Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Journal article
Impact of Zero Budget Natural Farming on Crop Yields in Andhra Pradesh, SE India

It has been claimed that Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), a burgeoning practice of farming in India based on low-inputs and influenced by agro-ecological principles, has the potential to improve farm viability and food security. However, there is concern that the success of the social movement fueling the adoption of...
2022 - University of Reading, UK

Fact sheet
European roadmap for reducing contentious inputs used in livestock production (antibiotics, anthelmintics, vitamins)

Organic livestock are primarily supplied by organically produced feed and ruminants are mainly fed forages. Organic production promotes high animal welfare standards, in particular by meeting the species-specific behavioural needs of animals. All these aspects contribute to a preventive approach that limits the use of external inputs in livestock production,...
European Union
2022 - RELACS

Fact sheet
Fact Sheet: The added value of a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures

Summary •ALL-Ready synthesised  the  potential  added value of a European Network of Agroecology Living Labs (LLs) and Research Infrastructures(RIs). •The synthesis is based on an analysis of the key challenges and needs of agroecology LLs and  RIs integrating insights  from mapping activities, workshops of  the  ALL-Ready pilot network of  LLs  &  RIs ...
2022 - ALL-Ready - The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network

Herbal pest repellent

Some plants repel insects naturally. Grow them in between your crop to deter insects. By knowing the wild plants that grow in your area, you can prepare your own herbal insect repellent at no cost. Add cow urine to help extract the repelling compounds from milky latex leaves, bitter-tasting leaves...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Fact sheet
European roadmap for reducing contentious plant protection products (copper, mineral oil)

Natural substances are an important component of organic plant protection strategies, mainly in perennial crops. Only a small number of products and substances are authorised for plant protection in organic production. Organic farming constantly evolves, and new inputs are proposed to replace contentious inputs traditionally used or to tackle yet...
European Union
2022 - RELACS

Anuario de la Agricultura y Ganadería Familiar en España 2022

UPA edita, desde 1994, la mayor obra de referencia y análisis de la agricultura y ganadería familiar en España. Con la coordinación de la Fundación de Estudios Rurales, las voces de más prestigio del medio rural, español, europeo y mundial, se expresan en esta publicación, que recoge también innumerables datos...
2022 - Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos UPA

The International Network on Soil Biodiversity

Soil biodiversity contributes to the provision of multiple ecosystem functions and services and is therefore emerging as a nature-based solution to global challenges. Despite the substantial progresses made in obtaining knowledge about soil biodiversity and its functions, only around one percent of soil organisms have been identified so far. The...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
AFRIQUE : le programme « Face » conciliera climat et genre dans 14 pays

Le CCFD-Terre solidaire, qui lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire, vient de mettre en place un programme baptisé « Face ». L’initiative vise à renforcer les capacités des organisations féministes face au changement climatique et à financer des alternatives pour la transition écologique et la préservation de la biodiversité.

Fact sheet
The “Young Europeans’ Manifesto for Agroecology”

This Manifesto is the result of discussions among young people from various countries around Europe. They gathered and exchanged common experiences during the first edition of the Agroecology Europe Youth Forum in France in September 2022. 2022 being the European Year of Youth, this manifesto was published to express the willpower to unite, build alliances...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology Europe

Blog article
AFRIQUE : le programme « Face » conciliera climat et genre dans 14 pays

Le CCFD-Terre solidaire, qui lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire, vient de mettre en place un programme baptisé « Face ». L’initiative vise à renforcer les capacités des organisations féministes face au changement climatique et à financer des alternatives pour la transition écologique et la préservation de la biodiversité.

Fact sheet
The Stakeholder Engagement Planof ALL-Ready

Since ALL-Ready prepares the framework for a future  European  network of  agroecology  LLs and  RIs, many  different  stakeholders  need  to be  involved  from  the  start  of  the  process  to ensure  that  it  will  satisfy  stakeholders’ needs and is built upon their experiences, knowledge and motivation. The  ALL-Ready stakeholder  engagement  plan supports...
2022 - ALL-Ready - The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in South Africa

Agroecologie enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM...
South Africa
2022 - AVACLIM

Visiting Friends of Agrobiodiversity Across Europe

A tour to explore how organic plant and animal breeding contributes to sustainable food systems
The publication takes readers on a journey to 15 organic plant and animal breeding initiatives in Europe. Every initiative is presented by a person involved in the initiative. For each initiative, the aims and challenges are described. The selected examples give a good insight into the great diversity of initiatives...
European Union
2022 - FIBL

The Food for Europe podcast - A European podcast series on food and farming.

Episode 14 episode of Food for Europe is dedicated to the new EU Organic Awards which will acknowledge different actors of the organic value chain- launch date for applications March 25 – and many of the issues surrounding organic production and consumption. Key speaker is Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, who...
European Union
2022 - European Commission

Variétés de blés panifiables cultivées en agriculture biologique

Le FiBL Suisse et Agroscope ont analysé des variétés de blés panifiables en termes de stabilité du rendement et de la qualité. Il ressort des résultats que le choix variétal doit être adapté au site et que le haut potentiel de rendement ne va pas de pair avec des grains...
2022 - Fibl

Blog article
EcoAgtube Spotlight on Nawaya: an NGO in Egypt that promotes heritage food systems

Nawaya-Egypt works with small-scale farming families on programmes that focus on ecological farming practices and heritage food systems through a community-based network. It helps rural communities set up enterprises that generate new sources of income for rural communities from making compost to raising poultry and agro-tourism.
2022 - Access Agriculture

Technical paper
Cartographie des acteurs et des pratiques de l'agroécologie au Cameroun

Dans le cadre du projet “Scaling up agroecology to strengthen food security and improving fooddiversity in the Congo Basin”, la première étape est de cartographier les acteurs de l’agroécologie etd’identifier ses pratiques dans le Bassin du Congo. Ce travail a porté sur la cartographie des acteurs,leurs pratiques respectives et certaines...
2022 - Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement, IRAD, Cameroun

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in India

Agroecology enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM project, the...
2022 - AVACLIM

Blog article
Access Agriculture partners with FAO elearning Academy

The FAO elearning Academy, which offers over 500 multilingual certified e-learning courses as a global public good, now features Access Agriculture as a partner and a valued resource for information and knowledge on agroecological principles and rural entrepreneurship.
2022 - Access Agriculture

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in Eastern Senegal

Agroecologie enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM project, the Senegalese...
2022 - AVACLIM
Total results:4096