Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Conference proceedings
Report of the national workshop on micro-enterprise development in coastal communities in the Philippines: Sharing of experiences and lessons learned

The goals of the National Workshop on Micro-enterprise Development in Coastal Communities in the Philippines were to exchange experiences and good practices and to identify financial and institutional support services and facilities to sustain livelihoods and micro-enterprise development in coastal areas. The workshop was attended by 45 participants from people’s...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Philippines

The studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Cambodia

The studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Asia - Workshop and Symposium proceedings, 3-8 May 2007, Siem Reap, Cambodia

This publication is a record of the proceedings of the Siem Reap Workshop and Symposium. It provides a bottom-up perspective on how rights are understood, and what rights are seen as important by small-scale fishing communities, if they are to fulfil their responsibilities for managing resources in a sustainable and...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Promises and challenges of the informal food sector in developing countries

This publication provides an overview of recent literature on the potential of the informal food sector (IFS) to facilitate an affordable supply of food to urban areas and generate income for low-income households. The goal is to identify global patterns, topics for further research, and policy suggestions. It also draws...
Bangladesh - Chile - Côte d'Ivoire - Cuba - Ecuador - Fiji - Guatemala - India - Malawi - Mozambique - Nicaragua - Nigeria - Philippines - Sierra Leone - Thailand - Trinidad and Tobago

Unasylva - Small-scale forestry

Small-scale forestry – here meaning all activities related to forest ownership, management and enterprise – can contribute significantly to social and economic development when the circumstances are right. This issue of Unasylva examines the conditions and support that make it work. We don’t define “small” by numbers, but use the...
Burkina Faso - China - Finland - Guatemala - Japan - Lithuania

Caravan - High-value crops, value-added crop and livestock products

ICARDA’s mission is to alleviate poverty by improving the livelihoods of farming communities. Often, the key is to add value to primary crop and livestock outputs. This issue of Caravan provides glimpses of the Center’s work to help farmers and pastoralists add value to their products, and thereby improve their...
Tunisia - Türkiye
2007 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Tirer le meilleur profit des procédés écologiques

AGRIDAPE (Revue sur l'agriculture durable à faibles apports externes), is a Magazine about Sustainable Agriculture with Low External Inputs. This notion refers to all those technological and social choices available to farmers that are willing to improve their production with an eye for a better environmental management. The French language magazine's focus is on the optimal use...
Bangladesh - Nepal - Western Sahara
2007 - Innovation environnement developpement (IED)

Policy brief/paper
Investing in smallholder irrigation

Smallholder irrigated horticulture has proven to be a viable and attractive option for poor farmers in developing countries. This paper relates two important lessons learned: low-cost productive technologies must be available to smallholders in terms of both location and price and must correspond to their needs, and the importance of...
2006 - World Bank

The Philippines Tuna Industry: A profile

This study deals with the tuna industry in the Philippines, which is among the world's largest producers of tuna and tuna-like species. Centred around General Santos City, the "tuna capital of the Philippines", the tuna boom was spurred by the arrival, in the mid-1970s, of Japanese traders looking for new...
2006 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Technical paper
Socio-economic indicators in integrated coastal zone and community-based fisheries management

Case studies from the Caribbean
During 2004 and 2005, the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), carried out case studies in Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos Islands on the consideration of socio-economic and demographic concerns in...
Belize - Dominica - Jamaica - Malaysia - Philippines - Saint Lucia - Trinidad and Tobago - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Japanese market for environmentally and socially certified agricultural products from Central America

The main objective of this study is to support the efforts put forth by small-scale producers in Central America (CA) to penetrate the Japanese market for products that are produced in socially and/or environmentally responsible manners. This report therefore analyzes the current trends and future prospects of the Japanese market...
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

In search of excellence

Exemplary forest management in Asia and the Pacific
This publication reflects the outcome of an ambitious initiative to identify instances of exemplary forest management in the region and examine the core components of high quality forest management in an effort to illustrate good forest management to a wide audience and encourage others to take up some of the...
Australia - Cambodia - China - Fiji - India - Indonesia - Japan - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Malaysia - Nepal - New Zealand - Philippines - Republic of Korea - Sri Lanka - Vanuatu - Viet Nam
2005 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sea Turtle Conservation and Fisheries in Orissa, India

All over the world, the pressure to conserve ecosystems and their resources has been steadily rising. This has, in turn, led to conflicts between conservation imperatives and the livelihoods’ needs of the communities that interact with these ecosystems. An example of the impasse that such a state of opposition can...
2005 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Social Welfare and Social Security in Sri Lankan Fisheries

Since Sri Lanka’s independence in 1948, social welfare for the country’s fishing populations has been the responsibility of successive governments. During the latter half of the last millennium, the State has been channelling huge amounts of public funds into a number of social welfare and social security measures. However, the...
Sri Lanka
2005 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Lessons learned by the WIN project on livelihoods diversification and enterprise development

An overview of WIN LDED-related activities in Cambodia, Nepal and Zambia
The Livelihood Support Programme (LSP) evolved from the belief that FAO could have a greater impact on reducing poverty and food insecurity, if its wealth of talent and experience were integrated into a more flexible and demandresponsive team approach. The LSP works through teams of FAO staff members, who are...
Cambodia - Nepal - Zambia

Healing Wounds

How the international centers of the CGIAR help rebuild agriculture in countries affected by conflicts and natural disasters
For nearly three decades the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has focused its mission on helping developing countries turn agriculture into an engine of propoor, sustainable economic growth. Conflicts and natural disasters have often interfered with this mission, and disrupted the long-term work in strengthening human and institutional...
2005 - The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Working paper
Building Bridges

The contribution of traditional knowledge to ecosystem management and practices in Fiji
Developing nations such as Fiji are grappling with how they can utilise their environmental resources to improve local living conditions while protecting the integrity of ecological systems. Different development approaches are adopted but in these areas, the environment is altered and polluted as a result of sustained human activities. The...
2005 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Asia - Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)

APAARI is a unique voluntary, membership-based, self-mandated, apolitical and multistakeholder partnership organization in the Asia-Pacific region. Since its establishment in 1990, it has significantly contributed towards addressing regional agricultural research needs. The close links, networks, partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders that APAARI has established over the years, as well as its goodwill, authority...
2004 - Asia - Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)

Case study
Gender roles in agriculture

Case studies of five villages in northern Afghanistan
The purpose of this report is to contribute to a greater understanding of the roles women and men play in the different stages of agriculture as well as other production and income-generating activities. Little research exists on gender roles within Afghanistan and the focus of much research and most programming...
2004 - European Commission
Total results:1914