Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Magazine article
La formation continue des conseillers agricoles à Madagascar

Article décrivant comment , à Madagascar, l’association de coopération internationale Fert (Formation pour l’épanouissement et le renouveau de la terre), en partenariat avec l’Organisation Paysanne Fifata (Fikambanana Fampivoaranany Tantsaha – Association pour le Progrès des Paysans), développe depuis 2009 une formation pour les conseillers agricoles intervenant auprès des paysans, et comment,au cours de...
2011 - tête de réseaux associatifs de développement agricole et rural (TRAME)

Articulación de los agricultores familiares en la cadena agroindustrial de porcinos

Este estudio forma parte de uno más amplio denominado “Articulación de los agricultores familiares en las cadenas agroindustriales de tomates y porcinos" del cual se tomaron los resultados principales del trabajo realizado para la cadena Agroindustrial de porcinos. Los mismos se subordinan a los objetivos generales y específicos del estudio...
2011 - Proyecto de Desarrollo de Pequeños Productores Agropecuarios (PROINDER)

Screening report - Iceland

Agriculture and Rural Development
Iceland indicated that its agricultural policy and administration is tailor-made to the domestic circumstances, scope and nature of agriculture. Iceland has therefore indicated that it does not intend to make changes in policy, administration or its legislation until the Accession Treaty has been accepted in a referendum in Iceland. Iceland...

Conference paper
Sub-Saharan Africa:The state of smallholders in agriculture

This paper provides an overview of agricultural and economic characteristics of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), in comparison with other developing regions and the opportunities which the medium term outlook holds for SSA’s small holder farmers. Seizing these opportunities will depend on shifting from extensive to intensive production systems. The paper reiterates...
2011 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Case study
Sado's satoyama in harmony with Japanese crested ibis

Traversed by two mountain ranges with a broad plain in the middle, the Sado Island located off the shore of Niigata Prefecture is characterized by a variety of landforms and altitudes, which have been ingeniously harnessed to create the satoyama landscape, a dynamic mosaic of various socio-ecological systems comprising secondary...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Labour saving technologies and practices: Row planting, hand seeders and planters

This text includes features of hand seeders and planters including jab planters to plant in rows.
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Resultados y Lecciones en Producción y Comercialización de la Papa

Proyectos de Innovación en Regiones de La Araucanía, de los Ríos y de Los Lagos
El presente libro tiene el propósito de compartir con los actores del sector los resultados, experiencias y lecciones aprendidas sobre el potencial de producción y comercialización de la papa en la zona sur de Chile, a partir de cinco proyectos financiados por la Fundación para la Innovación Agraria, FIA. Se...
2011 - Fundación de Innovación Agraria (FIA)

Case study
Mejorando la competitividad de la agroindustria rural

El caso de la tunta en el altiplano peruano
El presente estudio se orienta a sistematizar la experiencia de la Alianza Institucional para el Desarrollo Competitivo de la Papa y sus Derivados (de aquí en adelante se le denomina en el texto como Plataforma de Puno), destacando el sector productivo de la tunta, dada la importancia social y económica...
2011 - Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)

Promotion de l'Agriculture Familiale Périurbaine Intégrée à Korhogo

Le projet encourage par des circuits courts intégrés un modèle d’interaction durable, entre l’agriculture familiale et l’activité urbaine dans le pays Sénoufo. L’objectif est de permettre une amélioration des conditions de vie des populations locales et une sécurisation de leur souveraineté alimentaire. Cela passe par l’amélioration des revenus des petits...
Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - Mali
2011 - Fondation de France

Policy brief/paper
Community listeners’ clubs. Stepping stones for action in rural areas

This publication summarizes the unique experience of the community listeners’ clubs set up in Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo by FAO-Dimitra and its partners. These action based information and communication processes have proved so successful that Dimitra decided to share the experience. The first chapter offers a brief...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Niger
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Women at the frontline of climate change

Gender risks and hopes
Adaptation, vulnerability and resilience of people to climate change depend upon a range of conditions. These vary from their degree of exposure and dependency upon weather patterns for livelihoods and food security, to varying capacities in adaptation, which are influenced by gender, social status, economic poverty, power, access, and control...

Articulación de los agricultores familiares en la cadena agroindustrial de tomates

Este estudio forma parte de uno más amplio denominado “Articulación de los agricultores familiares en las cadenas agroindustriales de tomates y porcinos" del cual se tomaron los resultados principales del trabajo realizado para la cadena Agroindustrial de Tomates. Los mismos se subordinan a los objetivos generales y específicos del estudio...
2011 - Proyecto de Desarrollo de Pequeños Productores Agropecuarios (PROINDER)

Journal article
Developing Value Chains in Amman, Jordan

The city of Amman is the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and lies in the northern part of the Kingdom, covering an area of 1700 km2 with an estimated population of 2,200,000 inhabitants. Annual average rainfall is 275 mm. The poverty rate in Amman reached 8.5 percent in...

Technical paper
Linking Climate Change Financing and Sustainability.

Based on lessons learned from the current climate policy process — where agriculture has played to date a too minor role — this paper examines how stronger sustainability criteria and a wider focus on payment for ecosystem services can provide the pathway to significantly increase the amount of climate financing...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Problems of food market development of Ukraine

Forming of balanced food market is one of topical problems of social-economic development of Ukraine. Overcoming the crisis in agrarian sector of economy is expected on the base of development of market relations in Ukraine. Domestic food market of Ukraine has expressed regional differences. Each region has its own conditions...

Journal article
Agricultura Familiar y Políticas de Desarrollo Rural en Argentina y Brasil (análisis comparativo, 1990-2010)

El presente trabajo es un análisis acerca de las particularidades de las políticas dirigidas a la agricultura familiar (AF) en Argentina y Brasil, en perspectiva comparativa y a partir de la década de 1990. En el mismo se subrayan los antecedentes, logros y problemas que comparten y diferencian a ambos...
Argentina - Brazil
2011 - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas -CONICET- . Programa de Economías Regionales y Estudios Territoriales, del Instituto de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires -UBA-.

Competitividad, sostenibilidad e inclusión social en la agricultura

Nuevas direcciones en el diseño de políticas en América Latina y el Caribe
En el presente libro se intenta encontrar respuestas a preguntas referidas al desarrollo agrícola que se repiten, con variaciones, en investigaciones y foros de políticas; por ejemplo, ¿cómo incrementar la competitividad de las agriculturas regionales, disminuyendo al mismo tiempo la inequidad social y la pobreza? ¿Cómo hacer más sostenible este...
2011 - Comisión Económica para Amércia Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Journal article
Economic sustainability of goat production under different production systems in Egypt

A questionnaire was conducted with 92 goat owners in three areas, each one representing one of the most prevalent production systems in Egypt. Bio-economic data were collected and submitted to costbenefit analysis. When family labor cost was included as an opportunity cost, the economic analysis revealed a break even for...
2011 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Journal article
Smallholder irrigation schemes in South Africa

A review of knowledge generated by the Water Research Commission
The status and characteristics of the 302 smallholder irrigation schemes found in South Africa are discussed and knowledge on South African smallholder irrigation schemes generated by the Water Research Commission (WRC) over a period of nearly 20 years is reviewed. Themes covered include planning, design and technology; plot-holders and their...
South Africa
2011 - Tshwane University of Technology

Journal article
Factors influencing smallholder farmers’ bean production and supply to market in Burundi

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) is a major staple food in Burundi; thus increasing its production and marketing has the potential for raising incomes of the farming households. In the country, bean outputs have been declining for decades, yet demand for the crop in East Africa has surged considerably. This...
2011 - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Total results:19499