Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Handicraft, its marketing strategies and constitution as family farming's tourist product at Pelotas, Pedras Altas and Jaguarão - Rio Grande do Sul

The cases of "Ladrilã" and "Redeiras"
Having this perspective in mind, the aim of this research is to analyze the commerce of  rural handcraft  as  a  product  that  is  related  to  tourism  predominantly  in  family agriculture through a  close  sight  at  two  productive  groups:  “Ladrilã”,  with handicraftswomen  from  the  towns  of Pelotas,  Pedras  Altas  and  Jaguarão; ...
2012 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Fact sheet
La Colaboración España-FAO

Un nuevo enfoque de la cooperación
La colaboración entre España y la FAO se ha consolidado en el tiempo y ha experimentado un notable crecimiento, gracias a los criterios en los que se ha basado: la eficacia de las actuaciones, la mejora en la rendición de cuentas, la búsqueda de sinergias, un sistema de monitorización y...
2012 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Manual del Extensionista

Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Piscicultura Rural
Se ha concebido este manual como una herramienta práctica para todos aquellos que estén trabajando, o estén por hacerlo, en extensión rural. Es un anhelo que el mismo sea útil y facilite el accionar de las instituciones y técnicos extensionistas que intervienen en el medio rural del Paraguay. Este manual...
2012 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Fact sheet
The Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): Rice-fish culture, Qingtian county, China

Longxian is a traditional Rice-Fish Culture system (RFC) village, located in Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province, China. It spreads over 461 ha and has 50 ha of RFC that represent an ingenious agricultural rice-fish mutuality practiced by farmers over generations. Instead of using pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, fish eat plant hoppers...
2012 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Km 0 - Litoral Norte

“KM 0” is a branding initiative to promote local sourcing. It brings together stakeholders from the entire chain of actors involved in the production, processing, sales, marketing and consumption of fisheries products from the Minho Lima area. This project aims to promote local sourcing through the branding of local products and...
2012 - CEVAL – Conselho Empresarial dos Vales do Lima e Minho

Report of the Regional Policy and Planning Workshop on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in the CaAribbean: Achieving Improved Fisheries Management and Utilization in the Wider Caribbean Region, Bridgetown, Barbados, 6−9 December 2011

The Regional Policy and Planning Workshop on the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in the Caribbean: “Achieving Improved Fisheries Management and Utilization in the Wider Caribbean Region” took place at the University of the West Indies, Barbados, on 6-9 December 2011. The workshop discussed the constraints encountered...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Guide to the small scale artificial propagation of trout

Small scale trout farming is a realistic income generating alternative in the mountainous regions of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia where income sources and employment opportunities are scarce or even missing. Though all female eyed eggs of well performing pedigree trout strains can be purchased from...

Safety Recommendations for Decked Fishing Vessels of Less than 12 metres in Length and Undecked Fishing Vessels

The purpose of the Safety Recommendations contained in this publication is to provide information on the design, construction, equipment, training and protection of the crews of small fishing vessels with a view to promoting the safety of the vessel and the safety and health of the crews. The Safety Recommendations...
Cambodia - Indonesia - Myanmar - Thailand - Viet Nam
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Fishmeal from fish waste

This project offers an example of utilizing fisheries by-products by supporting an aquaculture company to produce its own fishmeal from local fish waste. The aquaculture company, Salinas del Astur, which breeds and commercializes sea bass and guilthead, saw a business opportunity in the discards and fish waste produced by the local...
2012 - Salinas del Astur S.A.

Working paper
Green Jobs for a Revitalized Food and Agriculture Sector

This report presents an overview of opportunities to create “green jobs” by encouraging and investing in the implementation of a global transformation of the agriculture sector into a sustainable, productive and environmentally balanced ‘green agriculture’ paradigm. In the context of this report, “green agriculture” is broadly defined as “the use...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Fishing for the Future

Fishing for the Future is a short film documentary elaborating one of components of the FAO European Union Food Facility Project activities in Cambodia. The film captures own-family-fish-pond culture which the project has been supported through provision of fingerlings, prawn larvae, lime and training to Cambodian farmers. The film also...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical paper
Fishing with beach seines

This document provides a global overview of beach seine fisheries and identifies key issues relevant for the responsible use of beach seines and the sustainable livelihoods of beach seine fishers. It also gives guidelines for fisheries managers and other stakeholders on how best to address the issues of management processes...
Benin - Gambia - Ghana - India - Kenya - Mozambique - Peru - Sri Lanka - Togo
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Report on Fisheries Livelihoods Baseline Survey in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste baseline survey for the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme, against the five RFLP national level outputs namely co-management, safety at sea and vulnerability reduction, post-harvest and marketing, livelihoods enhancement and diversification and micro-finance services
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Right to survive: Turtle conservation and fisheries livelihoods

Each year, the eastern coast of India witnesses a truly spectacular occurrence of nature– the arrival en masse of hundreds of thousands of olive ridley turtles in the coastal region of the State of Orissa. Last year, for instance, an estimated 240,000 adult olive ridleys congregated at Rushikulya on the...
2011 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Labels or Fables? The Myth of Sustainability: A collection of articles from SAMUDRA Report

Labels or Fables? The Myth of Sustainability examines the costs of certification of global fisheries and how it is allegedly biased towards industrial-scale fisheries. This dossier is a compilation of articles from Samudra Report dealing with the issue of ecolabelling in fisheries.
2011 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries - Special Edition

This special edition of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries commemorates 15 years since the Code was unanimously adopted on 31 October 1995. It includes the text of the Code in its entirety, background to the origin and elaboration of the Code and Resolution 4/95 as adopted by the...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Characteristics of small-scale coastal fisheries in Europe

The study analyses the structure and economic performance of small-scale coastal fisheries (SSF) in Europe. Eighteen main clusters within SSF are identified and their distribution by NUTS-2 region is presented. The contribution of SSF in terms of income and employment to the economies of the NUTS-2 regions is also assessed....
European Union
2011 - Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament)

Case study
Maldives and FAO

Achievements and Success Stories
Maldives became a member of FAO in 1971 and was accredited to the FAO Representative’s office in Sri Lanka in 1979. The economy of Maldives has grown rapidly since 1975, making impressive socio-economic progress when measured by improvements in socio-economic indicators and poverty reduction. The government has played a central...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‑Saharan Africa

This volume, Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‑Saharan Africa, demonstrates the possibility of harmonizing agricultural production with the wellbeing of the biosphere – and that this can be achieved in Africa, our biosphere’s least developed continent, and the continent which is likely to suffer most from climate change....

Characteristics of small-scale coastal fisheries in Europe

The study analyses the structure and economic performance of small-scale coastal fisheries (SSF) in Europe. Eighteen main clusters within SSF are identified and their distribution by NUTS-2 region is presented. The contribution of SSF in terms of income and employment to the economies of the NUTS-2 regions is also assessed....
European Union
2011 - European Union - European Commission
Total results:1511