Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Fact sheet
The Food Supply Chain

The number of actors in the food chain varies greatly at each level. In the EU, around 11 million farms produce agricultural products for processing by about 300 000 enterprises in the food and drink industry. The food processors sell their products through the 2.8 million enterprises within the food...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Situación general de las mujeres rurales e indígenas en México

Este Informe País aporta datos fundamentales para tener en cuenta en cualquier tipo de discusión, proyecto o iniciativa que implique a las mujeres rurales de México, a la vez que propone recomendaciones puntuales para la garantía de sus derechos. Los Informes País sobre la situación de las mujeres rurales son una...
2017 - Iniciativa Basada en Compromisos "Mujer Rural y Derecho a la Tierra" - ILC LAC

Better practices and organic feed lead to healthier, heavier and more profitable chickens in Cambodia

Sok Houn and her husband, Tep Sok, live in Trok village, in the Svay Rieng province of Cambodia, with their four children. They used to raise chickens through traditional practices, and as a result many chickens died early. In 2014, MTCP2 reached the village of Trok, facilitating training for local farmers...
2017 - Farmer and Nature Net

Alianza de mujeres por el acceso a la tierra y medios de producción (Guatemala)

Esta herramienta de comunicación e incidencia es el resultado de estrategias implementadas por grupos de mujeres que trabajan por la garantía de sus derechos, el reconocimiento de sus identidades y la participación en los espacios de toma de decisiones que afectan a las mujeres rurales en Latinoamérica. Con esta herramienta se...
2017 - Iniciativa Basada en Compromisos "Mujer Rural y Derecho a la Tierra" - ILC LAC

Fact sheet
Organic banana production in Peru

According to Peru’s National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA), in 2001, there were 8,146 organic-certified producers in the country on 25,000 ha. In 2009, there were estimated to be 55,049 organic small producers on 445,352 ha, which means the number of organic producers and the surface dedicated to organic agriculture have...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Best Practices for Fall Armyworm Management in Africa

World Experiences and Best Practices for Fall Armyworm Management in Africa South-South Technical Cooperation Meeting This video was produced under the auspices of the FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Africa, Bukar Tijani. The video also captures an interview with the Director, Plant, Production and Protection division of FAO...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
INDAP realiza Primer Simposio Nacional de Agroecología para la Agricultura Familiar

En un trabajo conjunto con las organizaciones campesinas, INDAP realizará los días 6 y 7 de septiembre próximo, en la sede de la Oficina Regional de la FAO en Santiago, el  Primer Simposio Nacional de Agroecología para la Agricultura Familiar, instancia que busca promover esta práctica como un modelo de...
2017 - Instituto Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)

Blog article
The mountain leaders rural women are

Wherever you go, whatever you produce, whatever you believe in, Women of the mountains are determined to lead their societies for survival.
2017 - SIMRA

Journal article
Can Values-based Food Chains Advance Local and Sustainable Food Systems? Evidence from Case Studies of University Procurement in Canada and the UK

This article asks whether the concept of values-based food chains (VBFC) can help explain and advance processes fostering sustainability transitions in the food system of the Global North. The VBFC concept is contested in the context of the author’s research into Canadian and UK university food procurement experiences designed to...
Canada - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Fact sheet
¡Antes de sembrar, el suelo debe analizar!: procedimiento para la toma de muestras y análisis de suelos

El presente folleto da a conocer el procedimiento para la toma de muestras y análisis de fertilidad de suelos, para evitar la poca rentabilidad de un cultivo y determinar las necesidades de adición de fertilizantes o enmiendas para suplir dichas necesidades y corregir las condiciones adversas, sirviendo como herramienta de...
2017 - Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA

Blog article
Abandoned terraces adopted to support mountains

The project “Adotta un terrazzamento” [“Adopt a terrace” in English] aims at regulating and expanding mountain farming activities by giving any interested person the opportunity to adopt a terrace and provide direct or long-term support to the mountains of the Brenta Valley, in the Alps region in Italy.
2017 - SIMRA

Le Conseil Agricole au Maroc: Guide Méthodologique

La nouvelle stratégie relative au développement du « Conseil Agricole » a été élaborée par le Département de l'Agriculture avec pour objectif l'accompagnement des agriculteurs et le transfert du savoir-faire agricole sur le terrain. Cette stratégie vient pallier les nombreuses déficiences constatées dans le dispositif dit de " vulgarisation", qui pêchait...

Blog article
Thousands already have their say on future of food, farming and rural areas

The consultation is open for a further six weeks until 2 May, and then the hard work of analysing and assessing the many thousands of responses can begin ahead of a conference to present the results planned for 7 July in Brussels.
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Blog article
When preserving the wool means preserving the territory

Extensive livestock farming is the most important population-fixing activity in Iberian rural areas. This is so because, unlike other activities, it requires people to take care of the animals every day. Furthermore, in many marginal rural areas, extensive livestock farming is often the only possibility that the territory has to...
2017 - SIMRA

Journal article
Values in Motion: The Local Organic Food Co-ops Network in Ontario, Canada

Values-based food chains (VBFCs) are gaining recognition as people seek alternatives to the unsustainable environmental and social outcomes of the corporate food system. One example of a VBFC can be found in the Local Organic Food Co-ops (LOFC) Network, a coalition of cooperatives that specialize in locally and sustainably produced...

Blog article
Digital innovation can transform Africa’s smallholder farming

Digital innovation and policy reforms offer the greatest prospects for transforming the smallholder farming sector, SACAU president Dr Theo de Jager and CEO Mr Ishmael Sunga told delegates while presenting at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Smart Farming convening recently which was also attended by philanthropist Bill Gates.  The SACAU leadership...
2017 - Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

Blog article
Adopt your cow and encourage mountain farming

“Adotta una mucca”, (“Adopt a cow” in English) is an Italian initiative from the Valsugana Valley in the Trentino province. Its objective is to introduce tourists, children and families to mountain life and culture. Adopters can visit various Alpine huts, learn how mountain products are made faithfully following old recipes...
2017 - SIMRA

Envisioning Mountainous Sustainable Food Systems

During the event, participants will explore the richness and the dynamism of mountainous territories, and their innovative initiatives for building sustainable food systems.

Blog article
Inspirational ideas: Mixed farming in the Aveyron river basin

In the Aveyron river basin (France), the low-lying, fertile lands are usually used for monocultures, and the higher, less fertile areas for livestock. Recently, a research project has led to the construction of a scenario in which crop farmers would introduce alfalfa into their rotations, in response to more frequently...
2017 - Eip Agri Agriculture&Innovation

Blog article
Counting down to 2030 – Asia-Pacific countries encounter obstacles, data and knowledge gaps as they attempt to monitor progress toward achieving the 17 SDGs

While the world’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals are clear in their targets, accurately measuring progress to reach them is proving to be more of a challenge, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization said today. An FAO survey in the Asia-Pacific region found considerable gaps in progress toward implementing internationally accepted norms...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:19200