Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Journal article
Delivering “less but better” meat in practice—a case study of a farm in agroecological transition

Eating “less but better” meat can be a strategy to guide meat consumption in Western or high-income countries towards sustainability, but what “better” means depends on the perspective. Multiple studies and reports suggest that agroecological farming systems could contribute to a broad range of sustainability benefits, but few studies have examined the...

Evangelina Argüello: Herramienta para la Evaluación del Desempeño de la Agroecología" (TAPE)

En el marco del segundo encuentro de los talleres TAPE (Herramienta para la Evaluación del Desempeño de la Agroecología) que se llevó a cabo en la zona sur del cinturón verde de la ciudad de Córdoba, Evangelina Argüello del Instituto de Fisiología y Recursos Genéticos Vegetales nos cuenta acerca de...
2022 - Agricultural Research Centre

Policy brief/paper
Scientific evidence on the contribution of organic farming to sustainable food security

With the current conflict in Ukraine and food security now being a major political question (e.g., Aubert et al. 2022, Dankevych 2022a, Dankevych 2022b, Glauber & Laborde 2022), this briefing explains how organic contributes to sustainable food security, summarising the most relevant and recent scientific publications that critically assess the...
European Union
2022 - TP Organics

How do farmers change their practices at the farm level after co-design processes in Farmer Field Schools?

Farmers are increasingly recognized as the designers of their own production systems and face challenges that call for context-specific innovations. Co-designing innovations with farmers are one way to tailor options to local constraints and resources. However, studies on how farmers implement agroecological practices after a co-design process are rare, especially...

Blog article
Campo alternativo: capacitan sobre agroecología a pequeños productores

Con la ayuda de un programa lúdico, con los naipes del “chin chon”, la FAO y distintas entidades públicas y privadas impulsan el modelo en chacras de menor escala. El caso de Natalia Córdoba y el testimonio de su experiencia. Natalia Córdoba produce verduras en 25 hectáreas ubicadas al sur de Córdoba...
2022 - Periurbanos y Agroecología

Caracterización agronómica, fisicoquímica, sensorial y de metabolitos con actividad funcional de cacaos especiales cultivados bajo sistemas agroforestales en el departamento de Santander

En el presente documento se hace una compilación de información producto de resultados de investigación cuyo objetivo principal fue la caracterización agronómica fisicoquímica, funcional y análisis sensorial de 22 genotipos regionales denominados TCS 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45,...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Journal article
The Role of Actor Networks in Enabling Agroecological Innovation: Lessons from Laos

In this paper, the authors use conceptual insights from the actor–network theory (ANT) to explore the role of agroecological innovation systems (AeISs) in the reconfiguration of agricultural practices toward sustainability. AeISs are actor networks involving a diversity of individuals (e.g., farmers, traders, experts) and organizations (e.g., cooperatives, rural development agencies,...
Lao People's Democratic Republic

Crecimiento verde y agricultura climáticamente inteligente en el cultivo de plátano (Musa AAB)

Este documento aporta información agronómica valiosa que atiende las necesidades, fortalezas y debilidades de algunas prácticas realizadas en el cultivo de plátano (Musa AAB) en el país y contextualiza las actividades propuestas con un enfoque de crecimiento verde para incrementar la productividad en el uso de recursos y aumentar los...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Technical paper
Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y la bioeconomía: contribución a una transformación sostenible e inclusiva de la agricultura y a la recuperación pos-COVID-19

Las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza (SbN) se han posicionado en la vanguardia para enfrentar el cambio ambiental global en sus múltiples dimensiones. En el documento se revisan las sinergias entre múltiples objetivos que pueden ofrecer dichas soluciones, para el accionar de una agricultura más sostenible y el fortalecimiento de...
2022 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Policy brief/paper
Improving Eco-schemes in the light of agroecology: Key recommendations for the 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy

On 25 June 2021, the European Union (EU) finalised its negotiations for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that is set to come into power on  1 January 2023 and run until 2027. While this CAP is being championed by its creators as a radical new framework for tackling agricultural and...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU)

FAO Liaison Office in New York Newsletter Issue 45 - July 2022

FAO Liaison Office in New York Newsletter Issue 45 - July 2022
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Journal article
Agroecological practices increase farmers’ well-being in an agricultural growth corridor in Tanzania

Millions of people rely on nature-rich farming systems for their subsistence and income. The contributions of nature to these systems are varied and key to their sustainability in the long term. Yet, agricultural stakeholders are often unaware or undervalue the relevance of those contributions, which can affect decisions concerning land...
2022 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Blog article
COVID-19 lessons for building more resilient food systems

A highly concentrated global food system delinked from local smallholder farms has proved unable to solve our accelerating food crises.  Agroecology is central to building the healthy and resilient local food systems we urgently need in the face of increasing global uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic that paralyzed most of the world in...
2022 - Agroecology Fund

Blog article
A return to agroecology traditions points the way forward for Malawi’s farmers

MONGABAY's Charles Mpaka authored an excellent piece on Malawi's 3.3 million smallholder farming families, which comprise the country's economic backbone, yet many are underprivileged and facing food scarcity. Agroecology has proven to be a lifeline for some farmers, enabling them to increase yields and revenue while lowering the usage of...

Why Legumes are Necessary for the Agroecological Transition

Legumes are a special group of plant species that includes crops such as peas, beans, and clovers. Legumes are unique because they require no synthetic nitrogen fertiliser to grow and once they are harvested, the nitrogen-rich crop residues can be left in the field as manure. This process further offsets...
2022 - Agroecology Europe

« Tout ce que nous consommons vient de nos parcelles » : au Sénégal, l’agroécologie au service de l’indépendance des femmes

A perte de vue, des acacias et des baobabs peuplent la savane poussiéreuse du bassin arachidier, cette large zone d’agriculture pluviale située au centre du Sénégal. Mais à l’approche du village de Tawafal, 120 km à l’est de Dakar, c’est un autre paysage qui attire l’œil du visiteur : six hectares de...

Mujeres y Agroecología

Experiencias del Buen Vivir de la agricultoras
Este material es una invitación para conocer distintas experiencias de mujeres agricultoras agroecológicas del territorio de Sobral (estado brasileño de Ceará). Son historias que expresan el trabajo, la diversidad, la producción, el corage, las estrategias, la creatividad, la resistencia y la resiliencia de mujeres campesinas de la región de Semiarido...
2022 - Centro de Estudos do Trabalho e de Assessoria ao Trabalhador e à Trabalhadora (CETRA)

Webinar: Prácticas innovadoras de género para transformación rural: lecciones de Brasil y Uruguay

El Centro de Conocimiento y Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular del FIDA para América Latina y el Caribe realizó el webinar Prácticas innovadoras de género para la transformación rural: lecciones de Brasil y Uruguay. El webinar presentó la publicación homónima (Descagar publicación), que recoge buenas prácticas de desarrollo rural lideradas por mujeres en el contexto...
2021 - IFAD

Blog article
New router database connects EU member states' organic seed databases

 A long-awaited solution for seed suppliers, European organic farmers, and national authorities arrived. The new router database will increase the availability of seed of organic varieties and help increase the transparency of the European organic seed market. EU member states need to establish a national database listing all offered organic seed...
2021 - FIBL

Blog article
Goal 2035. When will we have organic seeds in organic farming?

Organic production is growing – but what about its basis: organic seeds?
Consumers nearly everywhere in Europe tend to buy more and more healthy food – in particular food that is labelled organic. This development has received an additional push through the Corona pandemic, which made many people realise the importance – and vulnerability – of vitality and good health. But does...
2021 - Bioeco Actual
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