Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
New study seeks to identify needs of EU young farmers

Nearly 61% of EU young farmers consider the availability of land for purchase and 57% the availability of land for rent as the most difficult challenges they face, often due to issues such as land ownership laws, inheritance rules and land prices, according to a new external report published by...
Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czechia - Estonia - European Union - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - European Commission


At present, gastronomy is becoming an increasingly stronger motivation and focus of interest in economics, especially in fields related to tourism. At the same time, gastronomic tourism represents one of the most important business opportunities, allowing direct contact between food sector producers and tourists. Moreover, food related tourism is a key factor of success...

Artículo de blog
Romania wants to boost consumer confidence in organics

The Bucharest government wants to give organic farming a boost and – at the same time – increase consumers’ confidence in the sector. Despite its longstanding tradition of agriculture, Romania is still lagging behind in organic farming compared to other EU partners. Under the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period...
2016 - EurActiv

Artículo de blog
Peasants in Transylvania: a love note

Though many people shy away from the word and distance themselves from its negative connotations, there is a contemporary push to reclaim ‘peasant’ as something to be proud of, to be respected. In Transylvania, Eco Ruralis is part of this effort but the true driving force, though not necessarily in...
2016 - Indie Farmer

Artículo de revista especializada
Agriculture and Alimentation Facing Consumers' Choice

Food Commerce has turned into one of the most controversial economic battlefields in humankind history, whilst the society of today is characterized by a single existential criterion, manifested from top to bottom: efficiency. Due to the distinctive features and functions of agriculture, the economic theory has a subtle approach of the efficiency concept in agriculture, compared...

Romanian Village Farming

Hay is at the base of almost all traditional meat & dairy farm products – even to the farmyard chickens eating grasshoppers brought into the yard with the new hay crop.   Hay – especially cut with a scythe, has shaped Romania’s rural cultural landscape and resulted in enormous biodiversity of...

Rural Development and High Nature Value Farmlands in Romania: a project funded by the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme

HNV farmlands in Romania are an estimated 30% of the total utilisable agricultural area: 5 million ha, associated with smaller holding sizes in hilly areas within the Carpathian arc. Traditional farming practices are responsible for maintaining many of Romania’s (and Europe's) HNV farmlands, which deliver a host of public benefits (goods...
2016 - ADEPT Fundation

Artículo de blog
Try Your Hand at Organic Farming in Southwest Romania

At Sky Hill, the Miclăuș’ summer haven, volunteers can pick berries for jam, dry medicinal plants for tea, cut grass, or stuff mattresses with sweet-smelling hay. The Miclăușes also welcome architecture students to work on design and restoration projects. Cornelia serves everyone fresh fruit and vegetables from the farm, along with...

Estudio de caso
Dairy farm with processing department and energy production unit from renewable sources in Dâmboviţa County, Nucet, Romania

The dairy farm is located in Nucet, Dâmbovița County in the south of the Sub-Carpathians, between the plains and the southern hills. The region has a rich agricultural heritage for growing vegetables (64% of total production) and livestock (34%). In 2016 19,170 dairy cows were registered in the county, yet only...

Artículo de boletín informativo
Post‐conference report for the 13th Eurasian Grassland Conference 2016 in Sighisoara, Romania

Between the 20th and 24th of September 2016, 85 participants from 25 countries met in Sighisoara in Southern Transylvania for the 13th annual conference of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group. In contrast to the previous 12 “EDGM, European Dry Grassland Meetings”, this year it was decided to change the name...
2016 - ADEPT Foundation

Sitio web
Last Transhumance

Last transhumance describes in photography and film the extinction of a millennial way of life. Last Transhumance is an artistic, ethnographic and sociological project totalling 8 years, 6 countries, more than 50,000 km travelled, 100,000 photos, 70 hours of footage and 100 hours audio recordings.
Albania - Greece - Italy - Romania - Türkiye - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2016 Eurasian Grassland Conference

The 2016 Eurasian Grassland Conference will take place from the 20th to the 24th September 2016 in the historic town of Sighişoara in central Romania. This is the 13th annual meeting of the EDGG (formerly known as European Dry Grassland Meetings, EDGM), which aims to promote exchange and collaboration between...
2016 - The Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), Fundația ADEPT,Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Cluj-Napoca

Artículo de blog
Who will feed the Nyeleni-Europe forum? Portrait of a producer

Enike and Istvan run a CSA farm that provides many of our Ecoruralis hosts with their weekly box on a year-round basis. The essential aspects of shared risk and benefits are in place, as is the year-long commitment to their farm, even if payment is made on a weekly basis....
2016 - URGENCI

Sustainability and Competitiveness of Romanian Farms through Organic Agriculture

Currently, the development of any sector involves respecting the principles of sustainability, which means economic, social and environmental development. Moreover, organic farming is a very important field for ensuring sustainable development. Romania has great potential for the development of organic agriculture, especially due to the large number of available farmland...

Artículo de blog
Pan-European Forum in Romania wraps up: food sovereignty takes root in Eastern Europe

After five days of discussions, the groundwork has been laid to take back, relocalise our food systems and multiply food sovereignty platforms across the continent by the participants from more than 40 countries who gathered at the second Nyéléni Europe Forum on Food Sovereignty. A huge diversity of people involved...
2016 - Nyeleni, Via Campesina

Artículo de revista
Impact of the specific aid provided to cattle milk producers in the disadvantaged areas

The specific aid for the milk producers from the disadvantaged areas was granted between 2010 and 2014, according to the Government Decision no. 755/2010, Government Decision no. 296/2012, Government Decision no. 298/2014 and M.A.R.D. Order no. 573/2014, in accordance with the provisions of the article no. 68, paragraph (1), letter...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Artículo de revista
Experiences: My farm

„Regalina” layer hen farm, from Râșnov
Trade and Industry of Brașov, at the specific activity of meat chicken raising. From the meat chicken to the raising of layer hens Starting from 2002, the company gave up raising meat chicken, focusing its resources on raising and holding egg hens. Three years later, the company started on the...

Artículo de revista
My Farm - Passion equals success

Eight years ago, at the age of 17, Alexandru Tăședan started on the difficult road of performance in the field of animal husbandry. Today, he manages one of the model farms of Arad County, where he owns approximately 150 heads of cattle from Holstein Friesian, Romanian Spotted and Brown breeds....
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Artículo de revista
Agri-tourism boarding house, a finality of the investment in animal husbandry

The history of the farm begins immediately after the Revolution, when Sándor Kálmán claimed the land belonging to his family, which was collectivized at that time. “I received back 7.5 hectares, and in 1991, I bought the first tractor. It was then when I started working in agriculture. I was...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Artículo de revista
The importance of pastures for carbon storage and agri-environment payments

Earth – the home of over seven billion people – is a giant ecosystem, which offers living conditions to the entire biosphere through its connections between resources, animals and plants. Everything that comes to life is made from the matter existing on Earth (especially in the soil), with a minimal,...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network
Total results:194
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