Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Sistemas Ingeniosos del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM). La Agricultura de Chiloé

En este segundo Boletín informativo se seguirá comunicando acerca de activididades y logros del proyecto SIPAM, con la intención de que cada vez más actores del territorio puedan conocer y participar de esta iniciativa.
2012 - Universidad Austral de Chile

Patrimonio alimentario de Chile: productos y preparaciones de la Región de Arica y Parinacota

La Región de Arica y Parinacota, concentra la mayor riqueza de recursos genéticos agrícolas del país; de 33 productos de nuestro patrimonio agrícola, 29 están presentes en esta región. Estos productos y la gastronomía en base de ellos son un patrimonio ancestral de las comunidades costeras, de agricultores y pobladores...
2012 - Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA)

Technical paper
Current best practice farmers and their techniques

This technical report series captures and documents the work in progress of the Iraq Salinity Project, in its seven research themes, working at the regional, farm and irrigation system scales. Technical reports feed into the Iraq Salinity Assessment, a synthesis and solutions to solving the problem: Situation Analysis (Report 1);...
2012 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Policy brief/paper
UNEP and Indigenous Peoples

A Partnership in Caring for the Environment
The objective of this Policy Guidance to UNEP is to better understand and build on the Indigenous Peoples’ rights, knowledge, practices and systems that provide the framework for the harmonious relations that most Indigenous Peoples have with their environment. Furthermore, this Policy Guidance aims to ensure that United Nations Environment...
2012 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Policy brief/paper
Pu’er Traditional Tea Agrosystem

Yunnan Province of China is the world’s provenance of tea trees. It’s also the province that boasts the largest area of wild tea tree communities and ancient tea plantations with the largest amount of old tea trees and wild tea trees. The area along the Lancang River is the center...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Alli Ñambi - Camino al Buen Trato. Superando el temor y el silencio

En Ecuador, ocho de cada diez mujeres sufrieron algún tipo de violencia física, psicológica o sexual. Superar el temor y el silencio es el primer paso hacia una vida sin violencia. El video incluye los testimonios de mujeres indígenas de la nacionalidad kichwa de la Amazonía ecuatoriana que han sufrido algún...
2012 - Fundación Interarts

Agricultural Biodiversiy of Global Significance and GIAHS: Project outline following logical steps proposed by John Hough

There are traditional and indigenous agricultural systems which contain Agricultural Biodiversity of Global Significance (ABGS). In the proposed project, we will apply the CBD definition of agricultural biodiversity. Building on articles 8j and 10c of the CBD, which recognise the importance of indigenous and traditional practices for the maintenance of...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Repeasantization in the Argentina of the 21st century

In Argentina, families from the countryside decide to remain in their areas or reproduce themselves in new places, resorting to direct production, under technological conditions that seek to maintain independence from external supplies, and deploying modes for controlling resources anchored in the community. While some of these situations take place...
2012 - Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Journal article
Rural families and their process of transformation: case study in a scenario of tensed rurality

The rural world has undergone many transformations due to the processes of modernization and globalization. Little is known about rural families, and knowledge about urban families is usually transferred to rural families, as if the reality was the same for both. This study sought to understand. The practices in the...
2012 - Universidad Católica del Maule Chile

Estudio de saberes locales sobre gestión de riesgo de desastres, adaptación al cambio climático y medios de vida

Callejón de Huaylas - Región Ancash
Este documento conceptualiza los saberes locales, establece una metodología para su estudio y presenta hallazgos, percepciones y prácticas de reducción de riesgo, adaptación al cambio climático y medios de vida. 
2012 - Soluciones Prácticas

Journal article
Social rural movements and environmental conflicts: the territorial dispute

The profound socio-productive transformations, specifically those associated with the impact of global economic policies, influence the so-called rural social movements. This article aims to understand the changes that these rural social-movements have experienced, with a special emphasis on the historical transit of the rural collective action in this new scenario....
2012 - Universidad de Chile

Journal article
Occupational aspirations and expectations of hake fishermen in the Region of Bio Bio, Chile

This article describes the patterns of occupational mobility of hake fishermen through a quantitative analysis of their occupational aspirations and expectations. The methodology considers the use of secondary data collected through a survey administered to 302 fishermen applied in inlets of the Bio Bio Region in Chile. The results indicate...
2012 - Universidad de Concepción

Caracterización de la producción ovina en la agricultura familiar en la comuna de Paillaco Región de los Ríos Chile

El ganado menor es un rubro importante para los pequeños productores, ya que requiere menos espacio para la crianza y se lo considera como una fuente de ingreso rápido para resolver problemas imprevistos. En este contexto, este trabajo tuvo por finalidad analizar los aspectos socio-económicos, productivos, reproductivos y de comercialización...
2012 - Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)

3 successful practices for successful policies through the eyes of their protagonists

The case of Peru.
This document forms part of the systemization of the FAO project “Strengthening of High-Andean Indigenous Organizations and Recovery of their Traditional Products” (2007-2011), financed by the New Zealand Aid Programme. Its aim is to strengthen national capacities to recover, systemize, disseminate, adapt and replicate some of the processes and lessons...

Magazine article
Las comunidades campesinas en perspectiva

¿Tienen futuro las comunidades campesinas? Siendo en la actualidad un sujeto social omnipresente como forma de organización, de control territorial y de propiedad que se encuentra en buena parte del territorio nacional, cabe preguntarse sobre su lugar, perspectivas y posibilidades en el mundo cambiante de nuestros días.Las comunidades parecen tener algo de anacrónicas, parecen referirse al pasado antes que al...
2012 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Magazine article
Desarrollo rural e interculturalidad

El término intercultural nos remite a la vinculación entre culturas, al intercambio entre ellas, a su interconexión, y pretende ir más allá del concepto de tolerancia. De hecho, la utilización de la categoría es relativamente reciente en nuestro país, pues en la década de 1980 recién encontramos textos que reflexionan sobre el tema. Más aún, no son muchas las...
2012 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Conocimiento ancestral indígena en salud animal

Experiencias en salud animal herbaria en el territorio de los Pastos
Esta cartilla fue realizada en el objetivo de difundir el conocimiento obtenido a partir de entrevistas de médicos tradicionales, shagreros y ganaderos que viven en el territorio de los pastos. Para motivar a los ganaderos a usar los remedios presentados, se seleccionaron los remedios más interesantes en cuanto a efectividad...
2012 - Shaquiñan

Family Farming Newsletter for Latin America and the Caribbean, October- December 2012

Family farmers produce more than 70% of Central America’s food. Between 80 and 90% of corn and bean farms are run by family farmers and they, in turn, produce 75 to 80% of these crops. Most of the households in Central America that produce staple grains live in poverty and experience...
Argentina - Ecuador - Peru

Journal article
Climate change and variability

Smallholder farming communities in Zimbabwe portray a varied understanding
Increasing awareness of risks associated with climate change and variability among smallholder farmers is critical in building their capacity to develop the necessary adaptive measures. Using farmer participatory research approaches and formal questionnaire surveys, interaction has been made with >800 farmers in two distinct smallholder farming systems of Makoni and...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Working paper
A case of Agricultural Heritage Systems

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations defines Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) as "remarkable land use systems and landscapes which are rich in globally significant biological diversity evolving from the co-adaptation of a community with its environment and its needs and aspirations for sustainable development"....
2012 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:979