Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Blog article
FAO, EU boost early warning system on climate in Tajikistan

Because every facet of agricultural activity depends on the weather, unpredictable weather patterns caused by climate change and other meteorological phenomena have increased the need for precise weather data. With careful planning and research, agrometeorology can help farmers overcome chaotic weather and meet the world’s demand for food and other agricultural...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Technical paper
Nueva definición de lo rural en América Latina y el Caribe

En el marco de FAO para una reflexión colectiva para definir líneas de acción para llegar al 2030 con un ámbito rural distinto
La mayoría de las estadísticas sobre población rural e indicadores socioeconómicos se basan en las definiciones censales de cada país. En la región, se usan siete tipos de definiciones censales; son dicotómicas y con umbrales distintos. Con una creciente proporción de residentes rurales ocupados en actividades no agrícolas y aumentos en...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Blog article
Experts join forces to prevent African swine fever from entering the Balkans

Reducing the risk of incursions and improving preparation for the rapid detection and control of African swine fever in the Balkan countries is the main topic of the four-day FAO workshop finishing today in Belgrade. African swine fever is a viral hemorrhagic disease that kills up to 100 percent of infected animals,...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Alimentação e Território: Estratégias, Políticas e Metodologias

O Colégio F3 da Universidade de Lisboa vai realizar um curso de formação teórico-prática para debater as questões do planeamento alimentar urbano com uma perspetiva de “bacia alimentar” nos dias 3 e 4 de maio no Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa. A frequência do curso é gratuita,...
2019 - Universidade de Lisboa

Blog article
Top Reads to Inform & Support the Peasant Struggle

April 17th, marks the International Day of Peasant’s Struggle. Organised by La Via Campesina, it is an annual event to remember the 1996 deaths of 19 members of the Landless Workers Movement (MST) struggling for agrarian reform in Eldorado dos Carajás, Brazil. This was part of a brutal crackdown by the Brazilian...
2019 - ARC2020

Blog article
Republic of Moldova to boost agrifood promotion, improve data collection

Stronger, more efficient promotion of agrifood products and new methodologies and indicators in agriculture and rural statistics are among the positive changes expected during the implementation of two new FAO projects in Republic of Moldova. The project agreements were signed in Chisinau today by Raimund Jehle, the FAO Representative in Republic...
Republic of Moldova
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Journal article
CBD: Ecology and Equity

The UN Biodiversity Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, showed that sustainable development of fishing communities and participatory conservation of marine biodiversity are compatible 
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Journal article
Asociativismo y desarrollo rural : análisis de las prácticas asociativas promovidas por el Programa Social Agropecuario en la Provincia de Santa Fe (1993-2008)

Desde mediados del siglo XX la expansión del capitalismo, la globalización y las políticas de liberalización de la economía transformaron la sociedad rural en América Latina. Hacia finales del siglo, las políticas de ajuste estructural modificaron fuertemente la estructura social y productiva del sector agrícola. Los procesos de concentración de...
2019 - Facultad de Ciencia Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales-UNR

Meet Mihai Sorin, an organic beekeeper from Romania

Mihai is an organic beekeeper with about 190 bee families.
2019 - IFOAM - Organics International

Blog article
Families in Ukraine to receive additional emergency agricultural support

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) continues to protect the lives and livelihoods of conflict-affected people. Households from 52 settlements along the “contact line” will be provided with day-old chickens and animal feed. The help, valued at USD 1 million, comes as part of United Nations...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Meet Ieva Stragytė, an organic farmer from Lithuania

Ieva Stragytė is an organic farmer from Lithuania
2019 - FOAM - Organics International

Blog article
FAO, Albania set for further collaboration

With more than 40 percent of the workforce working in agriculture and almost half of the population living in rural areas, Albania’s agriculture is the backbone of the country’s economic development. The sector will play a key role in the integration of Albania into the European Union and in achieving...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Journal article
Roundup: news, events, briefings and more. Samudra Report No.81

The Roundup includes recent publications, films added to our Documentation centre, meetings coming up, websites  which are important to small-scale fisheries, flashback of editorial from old issues of samudra report related to the theme  and Endquote from the world of literature related to fisheries. 
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Estatuto da Agricultura Familiar - Portaria 73/2019

Agricultura, Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural
O Decreto -Lei n.º 64/2018, de 7 de agosto, consagrou o Estatuto da Agricultura Familiar, distinguindo as especificidades desta nas suas diversas dimensões, reconhecendo e valorizando a adoção de medidas de apoio específicas, a aplicar preferencialmente ao nível local para atender à diversidade de estruturas e de realidades agrárias, bem...
2019 - Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR), Portugal

Report part
Supplement to Right to Food and Nutrition Watch

Women's Power in Food Struggles
Gender relations shape food systems. They significantly influence how and what we produce, work and eat. Gender oppression has often had a negative effect on women and gender non-conforming people1 across all stages of food systems, irrespective of their contributions.From growing and harvesting produce, to processing, transporting, and consuming food,...
2019 - The Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition

Working paper
Lo rural y el desarrollo sostenible en ALC

Este documento pretende reposicionar lo rural en las agendas de desarrollo nacional y regional en base a evidencia que ilustre el importante papel que los entornos rurales juegan en lo económico, lo ambiental y lo social. En América Latina y el Caribe las tres dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible —que suponen...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Thailand migration report 2019

FAO contributions to this UN Thematic Working Group report are chapter 4, "Working Conditions for Migrants in Thailand's Agricultural Sector" and chapter 5, "Working Conditions for Migrants and Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing in Thailand’s Fisheries Sector."
2019 - United Nations

Blog article
Armenia harmonizes forest monitoring system

In recent years, Armenia has gone through severe structural changes that have affected the forest sector. Forests, which were formerly under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, are now the responsibility of the Ministry of Nature Protection, together with areas dedicated to nature conservation. These changes allow for a harmonized...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Taking care of okra

Too much drought can slow down growth and cause young fruits to fall. Water your okra regularly to avoid slowing down its growth. Get rid of weeds. Nourish okra crops by periodically applying a little compost, well-rotted manure or litter around the base of each okra plant.
2019 - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Blog article
UN organisation’s report highlights concern over biodiversity

The FAO has raised the alarm over the state of biodiversity, which is necessary for global food security, in the first report it has published on the subject.  While it is repeatedly a casualty of agriculture and our nutrition, biodiversity is needed for both of these. In a report published on 22 February...
2019 - Euractiv
Total results:19993