Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Algodón orgánico de color: Generando ingresos y ciudadanía en la agricultura familiar de la región semiárida brasileña

Esta publicación es parte de una serie de estudios que tiene como objetivo identificar, sistematizar y difundir las prácticas y conocimientos pertinentes a la agricultura familiar del sector algodonero en América Latina y el Caribe. Su objetivo es componer un conjunto de contribuciones técnicas y didácticas que valoran y dan...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Blog article
América Latina y El Caribe llama al diálogo intersectorial para lograr la sostenibilidad

La Agenda 2030 requiere integrar todos los sistemas productivos y alcanzar la sostenibilidad ambiental, social y económica
Movilizar los sectores productivos y ambientales, y potenciar el diálogo intersectorial, es fundamental para cumplir las metas de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), sostuvieron los países de la región reunidos en la 30ª reunión de la Comisión Forestal para América Latina y el Caribe (COFLAC), realizada en Honduras, del 25...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

FAO Rwanda Newsletter 2016. Volume 2, Issue 3

In its final newsletter of 2016, FAO-Rwanda shares valuable updates and inspiring success stories from our One UN nutrition project to reduce stunting and our Rural Women's Economic Empowerment project. This issue also includes highlights from World Food Day and information on the emergency relief work FAO is supporting to...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Comércio eletrônico de alimentos da agricultura familiar gera renda para pequenos produtores rurais quilombolas

Agricultores quilombolas estão utilizando a internet para comercializar a produção, gerar renda, incentivar o protagonismo dos trabalhadores rurais nos meios digitais e dar visibilidade às tradições de 15 comunidades remanescentes de quilombolas do Norte e do Noroeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Através do site da Rede Produtiva Quilombola eles fecharam contratos...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Blog article
FAO Director-General urges more support to help small farmers adapt to a changing climate

Failure to act now will compromise future food production, sabotage 2030 development agenda
13 February 2017, Dubai/Rome - Failure to act now to make our food systems more resilient to climate change will "seriously compromise" food production in many regions and could doom to failure international efforts to end hunger and extreme poverty by 2030, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva warned today. "Agriculture...
United Arab Emirates
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
Climate resilient sustainable agriculture for adaptation to climate change in The Gambia

Smallholder farmers in Gambia are increasingly facing climate related induced disasters and vulnerabilities affecting their lives and livelihoods. During 2010-2012, farmers faced flash floods, periods of drought, disease infestation, saline intrusion, deforestation and massive erosion of their farmlands resulting in crop failure and reduced food security. ActionAid has introduced agroecological...
2017 - Action Aid

Working paper
Three instruments that facilitate family farmers’ access to reimbursable financing through IFAD projects implemented in the Southern Cone (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Successful IFAD-related experiences in these countries that have been emphasised by the IFAD Mercosur CLAEH Programme apply the following instruments: 1. Capital Funds for Organisations (CFOs) using revolving funds to finance operating capital for organisations’ productive projects (Argentina). 2. Savings Deposit Certificates (SDCs) serving as collateral for operating capital credit given by...
Argentina - Paraguay - Uruguay
2017 - Programa Fidamercosur CLAEH

Policy brief/paper
What Every Extension Advisor Should Know About Organic Farming

Over the last few years, Dr. K.M. Sreekumar has been trying to expose the myth and realities in organic farming. Dr. Rasheed Sulaiman V. recently interviewed Dr. K.M. Sreekumar to know his perspectives on this topic and to get his advice on what position extension workers should take while interacting...
2017 - AESA

Journal article
Analyse typologique de la diversité et des performances de l’élevage oasien

L’élevage constitue une composante indissociable des systèmes agraires oasiens. Par ses revenus complémentaires, les restitutions de matière organique aux sols et la fourniture d’une force de travail, il contribue à la sécurité alimentaire et à la résilience de ces systèmes. Toutefois, ces milieux arides ont subi récemment des changements profonds,...
2017 - Institut agronomique et vétérinaire Hassan II

Newsletter article
Piscicultura é o setor que mais tem se expandido, apesar dos entraves

Exportação do pescado regional chega a 70% e o próximo passo é entrar no competitivo mercado norte-americano
O setor agropecuário é o único da economia brasileira que vem suportando a crise e continua a crescer. É o setor que tem apresentado bons resultados em todo país. Em Roraima, a agropecuária é responsável por mais da metade da economia e está presente todos os dias em nossas vidas,...
2017 - Folha de Boa Vista

Blog article
The Omnibus regulation has been adopted for agriculture

The Omnibus Regulation for agriculture has been adopted on the 13th December 2017, as a separate act from the rest of the proposed Omnibus regulation. It brings several changes in the implementation of the current CAP for the first and second pillars, aiming to simplify the implementation of the policy. New...
2017 - Euromontana

Technical paper
Integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation into the watershed management approach in Eastern Africa

Discussion paper and good practices booklet
This publication was initiated by the FAO Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa to identify, analyse and document existing watershed management practices in the Eastern Africa sub-region that contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. There is opportunity to use this information to inform agriculture and watershed management-related policies, programmes and...
Djibouti - Ethiopia - Kenya - Rwanda - Uganda
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Trainers’ Training Manual on Policy Advocacy

This training manual was developed as a guide in facilitating the training course on Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy under the project entitled: “Building capacity of VNFU leaders and staff on policy advocacy” funded by AsiaDHRRA, a member of Agricord. The training manual is intended to guide and assist trainers...
2017 - International Cooperation Division (ICD) Vietnam National Farmers Union (VNFU)

17 dias de Campanha pelo empoderamiento das mulheres rurais e suas comunidades

Mulheres rurais, mulheres con direitos
O documento que você tem em mãos é uma compilação de histórias de trabalhadoras rurais que, contra todas as adversidades, conquistaram algo muito maior do que o respeito: seus direitos. Guiadas pelos 17 Objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, as matérias foram publicadas entre os dias 1º e 17 de outubro de...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Blog article
Consultation on modernising and simplifying the common agricultural policy (CAP)

The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was developed in the early sixties to translate in policy terms the objectives defined in the Treaty of Rome (1957), and subsequently taken over in the Treaty on the European Union. Like all other EU policies or programmes, the CAP is also subject to...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Journal article
Innovating a system for producing and distributing hybrid oil palm seedlings to smallholder farmers in Benin

This article analyses the development of a system for producing and distributing hybrid oil palm seedlings to small-scale famers. The existing seed system had become so corrupted that the seedlings actually planted were largely of unimproved kinds. The article describes institutional experiments carried out by two Innovation Platforms (IPs) in...
2017 - Université d’Abomey-Calavi

Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods Project

This project is designed to enable smallholder farmers to increase their incomes and profitability, and diversify their livelihoods. The project aims to strengthen smallholder institutions, improve agricultural production and marketing, and build capacities for employment and enterprise development. It has four components: Community and livelihood development Agricultural development and diversification Rural financial services Project...
2017 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Blog article
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan preparing roadmaps to secure land tenure

Secure tenure of land, fisheries and forests is widely acknowledged as being directly related to agricultural productivity, sustainable management of natural resources, and food security. This is the premise of a new project for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan that FAO is kicking off with a workshop here today. The project will assist...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

TBTI Digest, August 2017

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs. 
2017 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries

Newsletter article
Programas sociais reduzem migração

Engenheiro agrônomo da ONG Caatinga conta que, nos últimos 15 anos, não se vê mais um grande número de pessoas indo para as capitais ou outros Estados, nem mercados com alimentos sendo saqueados ou crianças morrendo de fome
A longa estiagem deixa os tradicionais traços de terra arrasada, plantação cinza, como se tivesse sido queimada, e animais magros, mas a situação da população é diferente de anos atrás, quando a seca expulsava os habitantes do sertão. Na seca de 1979 a 1983, por exemplo, 3,5 milhões de pessoas...
2017 - Estadao Jornal Digital
Total results:19993