Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Situación de las mujeres rurales pobres en honduras y su acceso a la tierra y el crédito

Con el propósito de aportar evidencias concretas que respalden las acciones y mensajes de la campaña “Cosechemos justicia para las mujeres del Campo”, se ha realizado este estudio que aporta datos cuantitativos y cualitativos sobre la realidad de las mujeres rurales y el apoyo que brinda el Estado de Honduras...
2013 - Plataforma Agraria

Time to recognise African smallholder farmers as entrepreneurs

Our farmers are entrepreneurs, just like their counterparts in the telecoms industry. Yet they face even greater risks in getting their goods to market. This is particularly true of our smallholder farmers, most of them women, who cultivate plots about the size of a football field or two. She typically...
2013 - Africa Progress Panel (APP)

The Power of Women: Female Farmers in Montenegro

Recognizing the importance of integrating women into agriculture, female farmers are working to overcome traditional family roles and misperceptions about the role of women in agriculture. Thirty-seven small holder female farmers in Montenegro have benefitted from grants from the Montenegro Institutional Development and Agricultural Strengthening (MIDAS) to improve their farms. Ljiljana K.,...

Integrated Crop Management Vol.18-2013

Forest Management and Conservation Agriculture Experiences of smallholder farmers in the Eastern Region of Paraguay
This publication is a summary of the experiences lived during the seven years (2003-2010) of implementation of the Sustainable Natural Resource Management Project (PMRN), managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and supported by German Technical and Financial Cooperation (GIZ and KfW). The PMRN operated in seven Departments in...
2013 - Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Paraguay

Policy brief/paper
Highlights of recent IFPRI food policy research for USAID

To meet the needs of a growing global population that is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050, agricultural production must increase significantly. As such, agriculture and rural development will continue to play a critical role in alleviating poverty and malnutrition. This brochure highlights some of the key collaborations between IFPRI...

La silla vacía

Red social en donde confluyen algunas de las voces más argumentadas en torno a diversos temas del poder nacional, con la idea de generar contenidos de alta calidad sobre asuntos como el liderazgo, el proceso de paz, el arte nacional, la innovación y la minería, entre otros. Es, además, el espacio...
2013 - La Silla Vacía

Why the low adoption of agricultural technologies in Eastern and Central Africa?

Agriculture is arguably the most important vehicle for realising economic development, creating employment and reducing poverty in Africa. In the Eastern and Central Africa (ECA) sub-region, agriculture accounts for about 43% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and over 60% of exports. About 70% of the population and nearly 90%...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Sudan - Zambia
2013 - Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)

Magazine article
La inequidad de género persiste en el Perú rural

El papel de la mujer en el agro es hoy más evidente que nunca. El IV Cenagro, de 2012, informa que la cantidad de productoras, 691 mil, se ha duplicado en relación con las 357 mil que, según el III Cenagro, había en 1994. Esta presencia femenina es mayor en...
2013 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent

The UN-REDD Programme recently launched the UN-REDD Programme Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and the associated Legal Companion, which outlines related existing international law and emerging State practice affirming that indigenous peoples have the right to effective participation in the decisions, policies and initiatives that affect them...
2013 - UN-REDD Programme

Feeding the world, caring for the Earth

A reality in every continent, family farming, is facing huge challenges and uncertainties. And yet, although in many places family farmers - men and women-  have been forgotten and are neglected by pllicy makers, they continue to be the basis of sustainable food production in the world's effort toward food...
2013 - World Rural Forum (WRF)

Mulheres no Campo, Agricultura Familiar - Mundo do Tabaco

Entrevista com Camila Hassan, extensionista de bem estar social da Emater (Empresa Brasileira de Assistência Técnica). As mulheres no campo - a união que pode contribuir para sua permanência no campo. Elo das associações das comunidades rurais com as organizações que estão nas cidades. Tratamos de segurança alimentar, geração de renda, saúde no...
2013 - Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo (ACT)

Case study
Learning routes

Experiences in Morocco and Egypt
After screening several success cases within these two themes in different countries, Morocco (farmers’ organisations) and Egypt (water management) were chosen as the host countries for the Learning Routes. Six exemplary cases (three per route) were selected. As preparation for the Learning Route, Procasur and ILEIA, supported by local KariaNet...
Egypt - Morocco
2013 - Centre for lLearning on Sustainable Agriculture (ILEIA)

Exploraciones N°18: Mujeres Jóvenes Rurales en Colombia

El  presente  texto  pretende  dar  cuenta  de  la  configuración  de  procesos  organizativos  de mujeres jóvenes rurales en Colombia, en un escenario conflictivo y en el marco del acceso a una  serie  de  oportunidades  y  beneficios  a  los  que  las  anteriores  generaciones no habían accedido. La idea no es solo discernir...
2013 - Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS)

Incentivo à diversificação, organização dos pequenos agricultores - mundo do tabaco

Entrevista com Rosiéle Ludtke, do Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA) e das Mulheres Camponesas.  O maior desafio dos agricultores que tem uma pequena propriedade, especialmente das mulheres, é ter garantia de compra de sua produção. O fato de não ter um mercado garantido complica a diversificação - o fumo tem mercado...
2013 - Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo (ACT)

Southern african agriculture and climate change

A comprehensive analysis
Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing eight of the countries that make up southern Africa — Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe — and explores how climate change will increase the efforts needed to achieve sustainable food security...
Botswana - Lesotho - Malawi - Mozambique - South Africa - Eswatini - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Case study
Effets du Conseil à l'Exploitation Familiale (CEF) sur les performances économiques des exploitations bénéficiaires à Banikoara au Nord-Bénin

Les effets du Conseil à l’Exploitation Familiale sur le revenu et la productivité agricoles des bénéficiaires ont été évalués dans cet article. Les données collectées auprès de cent soixante (160) producteurs choisis aléatoirement à raison de quatre-vingt (80) auditeurs CEF (AC) et quatre-vingt (80) non auditeurs ont été analysées à...
2013 - Association africaine des agroéconomistes

Blog article
Día de la Mujer Rural: Mariana produce alimentos frescos en el Ecuador

El PMA, ONU Mujeres, la FAO y UNICEF se han unido a la Asociación de Mujeres de Juntas Parroquiales Rurales del Ecuador para visibilizar a las mujeres rurales en su día mundial. La siguiente nota resume el impacto que Mariana, una de estas mujeres rurales, está teniendo en su comunidad....
2013 - Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA)

La Agricultura Familiar en Colombia

Informe del Proyecto Análisis de la Pobreza y de la Desigualdad en América Latina Rural
Este informe hace parte de los trabajos encargados por el FIDA en seis países de América Latina (México, Guatemala, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador y Brasil) bajo la coordinación de RIMISP, con el objetivo de revisar las definiciones de la agricultura familiar, los indicadores y variables utilizados para cuantificarla, la realización de...
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Magazine article
Promouvoir la pratique du warrantage pour faciliter l’accès aux intrants aux petits agriculteurs dans la zone d’intervention du PICOFA, au Burkina Faso

Dans la région Est du Burkina Faso, le Projet d’investissement communautaire en fertilité agricole (PICOFA) a entrepris de disséminer la pratique du Warrantage de auprès des groupements de femmes et de jeunes en vue de réduire la vulnérabilité des ménages en période de soudure et faciliter l’accès aux crédits, parfois nécessaires...
Burkina Faso
2013 - Innovation environnement développement Afrique (IED Afrique)

Magazine article
Reconstitution du cheptel caprin pour assurer la sécurité alimentaires des ménages vulnérables, au Mali : l’initiative « prêt animal » du PIDRK

L’élevage caprin constitue un pilier important de l’activité économique dans le Nord du Mali. La sécheresse et les abattages massifs ont, cependant, contribué à une baisse significative des effectifs du cheptel.  Pour appuyer la redynamisation de l’élevage caprin dans la région de Kidal, le Programme Intégré de Développement Rural de...
2013 - Innovation environnement développement Afrique (IED Afrique)
Total results:2172