Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Journal article
Prácticas alimentarias y nutricionales familiares de la cuenca del río Momón (Iquitos, Perú)

Entre las páginas 127 a 134 se encuentra este artículo. El análisis de los sistemas de producción de las áreas rurales debe considerar el estudio de las costumbres y creencias folclóricas de sus comunidades nativas ya que éstas condicionan las decisiones familiares en relación a sus actividades económicas y hábitos...
2008 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Parques reservados: Reservas Marinas y Comunidades Pesqueras de Pequeña Escala

Este dossier recoge varios artículos que sostienen que la conservación y el sustento están íntimamente relacionados entre sí y que los modelos de conservación no participativos e impuestos desde arriba pueden resultar contraproducentes. Las comunidades pesqueras pueden ser poderosas aliadas en los esfuerzos de conservación.  El dossier muestra ejemplos de...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Value Chain Analysis Report - Cambodia, Philippines & Vietnam

Linking Small Farmers to Market Project
The researchers and studies conducted under the LSFM project were intended to contribute to the process of effectively linking small farmers to market and maximize their benefits from the value chain. In addition, the studies also aimed to help decision-making of the project's in-country anchors and in formulating strategic directions,...
Cambodia - Philippines - Viet Nam
2008 - Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA)

El cacao en Bolivia

Una alternativa económica de base campesina indígena
La presente publicación hace un recorrido muy amplio, entre historia, información estadística, diagnóstico de actores y finalmente propuesta de tareas para familias, organizaciones e instituciones, y políticas públicas para los distintos niveles de gobierno. Desde la orientación de CIPCA, este es un nuevo ejemplo de cómo las acciones y emprendimientos de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2008 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)

Technical paper
The Impact of Rising Food Prices on the Poor

This paper is a shorter, more recent version of an earlier working paper, and uses RIGA data to describe participation in and income shares from the different income generating activities across rural households in different developing countries.This paper analyzes the household level impact of a price increase in major tradable...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical paper
Rural Wage Employment in Developing Countries

Using nationally-representative data from 14 developing countries, this paper explores rural wage employment and its potential as a mechanism for improving the well being of the rural population. The analysis suggests that the sector of employment (agricultural or non-agricultural) and the overall household livelihood strategy appear to be of limited...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Mapping of Marketing Initiatives by CSOs in Indonesia

Value Chain Analysis Report of Organic Rice in Indonesia
This publication contains the initial outputs of the research component of AsiaDHRRA's Regional Project on Linking Small Farmers to Markets (LSFM) as implemented by Dina Besa (InDHRRA) in Indonesia. This report is part of the outputs of the participatory market researchers and studies on specific commodities chosen in each pilot...
2008 - Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA)

The succession dynamic in family farming

The social reproduction of familiar agriculture is permeated by distinct factors affecting the perspective of continuity of establishments along the generations. In general, these factors can be associated to changes caused by the modernization of agriculture,  crescent proximity between the rural and the urban and the internal dynamic of the...
2008 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul (UFRGS)

Linking small farmers to the market

The private sector can help smallholders to participate in modern supply chains. This type of collaboration will be critical to agricultural development.
2008 - World Bank

Diagnóstico participativo de comunicación rural

Comenzando con la gente
El manual describe los procedimientos para planificar y conducir un Diagnóstico Participativo de Comunicación Rural (DPCR) como un primer paso para el diseño de programas de comunicación, estrategias y materiales para proyectos de desarrollo, apropiados y con una buena relación costo beneficio. El manual fue desarrollado por el Centro de...
2008 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Participatory training and curriculum development for Farmer Field Schools in Guyana and Suriname

A field guide on Integrated Pest Management and aquaculture in rice
This curriculum, developed and edited by the trainees of the IPM rice-fish ToT, is not a cooking recipe, but an inspirational document which is free for modifications based on local needs. Its contents are a blend of actual ToT experience and other sources, prepared under the guidance of the two...
Guyana - Suriname

Mapping of Marketing Initiatives by CSOs - Cambodia, Philippines & Vietnam

This report is part of the outputs of the participatory market researchers and studies on specific commodities chosen in each pilot in four countries: tea in Vietnam, fresh calamansi fruit in the Philippines, free-range native chicken in Cambodia and organic rice in Indonesia.
Cambodia - Philippines - Viet Nam
2008 - Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA)

Visual Soil Assessment (VSA)

Annual Crops
Soil type and the effect of management on the condition of the soil are important determinants of the character and quality of annual cropping and have profound effects on long-term profits. Land managers need tools that are reliable, quick and easy to use in order to help them assess the...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Policy brief/paper
The Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Water and Food Outcomes

A Framework for Analysis
Over the coming decades, global change will have an impact on food and water security in significant and highly uncertain ways, and there are strong indications that developing countries will bear the brunt of the adverse consequences, particularly from climate change. This is largely because poverty levels are high, and...
Ethiopia - South Africa
2008 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Policy brief/paper
How can African agriculture adapt to climate change

Vulnerability and the impact of climate change in South Africa's Limpopo River Basin
With likely long-term changes in rainfall patterns and shifting temperature zones, climate change is expected to increase the frequency of climate-related shocks, such as floods and droughts in Sub-Saharan Africa. For farm households, an increase in the frequency of climate-related income shocks could lead not only to lower expected income,...
South Africa
2008 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Working paper
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: Notes and guides in assessing natural resources management

Natural resources management is a critical branch of sustainable rural development that requires thorough understanding of theland, the people who nurtures the land and how they govern land. They are historically, socially-ecologically constructed systems. While in today’s generation, natural resources management is intertwined with the problems of poverty, food and livelihood security and...
2008 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Case study
An assessment of the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security in the Pacific

A Case Study in the Republic of the Marshall Islands
The development of subsistence agriculture is a key strategy for supporting the growing population of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. However, this approach is likely to be affected by climate change. Other factors, such as urbanization and a shift away from traditional food to imported items, are also having...
Marshall Islands
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Visual Soil Assessment (VSA)

Olive Orchards
Soil type and the effect of management on the condition of the soil are important determinants of the productive performance of olive orchards, and have profound effects on long-term profits. Land managers need tools that are reliable, quick and easy to use in order to help them assess the condition...
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Journal article
Drought management and planning strategies in semi-arid and arid agropastoral systems of West Asia and North Africa: a review

This study showed that indigenous and local community strategies of drought management are no longer effective in coping with drought and the action plans that have been launched by the governments to manage this climatic hazard are mostly crisis based programs that encourage the dependency of the producers on the...
2008 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Journal article
Perception of farmers about profitability of vegetable gardening enterprise in Ahiazu Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria

This study assessed perception of farmers about profitability of vegetable gardening enterprise in Ahiazu Mbaise local government area of Imo state, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was administered to 60 randomly selected farmers in the study area. Data collected were analysed using frequencies, percentages and mean scores. Results showed that majority...
2008 - Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria
Total results:20004