Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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VI Global Conference on Family Farming: A Decade to improve the life of family farmers.

The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 on 20 December 2017 in order to improve the position of family farmers in all five (5) continents. The declaration of the Decade ensures the continuity of the successful IYFF-2014 process by advancing the implementation of public policies...
2019 - World Rural Forum (WRF)

Making mango crisps

Dried mango crisps are a tasty and a healthy snack that can be sold even out of season at a good price.
2019 - Rockefeller Foundation

Farmer field schools for small-scale livestock producers

The livestock sector accounts for around one third of global agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) and is growing faster than most other agricultural sectors. Livestock’s expansion has mostly been driven by a combination of population growth, urbanization and rising incomes in many developing countries, which has raised demand for meat,...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

XI Jornadas interdisciplinarias de estudios agrarios y agroindustriales Argentinos y Latinoamericanos

Las Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Estudios Agrarios y Agroindustriales constituyen un foro de discusión e intercambio de investigaciones vinculadas con las múltiples aristas del mundo rural argentino y latinoamericano, analizadas desde distintas ópticas profesionales y mediante diferentes metodologías y marcos interpretativos. El acento puesto en la convergencia multidisciplinaria sobre el campo de...
2019 - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

Webinar on applying agroecology in IFAD operations

Mixed cropping, using ‘weed’ crops to attract predators and cultivating resilient local breeds - these are all examples of agroecology in action. Agroecology refers to the application of ecological science and principles to the study, design and management of sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Fabrication d’une ruche traditionnelle africaine à deux ouvertures

Le Rwanda possède un climat favorable, et une flore mellifère riche et variée propice au développement de l’apiculture. La présente fiche explique comment construire une ruche modèle traditionnelle qui se compose d’un cylindre allongé fabriqué avec des tiges de Pennisetum (Urubingo), de bamboo ou de papyrus. Ce modèle est très...
2019 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Enraged: Women and Nature

In the heart of Northern Syria , rising from the ruins, there is an ecological village built by and for women of diverse backgrounds and faiths. With their bare hands they build their homes, their schools, and their farms. Amidst the vi olence, these w omen creat e a peaceful...
2019 - Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition

Mediterra 2018 - Migration and inclusive rural development in the Mediterranean

Today, migratory phenomena are an essential part of political agendas. Little known, their effects on territories of origin and destination have an impact on the socio-economic balance in an already preoccupying climate context.As a major component of population movements, migration from countryside to cities is a strategy to improve household living conditions...
2019 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

IFOAM Newsletter

NEWS FROM IFOAM EU WORKING FIELDS: Biofach 2019, UTP trialogues, benefits of eco-schemes, the Common Food Policy and much more!
2019 - IFOAM

Good microbes for plants and soil

In this video, we will learn about a solution that boosts the crop’s growth, and at the same time protects the crop from pests and diseases.
2019 - AccessAgriculture

Policy brief/paper
Policy guide to improve water use efficiency in small-scale agriculture

The case of Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda
Enhancing the productivity and efficiency of agricultural water is key to increase food production and respond to the growing food demand, while at the same time preserving healthy and sustainable ecosystems. Even more so in drought- and desertification-prone areas, whereby agricultural production is negatively affected by climate change, erratic rainfall...
Burkina Faso - Morocco - Uganda
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

O poder das mulheres na luta por soberania alimentar

No contexto atual de colapso ecológico e aumento da fome, as mulheres e todos aqueles que buscam reimaginar os alimentos, o meio ambiente e as economias do mundo são alvos de ataques cada vez mais violentos.
Esta edição é o resultado de um processo de reflexão coletiva impulsionado por mulheres. Aqui, as autoras instam os movimentos alimentares e feministas, que são tão diversos quanto suas lutas e origens políticas, a construir alianças e participar da discussão para promover os direitos das mulheres, incluindo jovens, adolescentes e...
2019 - Brot fuer die Welt

Blog article
The Macedonian poultry sector advances through cooperation

Despite that North Macedonia is a net importer of poultry meat, the country has a long tradition of broiler production. Given the country’s growing demand for high-quality, fresh poultry, North Macedonia could – with the right public–private collaboration, targeted investment and improvements to farmers’ already prodigious skills – increase the supply...
North Macedonia
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

State of the Right to Food and Nutrition Report 2019
This pilot-report aims to move beyond numbers, and provide an insight into how the right to food and nutrition has advanced and evolved over the past year.
2019 - The Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition

Recuperação de pastagem beneficia produtores rurais

Um projeto criado em 2015 sobre o Cerrado brasileiro já conseguiu recuperar mais de 90 mil hectares de pastagens degradadas e beneficiar quase oito mil produtores rurais.  O ABC Cerrado é um projeto implementado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa) em parceria com a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), Serviço...
2019 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa)

Blog article
Improving AMR prevention, detection, and response through enhanced surveillance

As antimicrobial resistant microbes in humans, livestock, and the environment are on the rise, improving surveillance is crucial in identifying and understanding these resistant microbes to better prevent, detect, and respond to the issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Newsletter article
A força feminina no agronegócio

O Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento comemorou o Dia Internacional das Mulheres Rurais, em 15 de outubro, lançando o edital do concurso “Inovar para Mudar – a autonomia das mulheres rurais para reduzir a pobreza e a insegurança alimentar", uma iniciativa coordenada pela Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo em...
2019 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

Blog article
Never let a good water crisis go to waste

Water and agriculture are strongly interconnected. To grow food, you need water; but the agriculture sector remains highly susceptible to water-related disasters like floods, droughts and typhoons. In turn, water resources are also impacted by agricultural activities, as the largest water-consuming sector globally and a significant source of pollution. So...
2019 - OECD

Blog article
Future of human well-being and livability of the planet rely on sustainable agriculture

Recent findings on the threats of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture and the global assessment report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services have put agriculture at...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Applying agroecology in IFAD operations

Webinar presentation
Mixed cropping, using ‘weed’ crops to attract predators and cultivating resilient local breeds - these are all examples of agroecology in action. Agroecology refers to the application of ecological science and principles to the study, design and management of sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
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