Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Sistema de instalaciones para cría porcina familiar

Este documento registra un proceso de innovación, a partir de un colectivo de trabajo, donde participaron diversos grupos de productores de cerdos (con diversas lógicas productivas), técnicos de los sistemas de extensión e investigadores vinculados a la temática. La decisión de traducirlo en un Paso a Paso intenta situar la...
2016 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Cash scheme rekindles hope in Somalia's drought-hit regions

Cash-for-work interventions implemented by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization are providing an income lifeline to communities affected by the ongoing drought in northern Somalia. While putting much needed cash in people’s pockets to buy food, the work is empowering communities to rebuild vital infrastructure with their own hands. ...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Farming Nature: France - Using EU funds to promote best grazing practices

A video about the management of open landscapes by extensive livestock farmers in the French Causses-Cévennes
2016 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Farmers' Congress Appeal 2016

On June 2, 2016 the delegates, gathered for the Georgian Farmers’ II Congress held in Tbilisi and discussed problems related to the following three main issues: 1. Market access for smallholder farmers and cooperatives; 2. Smallholder farmers and agricultural cooperatives’ access to investment funds and financial resources; 3. Effects of...
2016 - Biological Farming Association ELKANA

Climate Action in Uganda

In a country like Uganda where 80% of the population relies upon agriculture for its livelihood, putting agriculture at the heart of plans for climate change adaptation is essential, for which there is full political support. 
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Working paper
Understanding the policy landscape for climate change adaptation

A cross-country comparison using the Net-map method
In the context of increasing vulnerability to climate change for people dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods, the International Food Policy Research Institute and partner organizations in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, and Bangladesh undertook a project broadly aiming to create knowledge that will help policymakers and development agencies to strengthen...
Bangladesh - Ethiopia - Kenya - Mali
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Magazine article
Impact of the specific aid provided to cattle milk producers in the disadvantaged areas

The specific aid for the milk producers from the disadvantaged areas was granted between 2010 and 2014, according to the Government Decision no. 755/2010, Government Decision no. 296/2012, Government Decision no. 298/2014 and M.A.R.D. Order no. 573/2014, in accordance with the provisions of the article no. 68, paragraph (1), letter...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Mongolia and FAO

Partnering for sustainable agriculture and natural resources management
Mongolia and FAO have shared a long history of cooperation since 1973 when Mongolia became a member and FAO in Mongolia was accredited through the FAO Office in China. The cooperation between FAO and Mongolia solidified upon establishment of a dedicated FAO Mongolia Office in Ulaanbaatar. In recent years, FAO...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Proposal for a Locally-led, Results-Based Agri-environment Payment Scheme (RBAPS) for the Blackstairs Mountains

A report for the Blackstairs Farming Group
In 2015,  the Blackstairs Farming Group, inspired by the opportunity set out in the  Irish  Rural Development Plan (RDP) for 2014-20, took the lead and looked for help in designing a results-based agro-environment payment scheme (RBAPS) tailored    to their local area. They secured financial support from the Heritage Council and...
2015 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)

In the process of acceding the EU Serbian agricultural sector is to align a set of regulations and standards and adopt certain requirements compliant with the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), inter alia, to establish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). This system enables recording transactions at farm level...
European Union
2015 - European Commission

Kyrgyzstan treats its pastures as ‘national treasure’

In Kyrgyz custom, nothing is more important than good relations with others.  Nomadic people, Kyrgyz always shared their last piece of bread with anyone who visited their home – or yurt. Also embedded in tradition are respect and awe of Mother Nature. Moving with their livestock from summer to autumn pastures,...
2015 - FAO

Blog article

中国农业的未来不在于大规模机械化的农场,而是在于资本-劳动双密集化的小规模畜-禽-鱼饲养和菜-果种植家庭农场。中国的食品消费正从原来的8:1:1型,即八成粮食、一成肉食、一成蔬菜向4:3:3型转化。它促进了农业结构的相应转型。小规模家庭农场其实比大农场更适合中国的新时代农业,包括绿色农业,因为它需要的是频繁的、多种小量的手工劳动,不允许简单的规模经济效益,更多依赖的是范围经济效益。同时,它也更适合于中国高人口压力的实际。 但小农场仍然需要从生产到加工到销售的纵向一体化,虽然并不附带耕作上的横向一体化。合作组织正是在如此的背景下,为了把小农场与规模加工和销售整合起来而自发性地兴起的。但是近年来中国政府一直在积极扶持资本主义型的龙头企业,把它们认作纵向一体化的第一选择。今天,中国农业正面临一个十字路口,其将来的纵向一体化将以什么样的组织模式为主尚是个未知数。

Journal article
Montenegro - High Nature Value Farming

The Montenegrin landscape is only partly used for intensive agriculture due to its natural conditions and the specific development of agriculture in the past. Intensive farming is practiced only in vicinity of the capital Podgorica and close to urban area of Niksic (second largest city in the country). In almost all...

Journal article
Albania - High Nature Value Farming

In Albania all types of HNV farmlands are present, but there is very limited knowledge of the topic and the relevant inventories are not wholly dependable. The most common is Type 1 (semi-natural pastures and meadows). There are about 400,000 ha of natural pastures in Albania that account for 14.3%...

Journal article
Bosnia and Herzegovina - High Nature Value Farming

No steps for the identification and mapping of HNV farming have so far been taken in B&H. Nevertheless Type 1 HNV farmland would be expected to predominate. The county is characterised by very different soil and climate conditions, thus there are many different types of grassland. According to the literature...
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics 2014

The Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics statistical book provides a selection of topical data. Information is presented for the European Union (EU) and its Member States, and is supplemented (when available) with data for EFTA members and for the acceding and candidate countries to the EU. This publication aims to...
2015 - European Union

Boletín de la Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural (DGDR) n°10

Este número incluye: Más políticas públicas para el desarrollo rural Con una amplia participación se realizó el segundo encuentro de Mesas de Desarrollo Rural en Cerro Largo Más de 1000 mujeres rurales presentes en "Somos Mujeres Rurales" Fueron aprobados todos los perfiles presentados en el "Somos de acá... Ganadero Familiar"  
2015 - Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural (DGDR) - Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca

Blog article
Brasil: Jóvenes invierten en la avicultura como alternativa para la generación de ingresos en el Semiárido brasileño

Cooperativismo, nuevas oportunidades y generación de ingresos: tres pilares que resumen el protagonismo juvenil en el desarrollo avícola de la región, a través de la Cooperativa de Avicultores de Galinha Caipira e Agricultura Familiar do Estado da Paraíba LTDA (Coopeaves) del municipio de Monteiro, en Paraíba (Nordeste del Brasil). La mayoría...
2015 - Procasur

Policy brief/paper
Livestock systems, vulnerability and climate change

Insights from the grass roots
Climate change is already happening, and its effects, especially on rural communities in India, are particularly adverse. There is a need to highlight key issues and understand the practical challenges that must be addressed, if India is to build the capacities of its rural communities to robustly adapt to climate...
2015 - WOTR and licensed under Creative Commons

Magazine article
Agri-tourism boarding house, a finality of the investment in animal husbandry

The history of the farm begins immediately after the Revolution, when Sándor Kálmán claimed the land belonging to his family, which was collectivized at that time. “I received back 7.5 hectares, and in 1991, I bought the first tractor. It was then when I started working in agriculture. I was...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network
Total results:1343