Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Developing Proper Irrigation to Avoid Soil Erosion on Farms

Improper irrigation techniques can wash away soil as much as heavy rain can. But watering crops is often crucial to their survival, so farmers must take steps to minimize soil disturbance during the process. 

Newsletter article
Access Agriculture provides insights to help shape the future of Farmer Field Schools

At the Global Forum on the Future of Farmer Field Schools (FFS) for Sustainable Agrifood Systems organised by FAO, 14-16 June 2023, in Blantyre, Malawi, Access Agriculture shared valuable insights from its innovative digital learning approach that combines adult education principles with quality audio-visuals, multiple digital technologies, and a network...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Pourquoi la collecte du lait local en Afrique de l’Ouest est-elle si faible ?

Comment expliquer le si faible taux de collecte du lait local en Afrique de l’Ouest ? “L’offre est tout d’abord très dispersée”, explique Bio Gouré Soulé, assistant technique élevage et pastoralisme pour la CEDEAO. Dans cette vidéo, l’expert nous éclaire également sur le rôle des centres de collecte de lait...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Blog article
La CEDEAO ambitionne de former 12 000 jeunes en agroécologie d’ici à 2024

La Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cedeao) déploie sa politique agroécologique. Elle a reçu 16,2 millions d'euros de la part de partenaires européens pour constituer, entre autres, une ressource humaine en quantité et de qualité en la matière : former 12 000 jeunes en agroécologie d’ici 2024.

Blog article
Les effets des changements climatiques en Tunisie : Déficit pluviométrique et impacts sur l’agriculture

La « Journée internationale de la Terre nourricière », instituée par l’ONU pour rappeler l’urgence d’agir pour la planète est célébrée chaque 22 avril. Elle a été, cette année, l’occasion pour le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Antonio Guterres, de lancer son appel à intensifier l’action climatique et à investir massivement dans l’adaptation...

African swine fever field manual

Steps in swine handling and sample collection for African swine fever outbreak investigation
The African swine fever (ASF) field manual was published with the aim of equipping Member Nations to manage the handling and sample collection in the investigation of an ASF outbreak. The manual details the handling and restraining of pigs for sample collection during an ASF outbreak investigation. It also details...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
Food security and nutrition receive a boost in Mozambique

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Mozambique signed two grant agreements with a combined value of US$4.2 million. These grants will help to build the resilience of rural communities through improved food security, better nutrition and increased incomes. The funding will be channelled through two...

Blog article
Semences en Afrique (1/3) : un secteur vital pour la sécurité alimentaire du continent

Face au changement climatique et aux pressions sur les écosystèmes, les semences à travers le monde ont un rôle central pour atteindre la souveraineté alimentaire. FARM a donné la parole à Million Belay, coordinateur général de l’Alliance pour la souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique (AFSA) et membre du Panel international d’experts...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Report part
Who says my land cannot be productive? A farmer’s journey to a forest full of food security!

We are Magdalene and Gillian, trainers working for Kulika Uganda. We are passionate about seeing that people engaged in agriculture adopt sustainable farming practices which are easy to implement and have benefits for the people and the planet. Kulika is a non-government organization working with rural communities to empower people...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
GIZ SNRD Africa newsletter highlights Access Agriculture’s innovative delivery model

An article titled ‘Innovating digital extension delivery services in rural Egypt,’ featured in the latest issue of the GIZ Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD) Africa newsletter, showcases a partnership project that successfully supports the co-construction of knowledge and inclusive growth for marginalised farmers through farmer-to-farmer videos and last-mile delivery in...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Technical paper
Socio-economic Impact of Sargassum Influx Events on Artisanal Fishing in Ghana

Sargassum is a free-floating brown macroalgae that has many benefits in the marine environment however has been reported to impact diverse sectors of human livelihoods. Sargassum influx has been experienced in Ghana since 2009. The consequences of this influx have been significantly felt by coastal communities who depend on the...

Blog article
Semences en Afrique (2/3) : pourquoi la coopération est essentielle pour mieux structurer les filières locales

L’accès aux semences de qualité constitue un enjeu stratégique pour les agriculteurs des pays en développement, en particulier en Afrique, afin qu’ils puissent augmenter leur rendement et la qualité de leurs productions. Face au changement climatique, la sélection des semences constitue un outil indispensable pour y parvenir, en particulier dans...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Biowatch Bulletin January 2023

August 2022 to January 2023
South Africa
2023 - Biowatch South Africa

Blog article
Action Against Hunger’s Farmer Field School program building self-reliance communities in Uganda

Farmer Field School, a program initiated about four years ago in Uganda by Action Against Hunger, a global humanitarian organization, is now building self-reliance communities in the East African country thanks to its ripple effect among learners. To achieve this, the organization through the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) Response...

Blog article
Semences en Afrique (3/3) : comment les acteurs privés veulent promouvoir des cultures de qualité

En Afrique la disponibilité de semences de qualité demeure faible. Comment la filière et les acteurs privés des semences du continent entendent changer cela ? FARM a interrogé Justin Rakotoarisaona, secrétaire général de l’Association africaine du commerce des semences (AFSTA).
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Gender, water and agriculture

The economic contribution of women to agricultural and irrigation activities and to the livelihoods, well-being and food security of families and communities is often unrecognized, invisible and mostly undervalued. Moreover, the role of women in fetching, preserving and managing productive and non-productive water often goes unrecognized and understudied. This assessment...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
ZB’S collaboration with local farmers boosts cassava farming and agriculture diversity

In a significant move to enhance agricultural diversity and support local farmers, Zambian Breweries Plc has kicked off the 2023 cassava harvest season in Luapula Province. Cultivating cassava in Zambia faces several challenges, including limited knowledge of best agronomic practices, inadequate processing and market infrastructure, limited access to credit and financial...

Mapping Agroecology Actors and Practices in Cameroon

Under the framework of the project “Scaling up agroecology to strengthen food security and improving food diversity in the Congo Basin”, the first task is to map agroecology actors and to identified agroecology practices in the Congo Basin. This work covered the mapping of the actors, their respective practices and some...
2023 - Institute of Agricultural Research for Development, IRAD,

La lutte Pour Les Semences En Afrique

La lutte pour les semences en Afrique : Un film novateur qui expose la menace qui pèse sur la souveraineté alimentaire En collaboration avec l'Alliance pour la souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique, Biowatch Afrique du Sud et PELUM Tanzanie, la fondation Rosa Luxemburg a lancé publiquement un nouveau film documentaire révolutionnaire...
2023 - AFSAfrica

The agricultural transition: Building a sustainable future

New research released today by McKinsey & Company indicates that about 50 percent of the reduction in on-farm agricultural emissions required for a 1.5°C pathway are cost neutral or ROI-positive today. However, major barriers, namely transition financing, investment to reduce costs, behavior change, and additional incentives such as increased carbon prices are...
2023 - McKinsey’s Denver
Total results:3606