Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Making Climate-Smart Cocoa Inclusive: Towards a Framework for Gender Transformation

Climate-Smart Cocoa (CSC), a strategic offshoot of the wider Climate-Smart Agriculture, is gaining ground in Ghana, a cocoa export-dependent country. CSC is imperative, given the rapidly declining forests, prolonged periods of drought, pest and disease infestations, and fluctuating cocoa yields attributed to climate variability and change. Although many interventions are...
2024 - University of South Africa

Diversity, preference, and conservation priority of woody plant species in coffee agroforestry system in southwest Ethiopia

The natural forest in southwest Ethiopia is progressively modified to coffee agroforest. To this effect forest composition and diversity is simplified to local preferred coffee shade trees. Woody plant species that are less managed require the conservation priority in coffee agroforest. The study aims at assessing diversity of plant species, investigating...

Estimation des surfaces irriguées ripariennes à l’aide de Earth Engine. Une étude de cas dans le sous-bassin versant de la Haute-Comoé, Burkina Faso

La mise au point d’une méthode automatique d’estimation des surfaces irriguées par les petits exploitants agricoles en Afrique aux abords des cours d’eau, à partir d’outils libres et de données satellitaires gratuites, reste un défi majeur à cause de la diversité des cultures qui y sont pratiquées, de l’étroitesse des...
Burkina Faso

Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest : aller vers la consommation massive de produits locaux

En Afrique de l’Ouest, face à la croissance rapide des villes et à une demande accrue de la part des consommateurs urbains et ruraux, les systèmes alimentaires fondés sur l’agriculture familiale renforcent déjà dans nombre d’endroits la capacité d’un pays ou d’une région à nourrir ses populations par la production...
2024 - Fondation de France

Blog article
Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video

Access Agriculture is proud to announce the release of its new book “Young changemakers,” which offers a rich diversity of perspectives and insights from real-life experiences of 42 inspiring teams of youths in Africa and India who are blazing a trail as private extension and advisory service providers promoting agroecology...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Access Agriculture Panorama - April 2024

Highlights: • Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video. • CCDB honours Access Agriculture with plaque in appreciation of partnership. • 96 new videos added in March. • Editor's choice of video - Converting chicken waste into fertilizer• Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) at work in Cameroon. • Trash to treasure....
2024 - Access Agriculture

Young people, livelihood building and the transformation of African agriculture: A reality check

Over a ten-year period, we, together with colleagues, have used qualitative and quantitative analysis to explore the dominant narratives and ‘conventional wisdom’ about young people and agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Throughout, we have sought to carefully consider the conceptualisations embedded in these narratives, their empirical foundations, and their implications...

The importance and determinants of purchases in rural food consumption in Africa: Implications for food security strategies

We analyze rural households’ purchases of food (cereals and non-cereals) in Sub-Saharan Africa using nationally representative data with 65,000 observations covering 7 countries over a decade. We distinguish between three strata of countries: lower stratum in income and urbanization, middle stratum, and upper stratum. The paper breaks ground by the...

Bundling of inputs and services for sustainable smallholder agriculture: the concepts, theoretical arguments and bundle designs using conjoint analysis

Product bundling is receiving increasing attention in sustainable agricultural development as a means to ensure access to and enhance the uptake of, agricultural technologies by smallholders. Yet, the how and why of bundling for smallholders are not well-understood. The current paper, therefore, brings bundling theory from the marketing literature to...

Blog article
Onions from Agadez

Whenever somebody has a monopoly over a certain food crop, or tries to create one, sooner or later other people will pop up to compete. The red onion variety, Violet de Galmi, originally comes from the village of Galmi, a small community in Niger, about 500 kilometres east of Niamey close...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Fact sheet
Access to markets for small actors in the roots and tubers sector. Tailored financial services and climate risk management tools to link small farmers to markets

In Sub-Saharan Africa, refugees are located in fragile arid areas. Despite many challenges, there are opportunities to shift from a ‘land degradation’ narrative to one based on ‘land restorationand resilience’, by enhancing the knowledge and skills of both refugee and host communities in a range of gender-responsive, regenerative and circular...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Uganda

Advancing agrobiodiversity: why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital

Agrobiodiversity is the subset of biodiversity found within agricultural ecosystems. It feeds us with nutrients vital to our health. It fuels and furnishes our homes. It underpins cultural traditions. It sustains farm productivity in the face of climate change. But agrobiodiversity is rapidly being lost.  Just three crops account for half...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Blog article
Tanzania: Rural Villages Leverage Alternative Certification Systems for Organic Agriculture

Life has not been the same for Flora Godson from Oldonyowas village of Oldonyowas Ward in Arusha Tanzania since embracing the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) five years ago. Not only is her expansive farm putting food on the table, but more money in her pocket as she can now sell...
United Republic of Tanzania

Revue de presse de Juin 2024 - Réseau des Journalistes Africains Spécialisés sur le Développement Durable & le Changement Climatique

L’association Africa 21 propose, grâce à son réseau des journalistes africains spécialisés sur le développement durable et le changement climatique, une revue de presse sur le mois de juin 2024. Vous y retrouverez un grand nombre d’article de presse en français et en anglais sélectionnés par leur soin qui traite...
2024 - Association Africa 21

Magazine article
ISAN Magazine

For Sustainable Food Systems - May 2024, Issue 10
ISAN Magazine Issue 10 brings you stories about the benefits of biodiversity in agricultural systems, stories from Zimbabwe about how to enhance agrobiodivesity for improved food security and community-based climate change adaptation approaches, as well as profiling knowledge products on enhancing soil fertility developed by farmers in the Southern African...

Greening the Sahel

magine a thin green line of hope stretching 8,000 km across northern Africa, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. This is the Great Green Wall: an African-led land restoration project that aims to hold back encroaching desertification in the Sahel. In this episode, we take a close look at...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Fact sheet
Transforming rural Africa: Trends and experiences in rural communication services

This study examines the role of RCS in rural transformation and family farming in Africa and provides regional insights. Through case studies and a review of communication and ICT trends and policies, it makes the case for participatory, farmer-centred communication approaches and delivery mechanisms aligned with local socioeconomic realities. It...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Nouvelles réglementations pour un cacao zéro déforestation : quels coûts et impacts pour les coopératives ?

La production de cacao a fortement contribué à la déforestation, cause majeure d’accélération du changement climatique et de l’effondrement de la biodiversité. Pour endiguer ce phénomène, l’Union Européenne a adopté en 2023, un règlement qui interdit l’importation de produits ayant contribué à la déforestation à compter de 2021, applicable dès 2025....
2024 - Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF)

Rural communication services for family farming in Africa: Regional consultation and forum

This report summarizes the results and takeaways of online consultations and a virtual Regional Forum on RCS for Family Farming in Africa, organized by Yenkasa Africa, a regional communication initiative, in collaboration with FAO, farmers’ organizations, rural institutions and communication networks. 
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Climate change to exacerbate the burden of water collection on women’s welfare globally

Climate change is aggravating water scarcity worldwide. In rural households lacking access to running water, women often bear the responsibility for its collection, with adverse effects on their well being through long daily time commitments, physical strain and mental distress. Here we show that rising temperatures will exacerbate this water...
Total results:3606