Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Policy brief/paper
Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics

Bridging science and policy for sustainable production systems
Agroecology and organ agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. Despite the potential of AE/O, their full benefits cannot be realised in most countries due to political and institutional barriers and lock-ins, including incentives and funding that favour “business as usual”...
2024 - FiBL

The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review

Agroecology is identified as an important solution to increase the sustainability of agricultural and food systems. Despite the increasing number of publications assessing the socio-economic outcomes of agroecology, very few studies have consolidated the scattered results obtained on various case studies. This paper provides new insights by consolidating evidence on...

Fields of contestation and contamination: Maize seeds, agroecology and the (de)coloniality of agriculture in Malawi and South Africa

Farmer-managed seed systems and the conservation of agrobiodiversity are increasingly recognized as important components of food and seed sovereignty. In contrast, hybrid, genetically modified (GM), and, increasingly, gene-edited crops continue to be promoted by Green Revolution proponents as a “climate smart” package that includes fertilizers, pesticides, purchased seeds, and links...
Malawi - South Africa

Fact sheet
Les effets socio-économiques de l'Agroécologie

Les effets positifs de l’agroécologie dans le domaine agro-environnemental (santé des sols,biodiversité, lutte contre la crise climatique, non-contamination de l’environnement) sont souventmis en avant. Ils s’accompagnent d’effets positifs tout aussi importants dans le domainesocio-économique, comme en témoignent de nombreuses études réalisées dans divers pays duSud, dont plusieurs par des organisations...
2024 - Coordination SUD

Diversity, preference, and conservation priority of woody plant species in coffee agroforestry system in southwest Ethiopia

The natural forest in southwest Ethiopia is progressively modified to coffee agroforest. To this effect forest composition and diversity is simplified to local preferred coffee shade trees. Woody plant species that are less managed require the conservation priority in coffee agroforest. The study aims at assessing diversity of plant species, investigating...

Magazine article
Défis Sud 141 : la souveraineté technologique des paysan∙ne∙s

Défis Sud cette année publie deux dossiers : l’un consacré aux 60 ans des ONGs belges et l’autre à la souveraineté technologique du monde paysan. À l’occasion du soixantième anniversaire des ONG belges, nous écrivons que la solidarité est « le seul chemin possible pour relever les défis globaux et...
2024 -

Tarping and mulching effects on crop yields, profitability, and soil nutrients in a continuous no-till organic vegetable production system

Small-scale organic vegetable farms need strategies to overcome yield, labor, and economic challenges in transitioning to reduced and no-till practices. However, the production tradeoffs associated with different scale-appropriate management practices are not well documented for these operations. We evaluated crop yields, labor, profitability, and soil nutrients over four continuous years...

CGIAR Research Initiative on Agroecology

Annual Technical Report 2023
CGIAR Technical Reporting has been developed in alignment with the CGIAR Technical Reporting Arrangement. This Initiative report (“Type 1” report) constitutes part of the broader CGIAR Technical Report. Each CGIAR Research Initiative submits an annual “Type 1” report, which provides assurance on Initiative-level progress towards End of Initiative outcomes. The CGIAR...
Burkina Faso - India - Kenya - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Peru - Senegal - Tunisia - Zimbabwe
2024 - CGIAR

Magazine article
Comment faire avancer l’agroécologie?

Quelle est la place de l’agroécologie dans les conférences internationales sur la biodiversité, le climat et la désertification ? Comment faire avancer concrètement l’agroécologie lors de ces conférences ? Avec le CARI, Iles de Paix et l’appui du réseau Minka International, Humundi a cherché à répondre à ces questions. Participez au...
2024 -

Fact sheet
Organic in Europe: Production and consumption moving beyond a niche

Over the last three decades organic food and farming has been growing year by year across the EU and continues doing so. The EU’s organic market is very dynamic with growth rates varying between countries. Policies can positively impact this growth – both production and consumption. In 2022, the EU’s total...
2024 - IFOAM – Organics International

Blog article
Slow Food to G7 Agriculture Ministers: Adopting Agroecology Makes the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems Possible

As the G7 agriculture ministers meet in Syracuse in Sicily from September 26 to 28  under Italy’s presidency, the 15th edition of Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, Slow Food flagship’s event, will be held in Turin “On the occasion of the meeting of the agriculture ministers of the G7 countries, Slow Food asks...
2024 - Slow Food

Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach

Over the past two decades, the Mekong region has experienced significant transformation of its agricultural sector from subsistence farming to export crops driven by the expansion of agricultural land and of irrigation, plus intensification thanks to mechanization and the use of chemical inputs. In the context of agrarian transition, maintaining...
2024 - European Commission

Blog article
Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video

Access Agriculture is proud to announce the release of its new book “Young changemakers,” which offers a rich diversity of perspectives and insights from real-life experiences of 42 inspiring teams of youths in Africa and India who are blazing a trail as private extension and advisory service providers promoting agroecology...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Blog article
Trash to treasure

Food waste could be made into useful compost, instead of mixing it with plastic and other inorganic trash, as my wife Ana recently explained on a panel discussion on Radio Cepra in Cochabamba. She was invited by a local NGO, Alerta Verde (Green Alert), along with two agronomists who encourage...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Journal article
Towards an agroecological approach to crop health: reducing pest incidence through synergies between plant diversity and soil microbial ecology

Given environmental, economic, and social costs of unilateral chemical and biotechnological interventions to control pests, there is an urgent need to transition towards a knowledge-intensive holistic approach emphasizing agroecosystem design and management. The focus will be on what makes agroecosystems susceptible and vulnerable to insect pests, pathogens and weeds, in...
2024 - University of California Berkeley, USA

Access Agriculture Panorama - April 2024

Highlights: • Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video. • CCDB honours Access Agriculture with plaque in appreciation of partnership. • 96 new videos added in March. • Editor's choice of video - Converting chicken waste into fertilizer• Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) at work in Cameroon. • Trash to treasure....
2024 - Access Agriculture

How Malaysian seed guardians preserve agricultural heritage and biodiversity

In Malaysia, farmers and communities across generations have engaged in the age-old practice of preserving seeds as a means of protecting traditional agricultural heritage. However, the practice of seed saving has slowly been fading in Malaysia over the years. For one, intellectual property protection regulations from trade agreements may pose more constraints...

Blog article
Onions from Agadez

Whenever somebody has a monopoly over a certain food crop, or tries to create one, sooner or later other people will pop up to compete. The red onion variety, Violet de Galmi, originally comes from the village of Galmi, a small community in Niger, about 500 kilometres east of Niamey close...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Blog article
Sols acidifiés : les agriculteurs africains en quête de régénération

À travers l'Afrique, un nombre croissant de fermiers se tourne vers des experts en sciences du sol pour contrer l’acidification croissante de leurs terres, phénomène qu'ils attribuent en grande partie à l’usage intensif des engrais chimiques. Parmi les solutions recommandées le retour aux pratiques agricoles traditionnelles pour restaurer l'équilibre.

Blog article
Dans les pays du Sud, la transition agroécologique au défi du financement

Alors que l’insécurité alimentaire repart à la hausse et que le concept de souveraineté agricole fait craindre un repli sur soi et sur nos assiettes, le déficit de financement pour des systèmes alimentaires durables est immense. En particulier dans les pays du Sud, où des défis majeurs et interdépendants se...
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