Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Caravan - Special issue on International Year of Deserts and Desertification

This issue of Caravan looks at different aspects of desertification; and how ICARDA and its partners are working together to help farming communities find effective, sustainable solutions. These collaborative efforts have generated significant impacts at community level – higher crop yields, more sustainable farming systems, more incomegenerating opportunities for the...
Jordan - Lebanon
2006 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Blog article
Conserving water, boosting incomes in Jordan's Yarmouk valley

Jordan is a chronically water-scarce country, and less than five per cent of the land is arable. For farmers, little or no rainfall means severely reduced cultivation and production – and increased hunger and poverty. Those who find other ways to supplement their incomes generally earn very little. To address...

Les obstacles aux transferts technologiques dans les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des zones arides et semi arides du Maghreb.

Le secteur agricole des pays du Maghreb est caractérisé par des petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles qui de part leur nombre (plus de 3 millions) et leur diversité (élevage, céréaliculture mais aussi légumes, fruits, oléiculture, phœnicoptéridé), constituent des acteurs importants dans le développement et le fonctionnement du secteur agricole. Cependant,...
Algeria - Morocco - Tunisia
2005 - Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Economiques (FEMISE)

Journal article
Best policies and practices for agricultural water management in the Near East region

With the most acute water-deficit in the world, the Near East Region challenge for economic and social development is likely to be jeopardized unless drastic measures are taken. The increasing need for water stems from population growth, national economies based primarily on agriculture and harsh climatic conditions and climate change...
2005 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Healing Wounds

How the international centers of the CGIAR help rebuild agriculture in countries affected by conflicts and natural disasters
For nearly three decades the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has focused its mission on helping developing countries turn agriculture into an engine of propoor, sustainable economic growth. Conflicts and natural disasters have often interfered with this mission, and disrupted the long-term work in strengthening human and institutional...
2005 - The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Caravan 22: Review of agriculture in the dry areas

This issue of Caravan provides examples of ICARDA's work with its partners to help ensure sustainability of livelihoods for the poor in marginal areas.
Algeria - Cyprus - Egypt - Ethiopia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Lebanon - Morocco - Nepal - Pakistan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tajikistan - Tunisia - Turkmenistan - Türkiye - Uzbekistan
2005 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Journal article
Typologie des élevages caprins dans la région de Chefchaouen au nord du Maroc

Fonctionnement actuel et perspectives
Cette étude a pour objectifs d’identifier les principaux types d’élevage caprin existant dans la région de Chefchaouen dans le Rif marocain, décrire leurs modes de fonctionnement, identifier et analyser les principales contraintes auxquelles ils sont soumis et établir un agenda de recherche et de développement prioritaire pour l’amélioration de la...
2004 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Journal article
Etude du système d'élevage et du mode d'exploitation des parcours collectifs

Cas de la zone de Ain Oussara (région de Djelfa), Algérie
Les parcours steppiques, région d’élevage ovin, sont marqués depuis plusieurs décennies par une forte dégradation et une réduction du couvert végétal spontané. Les principales causes de cette dégradation sont le changement du système pastoral traditionnel vers un système de production agro-pastoral, mal maîtrisé, et le déclin de l’organisation sociale tribale...
2004 - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Journal article
Impact des technologies d’orge sur l’amélioration de la production et l’intégration cultures/élevage en zone semi-aride Marocaine

Au Maroc la culture d’orge est connue pour son importance agronomique, zootechnique et socio- économique. Différents projets de recherche et développement ont été conduits ces dernières quinze années dans la province de Khouribga qui est considérée comme région pilote en matière de production d’orge et d’ovins. L’objectif des essais était...
2004 - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Journal article
L'agriculture et la Securite Alimentaire : Une etude comparative des Pays du Maghreb

Les politiques agricoles et agroalimentaires suivie~ au niv~au des pays d~ Grand Maghreb ont ete toutes marquees par l'empnse de l'~tat qUI a do~e lieu a des mesures complexes de soutien des prix, de subventIOns aux prodUlts alimentaires de base visant, particulierement, a soutenir les strategies na· tionales de securite...
Algeria - Morocco - Tunisia

Technical paper
Local knowledge systems and the management of dryland agro-ecosystems

Some principles for an approach
Local agricultural knowledge in dry-land land-use systems is centred on the conservation, use and optimisation of soil moisture and soil organic matter. Additionally, biodiversity is carefully managed and nurtured to interface with hydrological and nutrient cycling to provide for ecosystem resilience, food security and diversity, and risk minimisation.
Kenya - Tunisia
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Reversing environmental degradation through cooperation in Morocco

Nowhere is the link between the environment and poverty more pronounced than in highly fragile ecosystems, where inhabitants are often compelled to degrade natural resources as they struggle to survive on inhospitable land. IFAD’s drive to break this vicious cycle has led to the development of a number of replicable...

Rural development project for mountain zones in the north of the Wilaya of M'sila

This project, designed to reduce rural poverty, focused particularly on small farmers, unemployed young people and rural women. It was in line with the government's strategic development aims in mountain areas with a high incidence of poverty.  The project served as a platform for continuing policy dialogue with the government on...
2003 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Blog article
Jordan: Agricultural Resources Management Project

Mid-term evaluation
The rationale for ARMP is based on supporting rural households in the two Governorates of Karak and Tefila to intensify their agricultural practices by enhancing natural resource management in the designated project areas. This is to be achieved by arresting soil degradation and restoring soil fertility through the sustainable use...

Technical paper
Cold water fisheries in the trans-Himalayan countries

The Trans-Himalayan region encompasses a number of countries situated in the midland and highland areas of the Himalayas, Karakoram, and in a broad sense also in Hindu Kush and Pamir. The mountains are characterized by a very low level of human development, with full exploitation or overexploitation of the natural...
Bhutan - China - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Myanmar - Nepal - Pakistan

Blog article
IFAD in Morocco

Nowhere is the linkage between the environment and poverty more pronounced than in the fragile ecosystems where inhabitants are often compelled to degrade their natural resources and struggle for survival. IFAD’s drive to break this vicious cycle has often led to the development of innovative, replicable models. A striking example is...

Farming systems and poverty

Improving farmers’ livelihoods in a changing world
An estimated 500 million small farmers – men and women – produce most of the developing world’s food. Yet their families suffer more hunger than even the urban poor, have higher rates of poverty and enjoy less access to basic social services. Meeting international commitments to halve hunger and poverty...

Caravan 13: Central Asia and the Caucasus (CAC)

This issue of Caravan chronicles ICARDA’s efforts in developing a research strategy and a need-based research program for the CAC region. In doing so, ICARDA played a major role in bringing together all partners, most importantly donors. The article on page 8 traces the history of this effort and provides...
Armenia - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan
2000 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Technical paper
Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia

The thirteen papers presented in this publication review fish stocks and fisheries of mountainous areas of Asia: Himalayas (Bhutan, Nepal, northern states of India within the Himalayas), Western Ghats (India), Karakoram-Hindu Kush (Pakistan, Afghanistan), Pamir (Tajikistan), Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), Altai (Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China), high altitude lakes of Mongolia and...
Afghanistan - Armenia - Bhutan - China - India - Mongolia - Nepal - Pakistan

Journal article
Privatisation et partage du foncier : une des causes de la dégradation des milieux naturels en Algérie

L'accès à la propriété foncière et le partage des terres collectives et privées ont entraîné des défrichements au niveau des prairies permanentes, des parcours, des maquis et des forêts. L'artificialisation des milieux naturels a accéléré le processus d'érosion et de dégradation des sols. A travers quelques exemples concrets, les conséquences...
1997 - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)
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