Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Tunisie : un projet de loi pour promouvoir les semences paysannes

L’Association Tunisienne de Permaculture (ATP) soumettra, prochainement, au ministère de l’Agriculture, un projet de loi visant la promotion des systèmes semenciers paysans et la protection des petits agriculteurs qui utilisent ces systèmes. S’inspirant du cadre juridique proposé par l’Alliance pour la Souveraineté alimentaire en Afrique (AFSA), ce projet a pour...

Apiculture et changements climatiques: construire une filière résiliente

Ce manuel technique se base sur les résultats et expériences de l’initiative CasaMiel, mise en œuvre par la Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI). Cette initiative se déroule dans le cadre du projet «Sécurité alimentaire: une agriculture adaptée» (SAGA) mis en œuvre par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Autorisation des OGM au Sénégal : menace sur l’agriculture ouest-africaine

A travers les textes (positions/actes politiques), le Sénégal est cité en exemple pour son engagement dans la transition agroécologique. Mais depuis le vote de la loi N°2022-20 du 14 juin 2022autorisant les organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) par son assemblée nationale, sa démarche parait très ambivalente aux yeux de la société...

Water Scarcity in Africa: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

The problem of water scarcity has cast a shadow over the wellbeing of humans. According to estimates, in 2016, nearly 4 billion people – equivalent to two-thirds of the global population – experience severe water scarcity for a prolonged period of time. If the situation doesn’t improve, 700 million people...

Case study
Leading the charge for rural women’s empowerment in Niger

Saoudé is inspiring women to challenge gender norms and become financially independent
It is only recently, at age 36, that Saoudé Garba has felt in charge of her own life. Born in the village of Danje in southern Niger, she was married early to one of the three chiefs of the village. She had her first child at the age of 15,...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Status of digital agriculture in 47 sub-Saharan African countries

Sub-Saharan Africa is uniquely positioned significantly increase its current agricultural productivity to lift the region’s more than 400 million people out of extreme poverty and improve the livelihood of approximately 250 million smallholder farmers and pastoralists in the region. To achieve that, substantive digital transformation of the agriculture sector is...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Listen to Access Agriculture Podcasts

We are excited to announce that Access Agriculture podcasts are now available in English ( and French ( It is a great way to listen to farmers and experts from around the world talk about the topics you care about, as we have repurposed summaries of our popular videos as...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Keeping the momentum going to protect Congo Basin

Blaise-Pascal Ntirumenyerwa Mihigo, Professor of Law at the University of Kinshasha explores the progress on Congo’s forest protection and what it takes to unlock the $500 million funding signed at COP 26.

Journal article
Global analysis of yield benefits and risks from integrating trees with rice and implications for agroforestry research in Africa

While agroforestry is a well-established approach for agroecological intensification, rice is less often integrated with trees than other annual staple crops. The benefits and risks from rice agroforestry practices have not been systematically explored. Considering the need for strategies that may address low fertility and high degradation of arable soils...

Investment guidelines for youth in agrifood systems in Africa

The Investment guidelines for youth in agrifood systems in Africa, developed jointly by FAO and the African Union Commission (AUC) through a multi-stakeholder and participatory process, highlight the importance of youth as change agents and key stakeholders contributing to sustainable agrifood systems. The guidelines aim to accelerate investments in and...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Case study
Jeunes Agripreneurs Africains : histoire de réussite et mise à l'échelle des leçons et innovations

L’agriculture est un secteur primordial pour générer des revenus à la population croissante et un contributeur majeur au PIB en Afrique. L’Afrique est connue comme un continent jeune, car elle compte le plus grand nombre de jeunes au monde. Ces jeunes sont énergiques, ont un esprit frais et innovant. Ils...
2022 - Organisation Panafricaine des Agriculteurs (PAFO)

Journal article
Improving efficiency of knowledge and technology diffusion using community seed banks and farmer-to-farmer extension: experiences from Malawi

Agri-innovations are mostly delivered to farmers through private and public sector-led institutions around the world, with various degrees of success in Malawi. These distribution systems, on the other hand, do not meet everyone's production and productivity needs, particularly those of smallholder farmers. Alternative gap-filling systems are therefore required. Over the...
2022 - Agriculture & Food Security


Une science et une pratique agricole pour les petits producteurs d’Afrique subsaharienne
Ce manuel s’adresse à des agronomes. Il aborde les bases d’écologie, de chimie et d’agronomie nécessaires à la compréhension des pratiques agroécologiques. Il décrit ces pratiques et le pourquoi de celles-ci. Après avoir parcouru ce document, le lecteur sera en mesure de mettre en place, de développer et de gérer un...
2022 - Fondation Antenna

Blog article
« L’homme qui arrêta le désert », une inspiration pour habiter autrement la Terre

Dans le petit village de Gourga, au Burkina Faso, proche de la grande frontière du Sahara, un homme a « arrêté le désert ». Récompensé en 2018 par le Right Livelihood Award (souvent présenté comme le prix Nobel de l’alternative), Yacouba Sawadogo entretient depuis 40 ans une forêt qui a complètement changé les perspectives du...

Are we doing enough to support small-scale farmers?

Though essential to food security on the continent, Africa’s small-scale farmers are often under-resourced and impoverished while also baring the brunt of climate change and biodiversity loss. With the Ukraine war raising fears about food insecurity and hunger, it’s never been more critical to help remove whatever barriers exist for this essential workforce. These include a lack...
2022 -

Policy brief/paper
Challenges and opportunities for small-scale tea producers in Malawi

Tea production accounts for 9%  of Malawi’s foreign exchange earnings and is a major employer, but smallholder farmers are struggling. While those in neighbouring Kenya are adding value to their tea crop for their own benefit, Malawi’s smallholder farmers — the majority of whom are women — gain far less...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Mass tree planting: prospects for a green legacy in Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s forests have been declining due to agricultural conversion, increased wood extraction for fuel and construction, and livestock over-grazing. The country has several high-profile tree-planting programmes, including the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI). Proponents say the GLI will help re-green the country, improve local livelihoods and build climate resilience, while critics...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Blog article
Chief Gutu’s community experiences on biocultural diversity management

  Indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity is increasingly being put under pressure as the process of modernization is reaching into every corner of Zimbabwe. Rapid changes are taking place in land use practices, farming methods, health care and the cultural ethos and rituals of indigenous people. Fortunately, in recent years much...
2022 - The Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

Working paper
Water sector reform, climate change and climate-resilient planning in central Tanzania

Water access is the cornerstone of livelihoods for most rural communities in Tanzania. Yet limited capacity for effective planning, management and governance of water sources is deepening vulnerability to the increasing and often unpredictable impacts of climate change. This paper assesses Tanzania’s recently centralised approach to rural water planning through...
United Republic of Tanzania
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development

The Mangrove Mothers

The women of Pate Island are fixing Kenya’s coastal forests one seedling at a time.
Zulfa Hassan and the Mtangawanda Women’s Association in Kenya's Lamu County are revitalizing local mangrove forests, crucial ecosystems that protect coastlines, support fisheries, and sequester significant amounts of carbon. These women plant mangrove seedlings in degraded coastal areas, working during low tides to ensure optimal growth. Their efforts have restored...
2022 - The Nature Conservancy
Total results:3607