Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Le dictionnaire d'agroécologie

Permaculture, engrais vert, culture associée... de nombreux termes se rapportent à l'agroécologie, mais les connait-on vraiment ? Le dictionnaire d'agroécologie, dans sa version en ligne ou papier, propose des définitions simples de ces termes accompagnées de vidéos ou d'infographies. Son originalité ? Il est construit avec des chercheurs et des...
2024 - INRAE

Working paper
What agroecology brings to food security and ecosystem services: A review of scientific evidence

There is a strong theoretical basis and empirical evidence that food security outcomes (availability, access, utilisation, stability) are as good or sometimes even better for agroecological systems than conventional alternatives. This knowledge brief aims to provide a set of evidence, based on a large-scale analysis of scientific articles (including a literature...
2024 - Agroecology Coalition

Agroécologie(s), femmes et travail : action, transformation et ré-existences

Cet article “Agroécologie(s), femmes et travail : action, transformation et ré-existences” analyse la manière dont le travail des femmes dans l’agriculture familiale se reconfigure dans les transitions agroécologiques en Argentine et présente une réflexion détaillée sur les liens entre agroécologie, travail des femmes et féminisme, tout en proposant des perspectives...

Journal article
Perspectivas y Desafíos de la Agroecología como Camino hacia la Soberania Alimentaria y la Sostenibilidad Ambiental

Está claro que los supuestos económicos neoliberales acerca de cómo funciona el mundo están profundamente errados. Estos supuestos han conducido a estilos de desarrollo que han alterado el clima y la biosfera, despilfarrado enormes riquezas naturales y desestabilizado una miríada de sistemas de los que depende la humanidad. Es evidente...

Agrovisiones: Webinar series on innovation for agrifood transformation.

Governments worldwide have set the ambitious goal of eradicating hunger by 2030. However, there is a question of whether this goal is sufficient to mobilize aspirational ideals that truly transform our agrifood systems. Agrovisiones is a webinar program organized by the FAO with the purpose of showcasing voices and awakening...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Magazine article
Grains of Life: How Chotanagpur's Adivasis Are Reviving Native Varieties of Rice

Farmers and local NGOs say the indigenous rice varieties that are fast becoming extinct have unique nutrition, climate-resilience to ensure food security in increasingly unpredictable weather.
Sundargarh (Odisha), Latehar (Jharkhand): Deep inside the lush sal forest in Odisha’s Sundargarh, Albisia Lakda, an Adivasi farmer living in Subdega block had divided the rice crop on her two-acre plot of farmland in two sections. With the monsoon fluctuating widely last year, parts of Odisha experienced long dry spells and crop failures. Now,...
2024 - The Wire

Blog article
Desertos e pântanos alimentares na mira da Política Nacional de Abastecimento Alimentar

São considerados desertos alimentares lugares onde o acesso a alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados é difícil ou impossível. A Política Nacional de Abastecimento Alimentar (PNAAB) lançada por meio de um decreto do presidente Lula (PT), em dezembro, traz também o conceito de pântanos alimentares, locais onde predominam estabelecimentos que comercializam alimentos não saudáveis,...
2024 - Brasil de Fato

A comparative analysis of Senegalese farm schools: unveiling effective practices for agroecology training

This paper assesses the value of agroecological farm schools by analyzing 4 Senegalese cases. Pedagogical quality is measured by: (1) feedback from former learners, (2) acquisition of fundamental knowledge, and (3) professionalization. Beyond globally positive opinions about training, our results show that farm schools display distinct performances. Developing a systemic...

Strengthening women’s voices through collective organizations in India

This first video of the series, "Women’s Organizations – Cultivating Collaboration”, witness the transformative impact of women-led initiatives on local communities in India which are of great importance when promoting agroecological practices. Through farming projects, cooperatives, and agroecological training programs, women are fostering resilience and solidarity, strengthening the fabric of...

Blog article
N°85 : Sur la piste des transitions agroécologiques. Quels chemins parcourus ?

Nouveau numéro de Grain de sel consacré aux transitions agroécologique en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre : quels chemins parcourus depuis 10 ans ? Les sillons du changement, des obstacles toujours complexes, les voix qui comptent. En partenariat avec l'Iram. Il y a 10 ans, Inter-réseaux consacrait un numéro de...
2024 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

The need for ground-up transitions: exploring the knowledge politics of agroecology in Gujarat, India

Despite a plethora of emerging alternatives under the broad rubric of agroecology, sustainable transitions in Indian agriculture are caught between institutional inertia and lock-ins of its vast agricultural establishment on the one hand and a pro-active state promoting a natural farming. This push for Zero-Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), while welcome...

Strengthening women’s voices through collective organizations in India

This first video of the series, "Women’s Organizations – Cultivating Collaboration”, witness the transformative impact of women-led initiatives on local communities in India which are of great importance when promoting agroecological practices. Through farming projects, cooperatives, and agroecological training programs, women are fostering resilience and solidarity, strengthening the fabric of...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Cross-examination of agroecology and viability in agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in Western Burkina Faso

This study aimed to examine the correlations between the agroecological status of farms and their viability in agro-sylvo-pastoral systems located in the savannah areas of West Africa. The methodology is based on farm surveys (to assess agroecological farm status) and on farmers’ focus group discussions (to assess viability at the...
Burkina Faso

Journal article
Agroecology: feminine noun

Nowadays and historically, women are protagonists of conflicts in rural areas, and they help build a biodiverse present and future, with climate justice and food sovereignty. This document depicts the stories of three women, Rachel Carson, Vandana Shiva, and Ana Primavesi, at the forefront of the agroecological fight and how despite...
2024 - Empodera Clima

Local food system resilience in the context of shocks and crises: vulnerabilities and responses of agroecology-based farmers in Peru, Germany, and the United States

Multiple crises have disrupted food systems around the world. The shocks induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with increased energy prices and shortages of fertilizers and agricultural inputs, have affected farmers everywhere. By applying inductive, qualitative, and comparative research approaches, we investigate the impact of shocks and crises on diverse...

The potential of farmer training video for supporting agroecological vegetable production in Benin

In Benin, vegetable production contributes significantly to food security and poverty reduction. However, vegetable farming is confronted with declining soil fertility, poor pest and disease management, and climate change. Agroecological farming offers a new paradigm of sustainable agri-food systems that counters these challenges. From August to December 2015, farmer training...

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Support of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: An Evidence Review

The effects of climate change on agriculture and food production are evident in regions around the world. Effective climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector calls for multiple context specific, and at times complex, strategies. Promoting these strategies effectively involves changing the behavior, strategies and agricultural practices of...
Brazil - India - Kenya - Rwanda - United States of America
2024 - Winrock International

Organic research & innovation to deliver sustainable food and farming systems

TP Organics new position paper puts forward priority call topics to be included in the third and final Work Programme (WP) of Horizon Europe (2025-2027), both the general WP and the Missions WP (EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”). The presented research priorities reflect the knowledge and innovation needs of...
2024 - TP Organics

Processus d'innovation bio-fertilisants dans les systèmes de production du cacao en Côte d'Ivoire

Le marché des bio-intrants basés sur les fonctionnalités des micro-organismes est en croissance rapide, ces intrants étant une alternative potentielle aux intrants chimiques de synthèse pour la transition agroécologique. Si dans de nombreux pays en Amérique Latine leur production et usages font l'objet de dynamiques sociétales, entrepreneuriales et politiques fortes,...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Women’s Knowledge - Seeds of Wisdom

“Women’s Knowledge - Seeds of Wisdom" is this second video in a three-part series entitled “Women and Agroecology,” which looks at the contributions of women to sustainable agricultural practices. In Gokwe, in northern Zimbabwe, farmers have been instrumental in shaping nature positive and agroecological practices  for generations. Through their dedication and...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:4103