Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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FAO Policy Series: Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries

Capture fisheries support the livelihoods of over 120 million people. Small-scale fisheries produce two-thirds of all catches destined for direct human consumption and provide 90% of the employment in the sector.Nicole Franz, Fisheries Planning Analyst and Yvette Diei Ouadi, Fishery Industry Officer of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department explain...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Preparing low-cost concentrate feed

In this video, we will learn from farmers how one can save money by making their own concentrate feed for their livestock and fish. Many farmers do not have enough good feed, they can buy concentrate feed that is rich in nutrients, but such feed is costly. By making a base...

Una mirada al extensionismo acuícola en América Latina y el Caribe

El informe presenta los resultados del análisis del estado de los programas de extensionismo acuícola en algunos países de América Latina y el Caribe. El número de emprendimientos acuícolas crece constantemente en la región y aun con la baja fiabilidad de las estadísticas relacionadas con los Acuicultores de Recursos Limitados...
Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Mexico - Paraguay - Peru
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

FishAdapt Conference

Climate change is altering aquatic ecosystems, driving shifts in physical and chemical processes, ecological communities and the distribution and abundance of species. These changes have implications for fisheries management, food security and the livelihoods of more than 600 million people worldwide that are employed in fisheries and aquaculture or related...

Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics - 2015

Globalisation, climate change, population growth and urbanisation are all having an impact on the world’s agriculture. Through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which accounts for the biggest share of the EU budget, the EU is driving developments in this strategic sector. Latest figures show that farming employs over 20 million...
2016 - European Union

Blog article
New era beckons with implementation of illegal fishing treaty

The Port State Measures Agreement "marks the dawn of a new era in the effort to combat illegal fishing" but rapid action is needed to make sure its implementation is effective, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today at an event held to celebrate the world's first international treaty...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Contribución de la pesca artesanal a la seguridad alimentaria, el empleo rural y el ingreso familiar en países de América del Sur

El presente documento presenta los resultados del análisis de información primaria obtenida de entrevistas directas a miembros de comunidades pesqueras seleccionadas de Chile, Colombia y Perú y de información secundaria a partir de documentación pertinente relacionada con la pesca artesanal y su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria y al ingreso...
Chile - Colombia - Peru
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Newsletter article
Healthy diets from sustainable food systems all year round – a case study captured on film in Zambia

A 3-year research-for-development initiative in the Barotse floodplain, Zambia, supported by the CGIAR research programs Aquatic Agricultural Systems and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, brought scientists and community members together to improve food and nutrition security all year round. Activities included assessing seasonal food availability, dietary intake patterns of the...
2016 - Bioversity International

Small-scale fisheries: the exception should not be the rule

Brian O’Riordan, LIFE’s Deputy Director, explains to the readers of Inshore Ireland the consequences of the “tradition of exemptions” and the future steps needed for a correct management of the small-scale fleet in the long term.  
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Case study
Granjas agro-acuícolas demostrativas para el fortalecimiento de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y el ingreso familiar en Guatemala

Una evaluación preliminar de impacto
Esta sistematización presenta las experiencias generadas a partir de la implementación de cuatro granjas agroacuícolas entre junio de 2014 y los primeros meses de 2015. Dos de ellas están ubicadas en el municipio de San Luis Jilotepeque, departamento de Jalapa, y las otras dos en los municipios de Sibinal y...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Policy brief/paper
LIFE’s Baltic Members launch an Action Plan

Following ICES advice for 2017, LIFE’s Members of the Baltic Region (including Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany) elaborated the following action plan, to be presented to decision-makers, with concrete proposals for a correct management of the Western Baltic Cod stock. Cod is one of the main sources of income for...
Denmark - Germany - Poland - Sweden
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Policy brief/paper
Baltic stocks: comments and highlights

Following ICES advice for 2017, LIFE’s Members of the Baltic Region (including Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany) elaborated the comments and highlights below, to be presented to decision-makers, with concrete proposals for a correct management of Baltic stocks. 
Denmark - Germany - Poland - Sweden
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Regional Office for Africa Quarterly Newsletter for a Hunger-Free Africa: May - August 2016

This Edition of RAF Newsletter captures the key projects and success stories of FAO across the subregion of Africa. It also present to readers news highlights and titbits of FAO activities in focus.
Central African Republic - Djibouti - Eritrea - Ghana - Sierra Leone - Somalia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

A meeting of minds in Warsaw

Saturday 29th October, Warsaw - Member organisations and invited guests met in Warsaw, Poland to celebrate LIFE’s work in support of the small scale, low impact fishers of Europe
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Forum «RUSSIAN VILLAGE - 2016»

The aim of the Project is to contribute to the development of agriculture, to support small and medium size businesses in agriculture, to ensure effective functioning of agricultural businesses,to revive Russian villages.
Russian Federation
2016 - Russian village

Survival of Sea Bass and Small Scale Handliners in the Balance

ICES Advice for Sea Bass in 2017: Zero catches based on precautionary approach?
Scientific assessment and observations from small-scale fisheries highlight the poor state of sea bass stocks, and raise major concerns about the survival of the resources and of the fishers who depend on them.
France - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Regional workshop for Africa: Towards productive, sustainable and inclusive agriculture, forestry and fisheries in support to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In September 2015, countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This will shape their development programmes in a transformational way for the next 15 years. At the last FAO Regional Conference for Africa, held in Abidjan in April 2016, many delegates asked the organization to assist countries in their...
Cameroon - Chad - Côte d'Ivoire - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Mali - Mozambique - Rwanda - Zambia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Small-scale fisheries markets

The revised Common Market Organisation (CMO) is a great opportunity for small-scale fisheries (SSF) producers to better access the market and to compete successfully with imported fishery products. The aim of intervention is to give the consumer the opportunity to buy a fresh, safe, and environmentally-friendly product, and to guarantee...
European Union
2016 - Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament)

Aquaculture in the EU

Tapping into Blue Growth
Aquaculture covers the farming of aquatic organisms (finfish, molluscs, crustaceans, algae…). It takes place in both inland and marine areas. The Commission is helping EU Member States to simplify administrative procedures, implement spatial planning and promote sustainable aquaculture. Aquaculture is a key component of both the Common Fisheries Policy and the...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Fishermen and the local municipality join forces to set up a local fish market

Fishermen and the local municipality worked together to improve selling conditions for fresh fish in Olt county with a local fish market for 170 fishermen.
2016 - European Commission
Total results:1504