Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
An ancient form of water management helps farmers in Eritrea cope with water scarcity

Water is precious in Eritrea, where farmers have to cope with droughts and crop failures. With support from the government and an IFAD-funded project, farmers and herders are expanding spate irrigation, an ancient form of water management. By harnessing floodwaters and collecting run-off, farmers can provide enough water for the...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

A Common Right in Mongolia: the Nomadic Custodians of our Environment

Life of Nomadic pastoralists from Mongolia

Back to the land

From London to sheep farming on Eigg
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Blog article
A special breed of Sudanese cattle produces more milk and big benefits for Eritrean pastoralists

Cattle of the Sudanese Hamerenya breed have some special qualities, including docility and a high milk yield. Through an IFAD-supported programme, farmers in the Adi Quala subdistrict in Eritrea were able to take out small loans to invest in the purchase of Hamerenya cattle. The programme also helps the farmers...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Pig report 2016

The report show that strengths and chances derive from modern meat processing and marketing, high performance infrastructure and logistics. On agricultural level the strong and dense organizational structure is highly influential. The good capacity-building system provides high productivity. Also increasing number of fattening units thus, increasing pork production.  
European Union
2016 - agri benchmark

FAO Regional Initiatives for Country Level Impact in Asia and the Pacific

FAO has been implementing Regional Initiatives as a mechanism to help deliver its work at country and regional levels since 2013. The Regional Initiatives emphasize impact through well focused activities that address the most important challenges in food and nutrition security at country and regional levels. Together with its country,...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Blog article
Green milk – making dairy more environmentally friendly

Cow’s milk accounts for almost 3 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, but skimming the waste from dairy production in Europe could make the business much more sustainable. Each year, around 140 million tonnes of raw milk is produced across Europe which requires an average energy input of 18 400 GWh....
European Union
2016 - HORIZON - The EU Research&Innovation Magazine

Blog article
Asia-Pacific: agricultural perspectives

Asia’s position in the global food market tilts heavily towards demand due to its huge population and limited agricultural resources. With only one-fifth of the world’s agricultural land, the region hosts more than half of the global population. Asia has achieved significant production improvements over the last 50 years but...
2016 - Radobank

Working paper
Family Farming in the Near East and North Africa

This paper begins by exploring what the term family farming means and how appropriate it is in the NENA region. It will explore more generally the role of farming and agriculture in the broader political economy of the region. The paper establishes the distinctive features of the region, what might...
2016 - International Policy Centre for inclusive Growth (IPC UNDP)

Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands

Implementing the Voluntary Guidelines on the ResponsibleGovernance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Contextof National Food Security
The Technical Guide on Pastoralism builds on a number of initiatives and studies from recent years that have shone a light on pastoral governance and land tenure: on the inherent challenges pastoralists face, the shortcomings of governments in securing pastoral tenure, and the emerging examples of success and progress from...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Conference paper
Market tools in the sheep sector

A presentation regarding market tools in sheep sector, in European Union.
European Union
2016 - European Cpmmission

Curso: Rabia de los herbívoros y "Una Salud"... Avanzando hacia una gestión sanitaria integrada

Este curso de autoaprendizaje y gratuito ha sido diseñado principalmente para Médicos Veterinarios y Técnicos Pecuarios de los Servicios Veterinarios Oficiales (SVO), vinculados a los programas nacionales de prevención y control de la Rabia Paralítica Bovina, y en particular para aquellos que desarrollen acciones sanitarias en terreno. El alcance también...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Consolider la resilience à l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle au Sahel et en Afrique de l’Ouest

Foire aux savoirs. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Au Sahel, environ 65 pour cent de la population active travaillent dans le secteur agricole et leurs conditions de vie sont ainsi tributaires des aléas climatiques, des marchés et des facteurs environnementaux. Plus de la moitié sont des femmes. Les crises récurrentes constituent de réelles préoccupations pour l’atteinte d’une sécurité...
Burkina Faso
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Rebuilding Eritrea’s livestock sector and helping farmers meet the challenges of the future

In drought-prone Eritrea, livestock is a farmer’s most valuable asset. Animal husbandry is not only one of the main sources of livelihood for farmers, but it is also a form of insurance that enables poor rural people to cope with drought and other disasters. IFAD-funded projects invest in rebuilding livestock...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Journal article
Fragilité des projets d’élevage familiaux dans les exploitations de polyculture-élevage au Burkina Faso

Dans les exploitations de polyculture-élevage du Burkina Faso, les producteurs ont des difficultés à mettre en œuvre des projets d’élevage familiaux (PEF) qui répondent à leurs attentes en termes de revenus et de services. La présente étude vise à rechercher et à expliquer les causes de ces faiblesses. L’étude a...
Burkina Faso
2016 - tre international de recherche-développement sur l’élevage en zone subhumide (CIRDES)

Blog article
Aprueban un proyecto de ley para estimular el consumo de carnes alternativas

Artículo sobre la promocion de carnes alternativas (productos aviar, porcino, cunícola, caprino y ovino). 
2016 - Comisión de Asuntos Agrarios de la Cámara de Diputados bonaerense

The contributions of livestock species and breeds to ecosystem services

Livestock play a special role in the provision of ecosystem services and are an essential part of many agro-ecosystems. They do so by: (1) transforming feeds unsuited for human consumption into nutritious foods and useful products, for example, by converting grass into milk or meat; (2) interacting directly with ecosystems...
2016 - FAO

Working paper
FAO's and IFAD's Engagement in Pastoral Development Joint Evaluation Synthesis

This joint evaluation synthesis analyses the results of FAO's and IFAD's support to pastoral development between 2003 and 2013. It does so by reviewing the evidence contained in the evaluation reports that both organizations produced during this period. The overriding aim of the Evaluation Synthesis is to draw useful lessons...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Comment se construit l’invisibilité des populations pastorales au Sahel : l’expérience de la crise alimentaire de 2005 au Niger

Au Sahel, les systèmes d’information élaborés et perfectionnés depuis les années 1980 n’ont pas suffi aux politiques nationales et aux actions d’urgence internationales pour gérer la spécificité des populations pastorales. Cette inadéquation renvoie aux difficultés historiques des administrations à prendre en compte la gestion commune des ressources naturelles et la...
2016 - CIRAD

Blog article
FAO-IGAD renew Drought Resilience Partnership Programme

FAO Sub-Regional Office for East Africa and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have signed a partnership agreement to coordinate cross-border efforts on animal health, trade and natural resources management coordination.  The programme will address community engagement on policy and investment as well as cross cutting areas of work such...
Burundi - Central African Republic - Djibouti - Ethiopia - Kenya - Rwanda - Somalia - South Sudan - Sudan - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:1343