Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Promotion of Farmers' Cooperative (FC) development for Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)

Local associations or farmers groups, if appropriately trained and empowered, can play a key role in disaster risk management. This practice helps in including the concept of Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) in the overall context of Farmer’s Cooperatives (FC) development. This has resulted in establishing local capacities for DRM...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Hedgerows/alley cropping to control soil erosion

Jamaican small farmers implement hedgerow/alley cropping to mitigate the impacts of hydro-meteorological hazards. The hedgerows/alley cropping system is the growing of crops, usually food crops, in an alley formed by trees or woody shrubs that are cut back at crop planting and maintained as hedgerows by frequent trimming during cropping...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Journal article
Google searches reveal changing consumer food sourcing in the COVID-19 pandemic

Consumers are dramatically changing their food purchasing habits in response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic (Kolodinsky, Sitaker, Chase, Smith, & Wang, 2020; Schmidt et al., 2020; Worstell, 2020). In part this is due to growing public awareness that food supply chains, which normally operate largely  unnoticed and with great efficiency,...

Journal article
Ecological Resilience of Food Systems in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis

Resilience of food systems is being tested by the COVID-19 disruption. As with any severe disruption, collapse of some systems, innovation in others, and total reorganization of some will occur. Direct delivery of food, online farmers markets, community supported agriculture operations (CSAs), backyard food production, expansion of seed producers and...
2020 - Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD)

Blog article
Virtual Knowledge Share Fair for resilient agricultural livelihoods

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are organizing The Horn of Africa and Sahel Virtual Knowledge Share Fair: Promoting innovation to build resilience against climate shocks. The virtual event will...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Blog article
Coronavirus: Commission stands ready to continue supporting EU's agri-food sector

Following the outbreak of coronavirus, the European Union's agri-food sector is showing its resilience and continues to provide Europeans with high quality and safe food. Nonetheless, farmers and producers are facing difficulties and increasing pressure. Ensuring food security and an effective food supply chain across the continent remains one of...
European Union
2020 - European Commission

La agricultura sostenible adaptada al clima ayuda a mitigar los impactos en los sistemas agrícolas de América Latina en tiempos de COVID-19

Los sistemas agroalimentarios en América Latina vienen enfrentando diferentes retos asociados al clima, principalmente cambios en la temperatura media y los patrones de las lluvias, los cuales ponen en juego la productividad de diferentes sistemas agrícolas y por ende la disponibilidad futura de alimentos. Sumado a lo anterior, la reciente...
2020 - Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)

Blog article
Agricultores familiares têm novo canal para comunicar perdas de alimentos

O objetivo é garantir que as informações cheguem ao Mapa de forma rápida e organizada para que novas medidas sejam avaliadas
Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa), por meio da Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo (SAF), anunciou nesta quarta-feira (13) um novo canal exclusivo e gratuito no WhatsApp para que agricultores familiares comuniquem o órgão federal sobre possíveis perdas de alimentos ocasionadas por problemas na comercialização em função da Covid-19. Para acessar a nova ferramenta, chamada Disque Perdas de Alimentos, basta clicar aqui ou salvar o número (61) 9873-3519 na agenda de contatos do telefone e enviar um “Oi” por mensagem no WhatsApp. O atendimento será iniciado automaticamente com o envio de perguntas essenciais para que a situação do agricultor familiar seja analisada. Segundo o secretário de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo do Mapa, Fernando Schwanke, o objetivo do canal é garantir que as informações cheguem ao órgão de forma rápida e organizada para que novas medidas sejam avaliadas.  
2020 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

Designing an aquaponic unit

Aquaponics is the integration of recirculating aquaculture and hydroponics in one production system. In aquaponics, the aquaculture effluent is diverted through plant beds and not released to the environment, while at the same time the nutrients for the plants are supplied from a sustainable, cost-effective and nonchemical source. This integration...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Community Action Planning (CAP) to promote adaptation to drought and flood risks

In Nepal, monsoon rains start around July and end between October and November. Livelihoods of rural populations heavily rely on monsoon rains. However, highly variable and erratic rainfall pattern often causes droughts and floods. To manage the risks of these climate extremes, community action planning is being developed to promote...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Rooftop rainwater harvesting

Water in Nepal is not scarce in absolute terms, and most areas receive about 1 500 mm of precipitation each year, while certain areas may receive up to 5 000 mm. However, many parts of the country still experience water shortages, in particular during the pre-monsoon season (March to May)....
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Soils rehabilitation in areas exposed to recurrent floods and water logging

One severe impact of recurrent flooding and waterlogging in Juye County in the Shandong Province, is the salinization and alkalization of soils. The soil in Juye, mainly Luvisoils, with high salt content due to the water loggings, is rich in calcium, magnesium, ions of chloride, sulfate and carbonate. Salt compounds...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Enhancing drought resistance through Guinea grass mulching

Guinea grass mulching is one of the local drought-mitigation strategies adopted in the low-rainfall areas of Jamaica. After the land preparation, dried guinea grass is applied in a matted form over the area to be cultivated. This practice helps crop to survive during the dry season without having to recur...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Lineamientos de buenas prácticas para la producción agropecuaria para el COVID-19

Sector agricultura familiar
Aún cuando no se tiene constancia de ningún informe que sugiera que el COVID-19 pueda transmitirse a través de los alimentos, al tratarse de una enfermedad que se contagia principalmente por las vías respiratorias es central resguardar la salud de los trabajadores al desempeñar sus tareas y prevenir el contagio...
2020 - Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de Argentina

Blog article
Com delivery, pequenos agricultores orgânicos driblam crise e veem até aumento de vendas na pandemia

Com a pandemia, o grande problema para os agricultores rurais foi o fechamento das suas principais vitrines, as feiras livres, para conter a transmissão do vírus. Para muitos, essa era a principal forma de relacionamento com o público. Outro complicador foi a suspensão das atividades escolares. Muitos produtores que abasteciam...
2020 - BBC Brasil

Journal article
Americans' Food Spending Patterns Explain Devastating Impact of COVID-19 Lockdowns on Agriculture

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service’s Food Expenditures by Outlet data provide insight as to why the lockdowns related to COVID-19 have been so devastating for U.S. farmers. In 2018, American consumers bought a total of $628bn[1] worth of food, of which $460bn was spent at grocery stores and...
2020 - Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD)

Conference proceedings
Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials

The main theme of the conference is “Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials”, taking into account the diversity of organic and sustainable animal husbandry systems. Particular attention has been given to dairy and pig systems, parasites and the replacement of inputs. The Video Pre-Conference 2020 will be...
2020 - IAHA in collaboration with FiBL, ITAB, INRA, EU Core Organic projects, Good Earth Great Food, IFOAM, ICROFS

Journal article
A New Deal with our Ocean Planet

The creation of an inclusive, equitable and sustainable ocean economy calls for bold political and social leadership, based on a holistic relationship with our ocean planet. The ocean sustains all life on our planet. Our human relationships with the ocean are diverse, complex and evolving. They represent both a time-honoured and...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Blog article
Convocatoria 2020: Innovaciones para el aumento sostenible de la productividad agropecuaria en América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto del cambio climático

FONTAGRO anuncia la Convocatoria 2020 para la presentación de proyectos de “Innovaciones para el aumento sostenible de la productividad agropecuaria en América Latina y el Caribe en el contexto del cambio climático". La fecha y hora de cierre es el día 3 de abril de 2020, a la 3:00 PM, hora del Este de EE.UU. El...

Towards Economic Empowerment, Participation and Agroecology: A Rural Youth Situationer from Six Countries in Asia

Young people are regarded as the drivers of a better future for societies. And rural youth represent the future of agriculture and sustainable farming systems now increasingly being acknowledged as key to solving some of the leading world challenges like food insecurity, livelihood dislocation, environmental destruction and widespread poverty. But...
2020 - PAN Asia Pacific (PANAP) and IPAM
Total results:19560