Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Book part
Sécurité alimentaire et ressources naturelles : stratégies de diversification

Ce chapitre traite de deux enjeux majeurs auxquels sont confrontés les ménages ruraux en zone tropicale : préserver les ressources naturelles et assurer la sécurité alimentaire. Relever ces deux défis simultanément requiert de développer des systèmes de production efficaces, capables à la fois de garantir la sécurité alimentaire des agriculteurs...
2024 - CIRAD

Journal article
Krishi Updates: Digital Agriculture Model

Adequate, timely and region specific information is an important input for sustainable and profitable agriculture. Krishi Updates is providing digital extension services to the farmers, facilitating communication and outreach activities and organising need-based trainings. Information sources are very vast, and farmers are unable to segregate the information that is most...
2024 - Krishi Updates

Good agricultural practices (GAP): Green gram

(Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek)
Myanmar ranks as the world's third-largest pulse producer, following Canada and India, cultivating crops like black gram, pigeon pea, chickpea, and green gram. Green gram constitutes a third of total pulse exports. To enhance productivity, quality, market competitiveness, and exports, Myanmar can leverage improved crop production technologies and adopt good...
2024 - FAO

Farmer's practices in sweetpotato production in the rice-based cropping system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Sweetpotato is considered a climate adaptation option due to its relative tolerance to heat and salinity. The Mekong Region is the largest sweetpotato producing area in Vietnam with a stable export market demand. CGIAR Asian Mega Deltas Initiative has been exploring the potential of incorporating sweetpotato production in the rice...
Viet Nam
2024 - International Potato Center, CIP

The role of agroforestry in farmers’ strategies and its contribution to the well-being of rural people in Timor-Leste

Many countries have integrated agroforestry into their sustain-able development policies, particularly in Southeast Asia. In Timor-Leste, the national strategy to promote agroforestry has adopted a modern, technique-oriented approach focused on crop rotation, intercropping and agro-silvo-pasture. In so doing, it has largely overlooked the pre-existence, diversity and perfor-mance of traditional agroforestry...

Community Shared Agriculture Manual: Growing the Future Together

A Manual on Community Shared Agriculture in the Philippines
This book is a short guide that captures the process of Good Food in setting up an alternative distribution system like Pamayanihan Community Supported Agriculture to relocalize food economies in the Philippines.
2024 - Good Food Company

Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach

Over the past two decades, the Mekong region has experienced significant transformation of its agricultural sector from subsistence farming to export crops driven by the expansion of agricultural land and of irrigation, plus intensification thanks to mechanization and the use of chemical inputs. In the context of agrarian transition, maintaining...
2024 - European Commission

Blog article
Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video

Access Agriculture is proud to announce the release of its new book “Young changemakers,” which offers a rich diversity of perspectives and insights from real-life experiences of 42 inspiring teams of youths in Africa and India who are blazing a trail as private extension and advisory service providers promoting agroecology...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Quality Planting Material through Good Nursery Management

Key for Successful Ecological and Economic Ecosystem of Agroforestry
This document is designed to provide comprehensive guidelines for the production and management of quality planting materials for the benefit of farmers, nursery operators, agricultural extension agents, and other stakeholders. It explores the significance of using Quality Planting Material (QPM) for successful agroforestry practices and focuses an the pivotal role...

Access Agriculture Panorama - April 2024

Highlights: • Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video. • CCDB honours Access Agriculture with plaque in appreciation of partnership. • 96 new videos added in March. • Editor's choice of video - Converting chicken waste into fertilizer• Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) at work in Cameroon. • Trash to treasure....
2024 - Access Agriculture

Journal article
Pastoralism in Changthang, Ladakh: Adaptations, Challenges, and Pathways for Sustainability

In the Changthang region of Ladakh, India, pastoralism serves as the cornerstone of both the local economy and the local way of life. However, recent socioeconomic shifts and environmental constraints put this economic structure, which has been expertly adapted to the difficult trans-Himalayan geography, in danger of becoming unsustainable. To...
2024 - Sher E Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, India

Good practices to cope with soil salinization in the Asia-Pacific Region

Topic outlineThe course explores effective practices for coping with soil salinity in the Asia-Pacific Region. Some practical examples and case studies of successful salinity management practices are introduced and analysed, to identify implementation features, benefits, challenges and applicability to similar contexts. You will learn about Irrigation and drainage practices for soil salinity...
2024 - FAO

Journal article
Opportunities and barriers for using climate information services for resilient agriculture: Insights from the baseline study in Chitwan, Nepal

The earth is warming, and the frequency of extreme weather events have been rapidly growing globally with unprecedented consequences to farming communities. In principle, weather and climate information services (WCIS) can help farmers better manage their activities and farm level outcomes by supporting their decision-making with relevant and usable information...
2024 - ICIMOD

Blog article
Reviving public extension for climate-resilient agriculture: Lessons and insights from India, Indonesia, and Nepal

With global temperatures already 1.2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, climate change is having major impacts on agriculture that fall disproportionately on the Global South—from crops, to livestock, to aquaculture. Agricultural systems endure frequent heat waves, flooding, and drought—often all in one season. Climate-related extreme weather events such as intense...
India - Indonesia - Nepal
2024 - IFPRI

Food loss prevention and reduction analysis in Indonesia

A case study on chili, cabbage and shallot
Food loss and waste within Indonesia's supply chains present significant challenges to both environmental sustainability and efficient natural resource utilization. This pervasive issue spans from food production to retail, affecting the ability of supply chain stakeholders to invest in essential infrastructure improvements. Food waste, in particular, accumulates at various stages,...
2024 - FAO

How Malaysian seed guardians preserve agricultural heritage and biodiversity

In Malaysia, farmers and communities across generations have engaged in the age-old practice of preserving seeds as a means of protecting traditional agricultural heritage. However, the practice of seed saving has slowly been fading in Malaysia over the years. For one, intellectual property protection regulations from trade agreements may pose more constraints...

Policy brief/paper
Climate Migration Amplifies Gender Inequalities

This Danish Institute for International Studies policy brief highlights that it is important to consider how climate change intersects with traditional and gendered dynamics, such as dowry. Crucially, due to traditional gender dynamics, men’s climate mobility can amplify women’s immobility. When men’s labour migration fails or the stream of remittances...
2024 - Danish Institute for International Studies

Blog article
Access Agriculture partners with University of the Philippines Community Broadcasters' Society for Gandingan Awards

Access Agriculture participated as a sponsor in the 18th Gandingan Awards 2024 on 4th May 2024, in Los Baños. The event was organised under the theme ‘Agrikultura: Mga Kwento ng Hamon at Pag-asa’ (Agriculture: Stories of Challenges and Hope) by the University of the Philippines Community Broadcasters' Society (ComBroadSoc), College...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Journal article
Rural out-migration and water governance: Gender and social relations mediate and sustain irrigation systems in Nepal

Rural out-migration is changing agrarian political economies and natural resource governance worldwide, and gender and social relations play an important mediating role. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of rural out-migration on collective action in farmer-managed irrigation systems, with a particular focus on household structure and...
2024 - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden

Advancing agrobiodiversity: why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital

Agrobiodiversity is the subset of biodiversity found within agricultural ecosystems. It feeds us with nutrients vital to our health. It fuels and furnishes our homes. It underpins cultural traditions. It sustains farm productivity in the face of climate change. But agrobiodiversity is rapidly being lost.  Just three crops account for half...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED
Total results:1915