Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
Tajikistan’s fresh produce supply chains grow more efficient, profitable

Fruit and vegetables are a major source of income for rural households in mountainous Tajikistan – and essential for healthy diets. Fresh produce such as sweet cherries, onions and table grapes make up an important share of the country’s agricultural exports. The potential to supply domestic retail and export markets remains...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

governmental program for supporting cooperatives in beekeeping

governmental program for supporting cooperatives in beekeeping

ALTER – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas

ALTER is implemented by a consortium of rural networks in Western Balkan countries and Turkey, encouraged and supported by Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe. The goal of ALTER is to stimulate an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society, as well as to empower civil society to be effective...
Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Latvia - Montenegro - Serbia - North Macedonia
2016 - Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe

Blog article
Internally displaced families in Georgia have a chance at new livelihoods

Some 700 vulnerable internally displaced persons in Georgia could soon be earning income by growing fruit, raising rabbits, breeding cattle, beekeeping, horticulture and other agricultural activities. Financed by the European Union, the income diversification initiative is implemented by FAO and the Livelihoods Agency of Georgia’s Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Support to family farming and small scale agriculture as a strategy to achieve rural poverty reduction

The workshop “Support to family farming and small scale agriculture to achieve rural poverty reduction. Opportunities and priorities to strengthen FAO Regional Initiatives” is aimed at analysing the main trends in family farming and debating the strategy and achievements of the three FAO Regional Initiatives related to family farming and...
2016 - Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Responsible governance of tenure of land in the Mediterranean: conflicts and innovations

In the Mediterranean regions, the pressure on natural resources, particularly land, is a key element defining the processes of economic and social development. In fact, the land tenure shapes the development of agricultural production chains, natural resources management, large projects and major infrastructure development, as well as the success of rural...
2016 - FONCIMED 2016

Blog article
Не врать с сельхозстатистикой

Отчаявшиеся аграрии призывают сказать правду о сельском хозяйстве: оно стагнирует
Если верить официальной статистике, то сельскохозяйственная отрасль развивается вполне успешно, а кризис ей только на пользу: по итогам 2015 года аграрное производство показало прибавку в 3 процента, выращен 100-миллионный урожай зерна, благодаря программе импортозамещения пошло в рост овощеводство и животноводство, для сельских тружеников увеличились государственные субсидии… Однако в на деле...
Russian Federation
2016 - Политика.RU

Sécurité alimentaire, développement inclusif, climat : les enjeux de la coopération en Méditerranée

Dans le cadre de son programme « les Ateliers de l’OCEMO », l’Office de Coopération Economique pour la Méditerranée et l’Orient (OCEMO) et le Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM), organisent une conférence intitulée « Sécurité alimentaire, développement inclusif, climat : les enjeux de la coopération en Méditerranée...
2016 - Office de Coopération Economique pour la Méditerranée et l’Orient (OCEMO)

News from the Deck - October 2016

The newsletter of october 2016 of the Low Impact Fishers of Europe. 
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Urban Agriculture and the European Agenda

Urban agriculture is a hidden champion. It has been neglected for decades by both, urban and agricultural policies. City planners treated the agricultural land as potential building ground, agricultural policies focussed on the rural areas. But due to worldwide challenges as urbanisation, food security and the need for a sustainable...
2016 - COST-Action Urban Agriculture Europe (UAE)

FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme

Established in 2006, the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme (FTPP) focuses on achieving food security and combatting rural poverty in countries of the Caucasus and in the Central Asia subregion through projects operated at the national, multi-country and subregional level. The programme has supported countries in the areas of food security, food safety,...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Bluefin tuna and ICCAT 50 years on.

Time to correct historic wrongs, and return rightful access to small scale fishers.
The Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) Platform calls on ICCAT contracting parties to establish a dedicated, non-transferable, ring fenced Bluefin tuna quota for small scale low impact fishers.
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Strengthening cooperation between farmers

Association of private farming of the Czech Republic became a part of the CO-Farm project ERASMUS +, which is focused on strengthening cooperation between agricultural enterprises. The first kick-off meeting was held in Thurles, Ireland, in the middle of November 2016. The hosting organization was Limerick Technological Institute for higher...
2016 - Association of private farming of the Czech Republic

What Future for our Farming Systems?

Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions
This conference will seek to encourage debate on the benefits to be gained from more sustainable resource use and greater integration of different land uses on lowland and upland farming systems. It will present the best possible scientific understanding of the complexities associated with how best to achieve such an...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Scotland’s Rural College

Blog article
National dialogue fortifies Ukraine’s milk industry

Despite political and economic turbulence and global milk prices dropping to an all-time low, Ukraine’s commercial dairy industry has made impressive strides in recent years, producing higher-quality milk and tapping into new markets abroad. Thanks to an active Ukrainian Dairy Sector Working Group, created in 2013 by the country’s dairy industry...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Newsletter article
Post‐conference report for the 13th Eurasian Grassland Conference 2016 in Sighisoara, Romania

Between the 20th and 24th of September 2016, 85 participants from 25 countries met in Sighisoara in Southern Transylvania for the 13th annual conference of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group. In contrast to the previous 12 “EDGM, European Dry Grassland Meetings”, this year it was decided to change the name...
2016 - ADEPT Foundation

“Smart farming: Harvesting the digital dividends across the EU”

Though still associated with bucolic imagery, farmers confront a steep challenge: produce 60% more food for an additional 2.3 billion people by 2050 while using scarce natural resources more efficiently and adapting to climate change. Luckily  ICT is here to help: sensor-based, data-intensive ‘smart’ farming will potentially add $10b per...

Atelier international sur la bactérie « Xylella fastidiosa » et « Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS)

Du 19 au 22 avril  2016 se tient un « atelier international sur la bactérie «  Xylella fastidiosa » et  «  Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS) : Syndrome du déclin rapide des oliviers’. Cet atelier est organisé par la FAO et la Convention internationale de la Protection des Végétaux (CIPV / IPPC)  et le...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Convention internationale de la Protection des Végétaux (CIPV / IPPC), CIHEAM IAM- Bari

World bee day

Bees and other pollinators are very important for human survival. One third of food produced in the world depends on pollination and bees play the most important role among the pollinators. By pollination, bees contribute to successful agricultural production, to providing food security, and they also assure the nutritional security...

Forum for the Future of Agriculture 2016

This year’s Forum for the Future of Agriculture will be the first to take place since the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by world leaders in September 2015 and FFA2016 will look at what this means for agriculture and the environment in Europe and around the world. Now that...
2016 - Forum for the Future of Agriculture
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