Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
“There is always a way”

Samira lives in a very remote village in Kyrgyzstan with her husband and four children. They grow vegetables in a small greenhouse to feed the family. In addition, Samira works at the bakery with 10 other women – they bake bread for the local school. This might sound like “a...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Journal article
Acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C.): Fruta promisoria con posibilidades de cultivo en Colombia. Una revisión

Desde el punto de vista nutricional, los frutos son productos naturales ricos en minerales, micronutrientes y vitaminas, por lo que en muchos de los casos son conocidos por sus propiedades y efectos benéficos en la salud humana. En este sentido, la acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C.) es conocida como un alimento...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Fallow cropping: garlic after rice

The Philippines, due to its geographical location and physical environment, is among the world’s most disaster prone countries. The country regularly experiences floods, typhoons, monsoon storms and rains, and drought. The country is hit by an average of 20 typhoons yearly. These weather events have serve impacts on the agriculture...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Case study
Securing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Water is one of the most scarce resources for African farmers. Access to enough water in semi-arid regions is a huge challenge and shortages can lead to the loss of lives and livelihoods in times of drought. With climate change, water conservation will only become more imperative. Ethiopia has one...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

The Tropical Agriculture Platform

To feed a growing population and meet the challenge of climate change, agricultural production must intensify in a sustainable way, and innovation is key to make that happen. A sustainable intensification of agriculture is particularly needed in the tropics, where FAO is involved in the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP). Initiated by the G20 and generously supported...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Building resilience on Colombia's border

La Guajira, Colombia’s northernmost region, is dry with desert landscapes. It’s prone to drought and food insecurity particularly in rural areas. In recent years, the economic crisis in neighboring Venezuela has pushed over a million migrants across the border, including 165,000 people into La Guajira. The influx of migrants has...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Establishing a tree nursery

At present the need to plant trees on farms is on the increase. It is difficult, however, for smallholders to access – at the right time, in the right quantities and of high quality – the trees that they want to plant. In order to meet present and future demand...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Journal article
Caracterización de las materias primas y/o alimentos empleados en las raciones utilizadas en sistemas porcinos familiares de la zona de influencia de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (FCA) de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Según CONINAGRO (2018), son los pequeños y medianos productores porcinos (con menos de 100 cerdas madres) los que reúnen el 61% de los reproductores de dicha producción en nuestro país. El 70% del stock de porcinos se localiza en la región Centro de Argentina (Calzada et al., 2018) en concordancia...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Magazine article
Evaluación antimicrobiana de extractos obtenidos a partir de Tithonia Diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray con uso potencial en la industria lechera

El uso de antibióticos en el tratamiento de la mastitis en la industria lechera, ha acarreado una problemática con potencial impacto en la salud pública, como la resistencia antimicrobiana. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la acción antimicrobiana del extracto alcohólico de hojas, tallos y flores de Tithonia diversifolia sobre el...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria

Desigualdad digital de género en América Latina y el Caribe

La revolución tecnológica ha hecho posible que la conectividad digital también llegue a zonas rurales. Sin embargo, todavía existe un enorme trabajo pendiente para reducir las desventajas del campo frente a las ciudades y que las posibilidades que esa revolución ofrece estén al alcance de los pequeños productores. Entre los...
2020 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Aportaciones de los Pueblos Indígenas a la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios

Los talleres de consulta Aportaciones de los Pueblos Indígenas a la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios se llevaron a cabo en octubre de 2020 con motivo del Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas, evento realizado por el Fondo a cada dos años. La Cumbre tiene como objetivo lograr avances en la Agenda...
2020 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Magazine article
Adopción de la variedad de berenjena C015 (Solanum melongena L.) en la región Caribe colombiana

El objetivo del presente trabajo es contribuir al conocimiento sobre el estado de adopción de la variedad de berenjena C015, generada por Agrosavia en el año 2011, bajo el enfoque de fitomejoramiento participativo con agricultores, quienes seleccionaron el material por altos rendimientos, mayor número de frutos por planta y coloración...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Vegetative tree propagation in agroforestry

This technology describes the various stages in the vegetative propagation of trees (from tree nursery management to cuttings, grafting, and layering). It is targeted at helping field technicians and nursery managers active in tree propagation research or development. The concept of vegetative propagation is that an exact copy of the...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Soil property and fertility improvement through composting using Trichoderma

Composting improves the physical condition of soil and can thereby reduces the risk and impacts of climate variability and extreme weather events such as droughts, dry spells and heavy rains. Healthy soil systems can better respond to temperature increases, changing rainfall patterns, increase evapotranspiration rates, and alter pest and disease...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Magazine article
Aproximación a un indicador para estimar la magnitud del esfuerzo físico en las labores de cultivo

A escala finca los indicadores sociales de sostenibilidad agrícola más comunes son las horas-labor y la estacionalidad de la mano de obra.  La magnitud del esfuerzo físico que los trabajadores invierten en las actividades agrícolas normalmente no se utiliza como un indicador de eficiencia y sostenibilidad; por esta razón, en...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria

The role of digital agriculture in agroecology and food sovereignty

This presentation claims that innovations for family farmers must deliver improved livelihoods in rural areas. It argues that all innovation has to comply with the SDGs: more people working with more value and higher quality of life. Agroecology is an innovation based on peasant knowledge centered farming systems and innovation...
2020 - Schola Campesina

Interdrought 2020

Droughts affect crop production across the world. A central challenge for researchers and policymakers is to devise technologies that lend greater resilience to agricultural production under this particular environmental stress. Interdrought 2020 aims to facilitate the development of concepts, methods and technologies associated with plant production in water-limited environments. The congress will...
2020 - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)


Between December 2019 and March 2020, SOS Faim Belgium undertook a brainstorming exercise, with the support of the Destrée Institute, to draw up scenarios for the next forty years (to 2060) for the development of agricultural and food systems and the role to be played by international cooperation.
2020 - SOS FAIM Belgium

Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions - December 2020 Newsletter

It has been a year since APAARI started implementing the project on Asia Pesticide Residue Mitigation through the Promotion of Biopesticides and Enhancement of Trade Opportunities funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF). It is implemented in collaboration with the IR4 project, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),...
2020 - Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAAri)

Blog article
Open-air markets ban: Another blow to struggling small farmers

Local farmers’ markets have become the latest coronavirus casualty after France decided to close open-air markets as a further measure curb the spread of coronavirus. However, the move has proved controversial given that it stands to disproportionately affect small producers.
2020 - Euractiv
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