Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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The Indonesia Workshop Report: Indonesia Workshop Report: Customary Institutions in Indonesia: Do They Have a Role in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management?, 2-5 August 2009, Lombak, Indonesia

Sixty delegates from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and India met at Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB, West Nusa Tenggara) province, Indonesia, during 2-5 August 2009, for the workshop on “Customary Institutions in Indonesia: Do They Have a Role in Fisheries and Coastal Area Management?”. The workshop was organized by...
2010 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Conference proceedings
Report of the Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Bringing together Responsible Fisheries and Social Development

The African Regional Workshop on Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries: Bringing together Responsible Fishing and Social Development was held in Maputo, Mozambique, on 12–14 October 2010. It was organized by FAO in collaboration with the Mozambique Institute for Small-scale Fisheries, IDPPE (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento de Pesca de Pequena Escala). The...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Building resilience to climate change

root crop and fishery production
This Food Security Toolkit, designed specifically for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), aims to improve Pacific Islanders’ ability to produce and access safe and nutritious foods that meet their dietary and cultural needs. Targeting food security in the Pacific region is a critical action in the face of climate...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Kiribati - Marshall Islands - Micronesia (Federated States of) - Nauru - Niue - Palau - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu

Marine Protected Areas in Thailand: Time for a Sea Change: A Study of the Effectiveness of Biodiversity Conservation Measures and Marine Protected Areas Along Southern Thailand’s Andaman Sea Coastline

This study examines how Thailand’s biodiversity conservation measures affect fishing communities, especially in the marine protected areas (MPAs) on the Andaman Sea coastline. It documents the various efforts of the local fishing communities to protect the resources in the area. Also included are recommendations for government agencies, civil society and...

Climate Assurance Systems for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

A Report by Ecofys
This report was prepared as background information for the FAO/ISEAL expert meeting on Climate Standards for Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing held in Rome on 11 November 2009. The report aims to scope the possibility for a modular climate assurance system that can be applied in the agriculture, forestry and fishery...
2010 - Ecofys

Pacific Food Security Toolkit Building Resilience To Climate Change Root Crop And Fishery Production

This Food Security Toolkit, designed specifically for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs), aims to improve Pacific Islanders’ ability to produce and access safe and nutritious foods that meet their dietary and cultural needs. Targeting food security in the Pacific region is a critical action in the face of climate...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Niue - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu

Conference proceedings
Proceedings of the roundtable on voluntary standards and schemes for specific quality products

ZATAC was requested by FAO to identify participants from Africa and facilitate a 3 day roundtable meeting on voluntary standards and schemes for specific quality products. The aim of the roundtable was to consult with key stakeholders and build consensus on intervention strategies related to voluntary standards and schemes for...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Sustentabilidad de agroecosistemas en tres comunidades Mbya Guaraní del Depatamente de Caaguazú

Una propuesta metodológica
Los Mbya Guarani son un pueblo que se dedican a la caza, la pesca, la recolección y la agricultura. Su agroecosistema se caracteriza por no poseer límitesdefinidos, cuyo fin es la producción de alimentos con mano de obra familiar. Estainvestigación tiene por objetivo desarrollar una propuesta metodológica de evaluación de...
2009 - Universidad Nacional de Asunción

Bridging the gap

FAO’s programme for gender equality in agriculture and rural development
Today, the spectre of hunger has returned to many developing countries. The number of undernourished people has risen above one billion, or one sixth of humanity. The international community faces other daunting challenges, including the global economic downturn, plummeting levels of trade and investment, growing scarcity of natural resources, and the...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The India MPA Workshop Proceedings - Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Areas Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?, 21-22 January 2009, IMAGE Auditorium, Chennai, India

‘Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Area Implementation in India: Do Fishing Communities Benefit?’ is a workshop organized by ICSF at Chennai on 21-22 January 2009. This publication—the India MPA Workshop Proceedings—contains the prospectus of the workshop, a report of the proceedings and the consensus statement that was reached by organizations...
2009 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Red de Acuicultura de las Américas (RAA)

a creación de la Red de Acuicultura de las Américas (RAA) es la concreción de una idea que viene ganando forma y fuerza desde los años setenta entre los países de América Latina y el Caribe por medio del apoyo de la FAO. Los pasos más firmes hacia la concreción fueron...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Guatemala - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Uruguay
2009 - Gobiernos de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay y Uruguay

Technical paper
Remembering the Source

The traditional Vietnamese system of social and community organization, called van chai, can be the basis of a viable fi sheries management system
In parts of Vietnam, the van chai is an old, established institution for managing local fisheries and fishing communities. Its principal objectives are: (i) religious functions; (ii) mutual assistance; (iii) specification of the behaviour, rights and obligations of fisheries stakeholders; (iv) catch disposal; (v) governance of fishing operations; (vi) conflict...
Viet Nam
2009 - ICSF

Nature & Faune: The relevance of mangrove forests to African fisheries, wildlife and water resources

The present edition offers a collection of 14 diverse articles highlighting different aspects of mangroves - from the lush natural stands, wildlings, nursery practices, enrichment planting, to the various uses of the mangrove ecosystems as paddy rice fields, along with fisheries and wildlife sanctuaries and salt exploitation areas. The Special...
Cameroon - Côte d'Ivoire - Ghana - Kenya - Madagascar - Nigeria - Senegal
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Working paper
Measuring the contribution of small-scale aquaculture

The contribution of small-scale aquaculture (SSA) to sustainable rural development (SRD) include, for example, securing food, efficient use of water, farm materials and other resources, creating wealth, diversifying livelihoods, generating rural employment and income, utilizing family labour, fostering social harmony and empowering women. While recognized as such, there has not...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Policy brief/paper
Climate Change And Food Security In The Pacific

This brief has been prepared for the UN Convention on Climate Change meeting in Copenhagen, December 2009, to raise awareness of the imminent impacts of climate change on food security in Pacific island countries and territories and to urge participants to consider the importance of mainstreaming food security in climate-related...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Micronesia (Federated States of) - Niue - Papua New Guinea - Samoa - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Tuvalu - Vanuatu

Stationnement réservé : Réserves marines et communautés de petits pêcheurs – Articles extraits de la revue SAMUDRA

Les articles du présent dossier, extraits de SAMUDRA, la revue quadrimestrielle de l’ICSF, attirent l’attention sur ces divers problèmes. Ils font apparaître que conservation et moyens d’existence sont deux aspects très imbriqués, et que les modèles de protection de l’environnement imposés d’en haut de façon non participative peuvent avoir des...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Parques reservados: Reservas Marinas y Comunidades Pesqueras de Pequeña Escala

Este dossier recoge varios artículos que sostienen que la conservación y el sustento están íntimamente relacionados entre sí y que los modelos de conservación no participativos e impuestos desde arriba pueden resultar contraproducentes. Las comunidades pesqueras pueden ser poderosas aliadas en los esfuerzos de conservación.  El dossier muestra ejemplos de...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Participatory training and curriculum development for Farmer Field Schools in Guyana and Suriname

A field guide on Integrated Pest Management and aquaculture in rice
This curriculum, developed and edited by the trainees of the IPM rice-fish ToT, is not a cooking recipe, but an inspirational document which is free for modifications based on local needs. Its contents are a blend of actual ToT experience and other sources, prepared under the guidance of the two...
Guyana - Suriname

The Zanzibar Workshop Proceedings: Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Eastern and Southern Africa, 24-27 June 2008, Zanzibar, Tanzania

The Zanzibar Workshop Proceedings consists of the report and the Statement of the Workshop and provides a rich understanding of the dynamics of traditional, indigenous, small-scale and artisanal fisheries and fishing communities in the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) context. The issues covered include: the saga of rights denied to...
Western Sahara
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Marine Conservation and Coastal Communities: Who Carries the Costs?: A Study of Marine Protected Areas and Their Impact on Traditional Small-scale Fishing Communities in South Africa

This study analyzes five marine protected areas (MPAs) in South Africa, which span three of the country’s four coastal provinces, namely, the Langebaan Lagoon MPA, the Maputaland MPA, the St Lucia MPA, the Tsitsikamma MPA and the Mkambati MPA. A biological, conservation-oriented fisheries science dominates the agendas of these MPAs....
South Africa
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Total results:1503