Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Hoja informativa
A time of transition

Most of Near east and North Africa societies have been in the midst of social and political transition in recent years. Three of them changed governments following the events of 2011, and some have endured armed conflict. Moreover, most of them face the challenge of food security in a drylands...
Egypt - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Yemen
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Artículo de blog
KariaNet, Planning the future of networking in the Near East and North Africa region

IFAD and the International Centre for Rural Development, (IDRC) joined hands to use networking to improve the performance of their agriculture and rural development projects in a programme called the Knowledge Access in Rural Interconnected Areas Network, or KariaNet. The KariaNet approach, including collaborative research and capacity building, takes a page from...
Algeria - Egypt - Jordan - Lebanon - Morocco - Palestine - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Yemen
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Documento de trabajo
Soil conservation and water harvesting to improve community livelihoods and fight land degradation in the mountains of Syria

In the mountainous and arid regions of northwest Syria, water and land resources are under pressure from natural and human-induced forms of land degradation. This has resulted in lower incomes for families dependent on olive farming. This study explores the impact of natural resource management, supported by a micro-credit system,...
Syrian Arab Republic
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Revista especializada
Caravan - An integrated ‘systems’ approach for dryland agroecosystems

This issue of Caravan presents some successes of the collaboration of scientists and other stakeholders from ICARDA and national partners, where participatory research with local communities and women’s groups in particular, has reaped a range of benefits through an integrated systems approach. These examples demonstrate a path forward for sustainably...
Afghanistan - India - Iraq - Jordan - Morocco - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Conservation agriculture: opportunities for intensified farming and environmental conservation in dry areas

A synthesis of research and trials with smallholder farmers in drylands systems; benefits and constraints to adoption. Farmer experiences and potential for uptake in Iraq, Syria, Morocco and Tunisia.
This report presents examples, approaches and evidence on conservation agriculture and its potential for use in low-income countries. It is designed to help policy makers and development partners appreciate the issues and evaluate how conservation agriculture can contribute to rural development and food security goals, paving the way for its...
Australia - Iraq - Morocco - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia
2012 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Estudio de caso
Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on participatory rangeland management in the Badia

The Syrian Arab Republic is a dry country that is prone to drought, with large areas of desert or semi-desert that are too fragile to be cultivated but will support grazing for a restricted number of livestock. These areas of ecological fragility, if overgrazed and poorly managed, can quickly become...
Syrian Arab Republic
2012 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) - Near East, North Africa and Europe Division Programme management department

A gender Analysis Perspective for Improved Livelihoods in the Karkheh River Basin

This study on gender and livelihood aims to find new ways of improving the incomes of rural households, based on the role of women in agricultural production and the division of labor in socioeconomic activities between men and women. It targets eight villages in two regions: Merek (Kermanshah Province) and...
Syrian Arab Republic
2012 - Arid Regions Institute (IRA)

Boletín informativo
Caravan 27: Research integration in practice

This issue of Caravan describes the new program, and some of the research innovations it will build on. The issue begins with two ‘opinion pieces’ by scientists from partner organizations in the CRP. They share lessons learnt from past successes (and failures), and ideas that could be applied to dryland systems...
Algeria - Bahrain - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kuwait - Libya - Morocco - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Syrian Arab Republic - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - United Arab Emirates - Uzbekistan
2012 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Artículo de revista especializada
La patrimonialisation des steppes du Proche-Orient : un instrument pour quelle stratégie?

Une inscription des steppes du Proche-Orient au patrimoine mondial des paysages culturels de l’agro pastoralisme pourrait s’imposer comme une évidence. Lieu d’émergence de l’agriculture et du pastoralisme, elles recèlent des vestiges de toutes les formes d’exploitation agricole et pastorale du proto élevage néolithique aux aménagements hydro agricoles des époques byzantine...
Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Estudio de caso
Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on land reclamation through de-rocking

Land reclamation through the removal of surface and subsurface rocks and stones by heavy equipment, known as ‘de-rocking’, was the main intervention funded in five of the seven projects. IFAD’s objective was to assist the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic in enabling poor rural people to improve their incomes...
Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Documento de la Conferencia
Saving freshwater resources with salt-tolerant forage production in marginal areas of the West Asia and North Africa region. An opportunity to raise the incomes of the rural poor

n partnership with the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of seven countries in WANA (Jordan, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and UAE), and with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID),...
Egypt - Jordan - Oman - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia

Revista especializada
Options Méditerranéennes. Economics of drought and drought preparedness in a climate change context

During the last decades, droughts have become more frequent in the Mediterranean, West Asia and North African countries, and have had negative socio-economic impacts which are frequently linked to a high exploitation of available water resources. The Fourth Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change states that extreme...
Argentina - Bulgaria - Canada - Egypt - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Jordan - Morocco - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Türkiye
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

ICARDA annual report 2010

Food Security: the Big Challenges
Global food production has increased by 20% in the past decade – but food insecurity and poverty remain widespread , while the natural resource base continues to decline. International research centers, which have helped drive previous improvements, must continue to deliver new technologies to support sustainable growth in agriculture; and...
Afghanistan - Eritrea - Libya - Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Artículo de revista especializada
Drought changes over last five decades in Syria

Mediterranean basin is one of the most prominent hot spot of climate change in the world. Further, extreme climatic events such as drought are expected to become more frequent and intense in this region. To evaluate seasonal and annual droughts, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was computed for 15 meteorological stations...
Syrian Arab Republic

Hoja informativa
Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Syria

The latest assessment of rural poverty in the country, conducted by IFAD, found that half of Syria's poor rural households depend on wages for their livelihood. One third of poor rural people cultivate crops and raise livestock to obtain an income. The incidence of poverty is lowest among the 20...
Syrian Arab Republic
2009 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Wheat rust disease global programme

Wheat, grown on more than 200 million hectares of land worldwide, is a source of food and livelihoods for over one billion people in developing countries. This important commodity has been greatly affected by recent soaring food prices. Wheat prices have doubled in the last year, largely as a result...
Algeria - Egypt - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Oman - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Yemen
2008 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Crisis Management Centre for the Food Chain

Artículo de revista especializada
Mobility and feeding strategies in the pastoral systems of the Syrian Badiah

The pastoral system of Syria, like most of West Asia and North Africa, is under stress with growing sheep population and continuous degradation of the rangelands. While the research and development society is strongly promoting community rangeland management in a participative and collaborative way, it is essential to characterize and...
Syrian Arab Republic
2008 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

The role of high-value crops in rural poverty reduction in the Near East and North Africa

In their individual and joint efforts to address the problems of poverty, IFAD and its partner agencies in the NENA region are confronted by a large number of constraints, including:• The natural resource base in both quantity and quality, in particular, the prevalence ofdesert and semi-arid areas and the frequency...
Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Mauritania - Morocco - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - United Arab Emirates - Yemen
2008 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Documento técnico
Organic farming in the Mediterranean

Towards further development
The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB) has initiated since 1999 data collection on the organic sector in the Mediterranean area. Since 2005 a separate chapter in « The World of Organic Agriculture » has been dedicated to the Mediterranean area, and IAMB has committed itself to supporting the global...
Egypt - Jordan - Lebanon - Syrian Arab Republic
2008 - The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB)

Boletín informativo
Caravan 22: Review of agriculture in the dry areas

This issue of Caravan provides examples of ICARDA's work with its partners to help ensure sustainability of livelihoods for the poor in marginal areas.
Algeria - Cyprus - Egypt - Ethiopia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Lebanon - Morocco - Nepal - Pakistan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tajikistan - Tunisia - Turkmenistan - Türkiye - Uzbekistan
2005 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Total results:63
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