Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Conference proceedings
First Regional Symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

The First Regional Symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea was organized from 27 to 30 November 2013 by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) in partnership with the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAIB),...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

EU Rural review. Family Farming

The concept of family farming is the recipient of much high-level political capital right now...  The United Nations has declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming, the primary aim of which is to promote, develop and strengthen all types of familyoriented agriculture - from horticulture and livestock to fisheries and forestry - as a socially...
Austria - Belgium - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Malta - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

L’exploitation agricole familiale: le modèle idéal

Rapport de situation 2013
le rapport de situation s’intéresse aux exploitations paysannes familiales, lesquelles constituent encore et toujours la forme d’exploitation habituelle même si elles sont confrontées à divers problèmes. C’est pourquoi l’ONU a déclaré 2014 «Année internationale de l’agriculture familiale». Les petites et moyennes exploitations familiales produisent 70% de toutes les denrées alimentaires...
2013 - Union Suisse des Paysans

Executive summary on the Public Consultation "The role of family farming, key challenges and priorities for the future"

The European Commission launched on 5 August 2013 an on-line public consultation with the aim to understand citizens' experiences and perceptions on family farming. The survey also looked at some of the challenges and priorities faced by family farming (FF).  All citizens, organisations and public authorities in the European Union and beyond interested in the...
2013 - European Commission

Conference proceedings
Feeding and management strategies to improve livestock productivity, welfare and product quality under climate change

Most of world’s rural population depend on livestock for their livelihood, especially in the Mediterranean, African and many Asian countries. To reduce poverty, fight hunger and ensure global food security, there is an urgent need to increase livestock production in sustainable ways. However, livestock production systems in those areas are...
Algeria - France - Italy - Morocco - Romania - Tunisia
2013 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)ood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Great Insights: Family Farming and Food Security

In this issue of GREAT insights we have asked the ‘custodians’ of the UN Year of Family Farming and the AU Year of Food Security, the Director General of the Food Agriculture Organization and the AU Commissioner for Agriculture, what outcomes they expect from these international processes, particularly in terms of the...
Italy - South Africa

Союз органического земледелия

Союз органического земледелия является добровольным, самоуправляемым, основанным на членстве общественным объединением граждан и юридических лиц, общественных объединений, созданном на основе совместной деятельности для защиты общих интересов и достижения уставных целей. Союз является независимой, политически не ангажированной общественной организацией в сфере органического земледелия. Основой Союза является некоммерческое партнерство его членов, которое...
Russian Federation
2013 - Союз органического земледелия

Working paper
Family farming: a Europe and Central Asia perspective

Background Report for Regional Dialogue on Family Farming: Working towards a strategic approach to promote food security and nutrition
In collaboration with the World Rural Forum, the International Cooperative Alliance and the World Farmers Organization, FAO plans to hold a series of regional dialogues to enhance local, regional and global discussions on family farming, including small-scale farming. The outcomes of these regional dialogues will set the ground to provide...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Irrigation in Central Asia in figures

It is in the mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as stated in Article 1 of its constitution, “to collect, analyse, interpret and disseminate information related to nutrition, food and agriculture”. Within this framework, in 1993 FAO launched a programme known as AQUASTAT, its...
Afghanistan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Organic supply chains for small farmer income generation in developing countries

Case studies in India, Thailand, Brazil, Hungary and Africa
Despite the increasing attention given to organic supply chains over the past decade, there are still significant market opportunities to pursue. The demand for organic products in developing countries continues to grow and price premiums for organic certified products are available, albeit not comparable with those of a decade or...
Brazil - Hungary - India - South Africa - Uganda
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Consumption and perception of processed fruits in the Western Balkan region

The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of the consumption and perception of processed fruits in Western Balkan countries in order to support consumer-oriented product development. In-depth interviews (n ¼ 183) were used to explore the consumption of processed fruits, the motives to consume such fruits...
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Montenegro - Serbia - Slovenia - North Macedonia

Assessing the Sustainability of Small Farmer Natural Resource Management Systems. A Critical Analysis of the MESMIS Program (1995-2010)

Sustainability assessment oriented to improve current systems and practices is urgently needed, particularly in the context of small farmer natural resource management systems (NRMS). Unfortunately, social-ecological systems (SES) theory, sustainability evaluation frameworks, and assessment methods are still foreign not only to farmers but to many researchers, students, NGOs, policy makers/operators,...

Caja de herramientas para la seguridad alimentaria

La presente caja de herramientas está diseñada para ayudar a los profesionales de la seguridad alimentaria a desarrollar una estratégica de comunicación, y a comunicarse más eficazmente con los grupos que son el blanco de sus esfuerzos. Secciones específicas de la caja de herramientas enfocan a los formuladores de políticas...
2012 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

Policy brief/paper
Regional Strategy for Transforming and Strengthening of Agricultural Research and Innovation Systems for Development in the Central Asia and Southern Caucasus region

The Strategy for transforming and strengthening agricultural research and innovation systems in the CAC provides an integrated approach based on (i) need for an integrated regional agricultural policies aimed at achieving the above goals; (ii) the opportunities for bigger impact by strengthening cooperation between national AR4D institutions and multi‐ stakeholder...
2012 - CACAARI

Working paper
Органическое сельское хозяйство

Сегодня органическое сельское хозяйство получило признание во всем мире, а спрос на ор- ганик-продукты увеличивается с каждым годом. Органическое фермерство поддерживает здоровое состояние земли, экосистемы и людей, учитывая весь жизненный цикл веществ и элементов.
Russian Federation
2012 - Экологический Союз

Farm and enterprise diversification in East Europe and Central Asia

This paper presents issues and challenges for farm and enterprise diversification and integration of small scale farmers into value chains in East Europe and Central Asia (EECA). First, it discusses context and approaches to agricultural and rural income diversification. Second, it assesses the extent of agricultural diversification in EECA. Third,...

Agricultural Pollution Control Project

This web site represents the Agricultural Pollution Control Project - APCP, funded by the World bank/GEF in the period from 2008-2012. The project represented an important agricultural activity of the Republic of Croatia in the context of adoption of new standards and legislation related to Good agricultural practice, especially environmental...
2012 - Advisory service - public institution for advising in agriculture and forestry

New approaches for grassland research in a context of climate and socio-economic changes

Grassland-based systems are no longer seen exclusively as livestock production enterprises but as multiple use systems with important consequences for the global environment. They are crucial for the protection of ecosystem goods and services, for tourism and for mitigating climate change. Well-managed grasslands provide important benefits such as increased water...
Algeria - Egypt - Italy - Morocco - Pakistan - Portugal - Spain - Tunisia - Türkiye
2012 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Farm diversification and market inclusion in East Europe and Central Asia

This paper presents issues and challenges for farm and enterprise diversification and integration of small scale farmers into value chains in East Europe and Central Asia (EECA). First, it discusses context and approaches to agricultural and rural income diversification. Second, it assesses the extent of agricultural diversification in EECA. Third,...
2012 - Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia

Conservation Agriculture in Central Asia: Status, Policy, Institutional Support, and Strategic Framework for its Promotion.

Conservation Agriculture (CA) is defined as a production system in which crop, soil, nutrient, pest, water and energy management components and operations are based on a sustainable ecological foundation provided by three interlinked principles of: (1) minimum soil disturbance (no-till direct seeding); (2) maintenance of soil cover (mulch cover from...
2012 - FAO Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia (FAO-SEC)
Total results:1308