Agriculture Familiale Périurbaine Intégrée à Korhogo

Le projet encourage par des circuits courts intégrés un modèle d’interaction durable, entre l’agriculture familiale et l’activité urbaine dans le pays Sénoufo. L’objectif est de permettre une amélioration des conditions de vie des populations locales et une sécurisation de leur souveraineté alimentaire. Cela passe par l’amélioration des revenus des petits...
Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - Mali
2011 - Fondation de France

Working paper
Entre los montes, la isla y el continente

Continuidades y cambios de la agricultura familiar en Berisso
En esta investigación analizamos los cambios y las continuidades de la agricultura familiar dedicada a la producción fruti hortícola, forestal, vitivinícola y de conservas en Berisso durante los últimos 55 años. Para ello recurrimos a una estructuración histórica que toma forma a partir de la dinámica del territorio y los...
2011 - Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Producción orgánica familiar en Colombia

Este video desarrolla un informe sobre cómo se desarrolla la agroecología familiar orgánica en diferentes partes de Colombia.
2011 - Comunidad Andina (CAN)

Producción orgánica familiar en Perú

Video que desarrolla un informe sobre cómo se desarrolla la agroecología familiar orgánica en diferentes partes del Perú
2011 - Comunidad Andina (CAN)

Innovación agroecológica, adaptión e mitigación del cambio climático

Este libro muestra cómo diferentes actores del sistema cubano de innovación formal e informal responden al desafío que presenta la crisis del sistema alimentario mundial. Desde una visión concertada, presenta los resultados del proyecto "Desarrollo de sistemas descentralizados y participativos de garantías ambientales en Cuba". El texto propone un acercamiento al...
2011 - Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas (INCA)

Soutenir l’agriculture familiale au Mali par la formation des producteurs et l’information des consommateurs

S’appuyant sur l’expérience des producteurs en agroécologie et sur la capacité de mobilisation collective d’une organisation paysanne, le projet, implanté à Bamako et à Sanankoroba, vise à offrir une formation de qualité aux acteurs, de partenariats locaux et solidaires adaptés au contexte malien : les kiosques alimentaires locaux.
2011 - URGENCI (Urbain-Rural : Générer de Nouveaux Engagements Citoyens)

Guía práctica para los productores de cebada de la Sierra Sur

El cultivo de trigo después del maíz y a pesar de la reducción de la superficie cultivada, es el cereal de más amplia distribución en la región interandina, en razón de su empleo diversificado. Con el propósito de que los productores dispongan de una guía de fácil aplicación en la producción...
2011 - Instituto Nacional Autónomo de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP)

Agroecology and Advocacy: Innovations in Asia

The three case studies presented in this report represent successful approaches, both in terms of the techniques they have applied, and because of the active involvement of farmers’ organizations in changing the policies needed to ensure their success. Agroecological systems, which start from the interplay between the natural environment and...
Cambodia - Indonesia - Philippines
2011 - Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)

Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems

A Legacy for the Future
In response to the global trends that undermine family agriculture and traditional agricultural systems, in 2002, during the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD, Johannesburg, South Africa), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations launched a Global Partnership Initiative on conservation and adaptive management of “Globally Important...

Technical paper
Seeds and Farmers’ rights

How international regulations affect farmers’ seeds
This dossier is intended as a tool. It is the result of discussions within the European Farmer Seeds Network which are still ongoing and still subject to change. Like farmer varieties, this dossier is neither homogeneous nor stable. It provides a diverse array of information whose structure might help the...
2011 - Biodiversité Échanges et Diffusion d’Expériences (BEDE)

Organic Agriculture, A step towards the Green Economy in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia region

Case studies from Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine
In the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) region organic agriculture could play a catalyst role in green economy transformation by re-vitalizing the farm and food sector and creating employment that provides better returns on per unit of  labor input all along the value chain. It could increase income...
Armenia - Republic of Moldova - Ukraine
Total results:4103