Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2016

The facts speak for themselves: more than half the global population now live in urban areas. According to forecasts, three-quarters of the global population, i.e. around 7 billion people, will be living in cities by 2050. Alongside globalisation, urbanisation is indisputably one of the main trends of our time. Everywhere,...
2016 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Working together to empower rural women in Niger

Since 2012, FAO has been working with the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) on a joint programme for  Accelerating Progress towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Taking stock of agribusiness chambers in Africa

Lessons learnt, success factors and good practices
Inclusive agribusiness umbrella organisations (which ideally are vertically integrated down to the level of smallholder farmers’ organisations) could be key institutions to contribute to policy dialogue and design from the perspective of the private sector. Furthermore, they have the potential to carry forward the implementation of such policies on the...
Cameroon - Ethiopia - Ghana - Senegal - South Africa
2016 - New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)

Working paper
Reseña sobre el desarrollo de la Escuela de Formación Presencial de Dirigentes y Técnicos Cooperativos y del Manual de Capacitación a Distancia para técnicos del INDAP y extensionistas

Desde sus inicios y hasta !nes del año 2015, la Escuela ha formado más de 100 dirigentes y técnicos de casi 70 organizaciones de agricultores familiares (40 de ellas socias de la UNAF). Asimismo, bajo la supervisión del CCU se formaron 60 profesionales del INDAP y 12 formadores para integrar...
2016 - Programa Fidamercosur CLAEH

Expanding Africa's Great Green Wall

Land restoration in northern Niger is making degraded areas productive again, providing economic opportunities in a region where migration has become a tradition. Now, under FAO’s Action Against Desertification programme, these efforts are being expanded to six African countries. This success shows that land degradation around the Sahara is not...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
The EU’s promotion of meat consumption is misguided, Mr Hogan

Ever since he took office, Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has promoted the interests of the livestock sector while ignoring health and environmental warnings related to over-consumption of meat
European Union
2016 - EurActiv

Blog article
Kyrgyzstan looks to expand and diversify its agrifood exports

If Kyrgyzstan expanded and diversified its agricultural exports, agricultural trade would be more efficient and inclusive, contribute to better livelihoods for rural people, and foster the country’s social and economic development. This summarizes the message of Thomas Shipton, FAO chief technical advisor in the Kyrgyz Republic, as he addressed a workshop...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Case study
Consideraciones sobre juventud rural de América Latina y El Caribe

El presente documento ha sido preparado para el I Congreso Mundial de Jóvenes Empresarios y Pymes, y reúne algunas consideraciones sobre la importancia de la incorporación activa de la juventud Rural de América Latina y el Caribe en todas las instancias orientadas a trabajar en la superación de la inseguridad...

Água e agricultura: incertezas e desafios para a sustentabilidade frente às mudanças do clima e do uso da terra

anais do IV Seminário da Rede Agrohidro
Produzir alimento de maneira sustentável é um dos grandes desafios da humanidade. Vários são os fatores de pressão, tais como: restrições ambientais; a população demandando alimentos diferenciados e de melhor qualidade; demanda atual e futura, por mais alimentos, crescente; e a multifuncionalidade da agricultura. Além disso, destaca-se o aumento da...
2016 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa Cerrados

Interação e mercado entre o homem do campo e as instituições

Segundo políticas públicas do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) e da política estadual de aquisição de alimentos da agricultura familiar, 30% dos alimentos adquiridos pelos órgãos públicos devem ser da produção de pequenos produtores. Para facilitar a interação e mercado entre o homem do campo e as instituições foi lançado...
2016 - Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Emater)

Manual de Conversión a la Producción Ecológica

Este material didáctico sobre Producción Ecológica se enmarca como una de las acciones a desarrollar de estos programa formativos, con el objeto de proporcionar una herramienta útil de trabajo tanto a los alumnos y alumnas que asistan a estos cursos de agricultura ecológica como a los docentes en esta materia....
2016 - Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera

Blog article
A Permanent Regional Dialogue Mechanism for Family Farming Is Set Up In Central America and the Dominican Republic

The Central American Agricultural Council (CAC), consisting of the Ministers of Agriculture from the Central American Integration System, SICA (Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador), has approved the setting up of a permanent Regional Dialogue Mechanism for Family Farming in the region. This Mechanism,...
Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama
2016 - World Rural Forum

Blog article
Global per capita fish consumption rises above 20 kilograms a year

Global per capita fish consumption has risen to above 20 kilograms a year for the first time, thanks to stronger aquaculture supply and firm demand, record hauls for some key species and reduced wastage, according to a new FAO report published today. Yet despite notable progress in some areas, the state...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (LARC)

Official website where you can find, for example, the documents, provisional timetable and information note related to the 34th Regional Conference for Latin America (LARC), to be held from February 29 to March 3 in Mexico. Also available in Portuguese.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Newsletter article
Leadership School for Indigenous Women in Peru

Indigenous women leaders from different regions of Peru met in the city of Lima to participate in the face-to-face seminar of the Leadership School of Indigenous Women, a joint initiative of the International Indigenous Women Forum (IIWF-FIMI) and FAO. 13 indigenous women representatives of organizations related to women empowerment, nutrition, agriculture...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - India - Peru
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Integração de pecuária, lavoura e floresta na agricultura familiar

Recuperar as áreas degradadas, ajudar na preservação ambiental e ainda garantir sombra e comida para o gado. Esses são alguns dos benefícios dos sistemas de Integração ILPF (Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta). Integrar o cultivo de componentes agrícola, pecuário e florestal na mesma área tem tido resultados positivos para a agricultura familiar. Uma pesquisa...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Case study
La situación de la Juventud Rural en el Área del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana

El presente documento, corresponde al resultado de la colaboración entre FIDA SECAC, y la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), de Costa Rica. Se centra en la recopilación y sistematización de la información existente sobre aspectos demográficos, políticos, económicos y sociales, que describen la situación de las juventudes rurales de...
Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama
2016 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Blog article
Integração entre plantio e pecuária melhora produtividade e reduz emissões

Estudo apresenta vantagens de sistema já implementado em aproximadamente 11,5 milhões de hectares no Brasil
O sistema de Integração-Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (ILPF) apresenta vantagens econômicas, ambientais e até sociais, sendo então considerado mais sustentável, quando comparado aos modelos tradicionais de produção.  O ILPF é a combinação do plantio de diversas culturas com a atividade pecuária durante todo o ano. Com o sistema, é possível recuperar pastagens degradadas, proporcionar...
2016 - Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

Conference paper
Priorities for FAO’s work in the Europe and Central Asia Region

The document presents a synopsis of the regional drivers of change and of the regional development context in which FAO will provide future support to countries. The trends and drivers of change were identified through a regional strategic review conducted in 2015, which helped to identify major FAO areas of...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

Blog article
La lucha de las mujeres para el reconocimiento de los pueblos originarios

En esta nota entrevistamos a Gabriela Cespedes, miembro de la comunidad colla QUEYUNP en Mendoza y de FONAF. Con 29 años, Gabriela se dedica a la agricultura familiar y lidera la comunicación de una organización que trabaja para reflejar la labor de las mujeres de los pueblos originarios y homenajear su...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
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