Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Short Food Supply Chains as drivers of sustainable development

Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) have established in parallel to conventional food chains, playing a key role in the emerging food networks that are continuously arising as an alternative to the globalized agri-food model. The diversities and particularities of the experiences existing all over the world (box schemes, farmers’ markets,...
Austria - France - Italy - Latvia - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Russian Federation - Spain - Switzerland

CIHEAM Watch Letter 24 - Rural development in the Mediterranean Countries

Agro-food chain is the only chain in the economy that can bring together and integrate numerous of economic activities, can connect hundreds of local enterprises with thousands consumers and producers, offering a unique opportunity to rural development, which consequently can reinvigorate the region’s economy and the whole national economy. Rural...
Algeria - Egypt - Portugal - Spain - Tunisia
2013 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM)

A new approach to mining agricultural gene banks – to speed the pace of research innovation for food security

This report presents the possibilities of ‘FIGS’, a new technique for searching agricultural genebanks, that helps crop breeders and their managers achieve faster and better targeted pinpointing of improved crops for the future. This approach helps genebank managers, crop breeders, development agencies and donors to improve the effectiveness of crop...
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Herders’ Guide on Integrated Rangeland Restoration (IRR)

Globally ICARDA has the mandate to develop sustainable systems to protect and better use rangelands in the dry lands in cooperation with national research organizations. About 25% of terrestrial surface is used for extensive pastoralism often increasing the risk of desertification, which is fueled by climate change. Unfortunately, by now...
2013 - ICARDA

L’exploitation agricole familiale

le modèle idéal
Cette année, le rapport de situation s’intéresse aux exploitations paysannes familiales, lesquelles constituent encore et toujours la forme d’exploitation habituelle même si elles sont confrontées à divers problèmes. C’est pourquoi l’ONU a déclaré 2014 «Année internationale de l’agriculture familiale». Les petites et moyennes exploitations familiales produisent 70% de toutes les...
2013 - Union Suisse des Paysans

Journal article
Agricultural Development of Eastern Europe Countries: Investments in this Sector their way out of Crisis: Case of Albania

This paper emphasizes the vital importance of the agriculture sector to the food security for Albania and other neigh boring post-communist countries. The aim of this study is to illustrate how investments in agricultural development and food security can protect these countries form future global crisis. Agriculture sector used to...

Farmer managed irrigation systems in the Alai (Kyrgyzstan) and Pamir (Tajikistan) mountains

In the high mountain valleys of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, gravity-flow irrigation systems support the production of grains, fodder, vegetables, herbs, and fruits as well as wood for construction purposes. A majority of the irrigation systems in the Alai and Pamir mountain ranges were constructed by communities of water users prior...
Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan
2013 - Global Water Forum

Declaración de Antigua

Esta Declaración fue aprobada por la Asamblea de Miembros de la ILC en Antigua, Guatemala, el 25 de abril de 2013. La Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) es una alianza mundial de organizaciones intergubernamentales y de la sociedad civil que trabajan en colaboración para fomentar y garantizar...
2013 - International Land Coalition (ILC)

Mechanization for rural development

A review of patterns and progress from around the world
Agricultural mechanization is a crucial input to agricultural crop production. It is frequently very capital intensive, compared to other (usually annual) inputs and it has repercussions on the efficiency of all other inputs used in crop production, including seeds, fertilizer, water, and time/labour. It is also much more complex in...
Bangladesh - Brazil - China - India - Nepal

Small farming in South East Europe at a crossroads

The EU enlargement process introduces new opportunities for small farmers in the Balkans, but also new risks. Slow Food Bulgaria and Osservatorio organized a conference in Sofia on the protection of the region's traditional food Similar to many other parts of the world, recent years have witnessed a real revival of...
2013 - Osservatorio BalcanieCaucaso

Forestry Legislation in Azerbaijan, Central Asian Countries and Turkey

FAO is dedicated to assisting countries to achieve the goals of the World Food Summit and those contained in the Millennium Declaration. Forestry can make a significant contribution in this regard because many of the poorest people in the world live in and around forested areas, and therefore depend on...
Azerbaijan - Türkiye

Regional Synthesis on the Forest Genetic Resources of Central Asia

Genetic diversity provides the fundamental basis for the evolution of forest species and for their adaptation to change. Conserving forest genetic resources (FGR) is therefore vital as they constitute a unique and irreplaceable resource for the future. At its Eleventh Regular Session, the FAO Commission on genetic resources for food...
Azerbaijan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Uzbekistan

ICARDA annual report 2013

ICARDA is pleased to share the scaling out of some important research outcomes and their impacts in 2013. For example, the innovative adaptation of raised bed machines to small-scale farming – developed with farmers and private sector in Sharkia province in Egypt – delivers a 24% saving in irrigation water...
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Conference proceedings
First Regional Symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

The First Regional Symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea was organized from 27 to 30 November 2013 by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) in partnership with the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB),...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

EU Rural review. Family Farming

The concept of family farming is the recipient of much high-level political capital right now...  The United Nations has declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming, the primary aim of which is to promote, develop and strengthen all types of familyoriented agriculture - from horticulture and livestock to fisheries and forestry - as a socially...
Austria - Belgium - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Malta - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

L’exploitation agricole familiale: le modèle idéal

Rapport de situation 2013
le rapport de situation s’intéresse aux exploitations paysannes familiales, lesquelles constituent encore et toujours la forme d’exploitation habituelle même si elles sont confrontées à divers problèmes. C’est pourquoi l’ONU a déclaré 2014 «Année internationale de l’agriculture familiale». Les petites et moyennes exploitations familiales produisent 70% de toutes les denrées alimentaires...
2013 - Union Suisse des Paysans

Executive summary on the Public Consultation "The role of family farming, key challenges and priorities for the future"

The European Commission launched on 5 August 2013 an on-line public consultation with the aim to understand citizens' experiences and perceptions on family farming. The survey also looked at some of the challenges and priorities faced by family farming (FF).  All citizens, organisations and public authorities in the European Union and beyond interested in the...
2013 - European Commission

Conference proceedings
Feeding and management strategies to improve livestock productivity, welfare and product quality under climate change

Most of world’s rural population depend on livestock for their livelihood, especially in the Mediterranean, African and many Asian countries. To reduce poverty, fight hunger and ensure global food security, there is an urgent need to increase livestock production in sustainable ways. However, livestock production systems in those areas are...
Algeria - France - Italy - Morocco - Romania - Tunisia
2013 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)ood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Great Insights: Family Farming and Food Security

In this issue of GREAT insights we have asked the ‘custodians’ of the UN Year of Family Farming and the AU Year of Food Security, the Director General of the Food Agriculture Organization and the AU Commissioner for Agriculture, what outcomes they expect from these international processes, particularly in terms of the...
Italy - South Africa

Союз органического земледелия

Союз органического земледелия является добровольным, самоуправляемым, основанным на членстве общественным объединением граждан и юридических лиц, общественных объединений, созданном на основе совместной деятельности для защиты общих интересов и достижения уставных целей. Союз является независимой, политически не ангажированной общественной организацией в сфере органического земледелия. Основой Союза является некоммерческое партнерство его членов, которое...
Russian Federation
2013 - Союз органического земледелия
Total results:1301