Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Report part
Alternative Solutions for a traditional society undergoing change: support for adding value to Imraguen fishery products from Banc d’Arguin National Park, Mauritania

The PNBA was established in 1976 to preserve biodiversity, particularly migratory bird colonies. In 2000, the objectives broadened to include development of the local communities, which was deemed to be an integral part of the ecosystem, and the park’s management adopted a development and management plan (DMP). The aim of this...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
The nexus between food insecurity and socioeconomic characteristics of rural households in Western Indonesia identified with Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance´s approach by USAID

Nexus between food insecurity and socioeconomic characteristics of rural households in Indonesia
This study investigated correlation and regression analyses designed to asses the respective relationships between the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale/ Prevalence (HFIAS/ HFIAP) as a measure of food access, the Household Dietary Diversity Score, the Months of Adequate Household Food Provisioning (MAHFP) as a measure of food stability and (i)...
2017 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Policy brief/paper
Examining livelihoods and reconsidering rural development in the former homelands of South Africa

Persistent poverty and under-development in South Africa’s former homeland communal areas have been little changed by post-apartheid ‘rural development’ policy. Rural development policy has often been characterised by impulses towards topdown planning, a default assumption that agriculture ought to drive rural development, a reliance on resource-intensive income generation projects, and...
South Africa
2017 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

EUFarmRecipes and stories to tell

A book celebrating EU agriculture produce, culinary traditions and farmers
A book celebrating EU agriculture: produce, culinary traditions and the role of farmers and agri-cooperatives
European Union

Policy brief/paper
Global policy toolkit on public support to organic agriculture

This toolkit is aimed at anyone involved in advocating for pro-organic policies, designing them, or deciding on them. It is therefore aimed both at government representatives and private sector users.
2017 - IFOAM-Organics International

Case study
Improving food security, nutrition and income of tribal smallholder farmers in Sundagarh District, Odisha, India

The Centre for Integrated Rural and Tribal Development (CIRTD), a long term partner of ActionAid India in Sundargarh district of Odisha, has implemented the project, “Enhancing income and securing the food and nutrition of Small and Marginal Farmers through Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture in Rainfed Region”. CIRTD works predominantly in...
2017 - Action Aid India

Journal article
Organic food: panacea for health?

The report confirms earlier systematic reviews that described a scarcity of studies investigating the potential beneficial health effects of an organic diet. The largest of the epidemiology studies looking at allergies and atopic disease, the PARSIFAL study, studied 14 000 children aged 5–13 years in five European countries. It showed that children on a...
2017 - The Lancet

The future of food and agriculture

Trends and challenges
FAO’s vision is of a ‘world free from hunger and malnutrition, where food and agriculture contribute to improving the living standards of all, especially the poorest, in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner’. To help its Member Countries realize that shared vision – individually at the national level and...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Mujeres: su rol en la soberanía y seguridad alimentarias

Producción, organización, participación y nutrición en la zona 1 norte de Ecuador, desde los saberes y la identidad cultural
La investigación y su sistematización en este documento fue posible gracias al fnanciamiento proveniente de la Unión Europea a través de los proyectos “Fortalecimiento a organizaciones andinas para la incidencia en política pública sobre seguridad alimentaria en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú” y “Democratización, derechos y diálogo intercultural para la inclusión...
2017 - CARE Ecuador

Expert meeting on climate change implications for Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries

The Expert Meeting on Climate Change Implications for Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries, was held at the GFCM, Rome, 4–6 December 2017, with the objective to provide technical support the development of an adaptation strategy to cope with the potential effects of climate change on fisheries, in the framework of...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Women small-Holder farmers

Key drivers for sustainable production
The shouts can be heard from a distance as one approaches Domboshawa, 30 kilometres northeast of the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. Tokupai madomasi! Tokupai mbambaira! Do you want tomatoes or sweet potatoes? Mune marii? How much do you have? Scores of women and children carrying bundles of vegetables, sacks of sweet...
2017 - Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

Conference proceedings
Memorias de los Talleres de Agroecología y Roya del Café en Mesoamérica y República Dominicana

El documento contendrá un resumen de cada una de las presentaciones que se realizaron en los talleres de Agroecología y Roya del Café llevados a cabo en 7 países de la subregión Mesoamérica y Rep. Dominicana. Entre los temas que se podrán encontrar en esta publicación están la relación de...
Costa Rica - Cuba - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Panama
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Blog article
World’s future food security “in jeopardy” due to multiple challenges, report warns

By 2050 humanity's ranks will likely have grown to nearly 10 billion people. In a scenario with moderate economic growth, this population increase will push up global demand for agricultural products by 50 percent over present levels projects The Future of Food and Agriculture, intensifying pressures on already-strained natural resources.At the same...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Fishy Business: Fish POs in the EU

How the failure to properly recognise and regulate the EU’s fish producer organisations [POs] is failing the Common Fisheries Policy and smaller-scale fishermen and what should be done to resolve it.
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Magazine article
Free Agriculture. When Open source Meets Agricultural Tools

Are the founding principles of open source – the ability to share, distribute, modify and reproduce information – transferable to agriculture? If in the computer field, free software is now a reality, this paper examines whether and how agricultural tools can be created and disseminated through ‘free’ processes. We look...

Blog article
EU-financed land consolidation effort kicks off in Skopje

The vast majority of agricultural holdings in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are less than 2 hectares, made up of multiple parcels – 7 on average. This fragmentation of agricultural land is one of the greatest challenges for the country’s agricultural sector, having adverse effects on the productivity, competitiveness...
North Macedonia
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Rural Connections - The European Rural Development Magazine

This edition includes perspectives on LEADER/CLLD, forestry, integrated approaches to rural policy and the new European Solidarity Corps, as well as short updates from the Slovenian and Slovakian networks. The edition’s thematic section brings ‘A focus on… social inclusion’, including an overview of social inclusion challenges in rural Europe, highlights of...
European Union
2017 - European Network for Rural Development - ENRD

Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y el Caribe, enero-marzo 2017

Mejores mercados, mejores sistemas alimentarios
La temática de esta edición es la construcción social de mercados y su relación con la agricultura familiar. ENTREVISTA: Sergio Schneider. Mercados y agricultura familiar OBSERVATORIO: Indicadores de sostenibilidad para emprendimientos de agricultura familiar DIÁLOGOS: Mesa Técnica de Agricultura Familiar y Economía Campesina de Colombia POLÍTICAS: Primer trimestre de 2017 EN ACCIÓN: Colombia: Implementando estrategias...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Blog article
How digital technology is changing farming in Africa

Major global corporations have tried to advance digitalization of African agriculture by launching payment systems, credit platforms, and digital insurance. But to serve largely subsistence farmers, they have to compete against the local startups — particularly on cost of service in a highly fragmented business, with no easy path to...
2017 - Havard Business Review

EIP-AGRI Focus Group: Reducing emissions from cattle farming

The Focus Group on reducing emissions from cattle farming explored possibilities for mitigating emissions of ethane and ammonia from cattle – and their cost effectiveness. Its scope included both milk and meat cattle and all types of production intensities but was limited to mitigation measures at animal and animal housing...
European Union
2017 - EIP Agri
Total results:20003