Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

Las referencias externas de esta página se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos; no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.

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Artículo de revista especializada
Evaluation of women farmers’ perception of the impact of Women-In-Agriculture programme on yield, income and decision-making power in South-eastern Nigeria

One of the reasons that necessitated the establishment of Women-in-Agriculture (WIA) Programme in 1989 was the perception that women farmers were not having adequate access to extension services compared to their male counterparts. Feminists argued that the inadequate access to extension services resulted in women farmers having poor farm yields,...
2010 - University of Abuja

Linking people, places and products

A guide for promoting quality linked to geographical origin and sustainable Geographical Indications
The objectives of this guide are: 1. to explain what origin-linked quality and the GI concept are; 2. to raise awareness regarding the potential of origin-linked products for rural development and conditions for sustainability; 3. to facilitate implementation of GI processes at local level by providing tools and a concrete...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Livestock Insurance for Pastoralists in Kenya

January 2010 saw the launch of the world's first livestock insurance for remote African pastoralists as a result of years of research.
2010 - International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Artículo de revista
Water Management and Food Security in Africa

This issue of Baobab focuses on access to water for sustainable agriculture and livelihoods, its management and policies, or lack of them, which can regulate its effective and efficient use. In a region that highly relies on rainfall for food production, a lot needs to be done in agricultural water...
2010 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Documento técnico
“Climate-Smart” Agriculture

Policies, Practices and Financing for Food Security, Adaptation and Mitigation
Building  on  case  studies from the field, the paper outlines a range of practices, approaches and tools aimed at increasing  the  resilience  and  productivity  of  agricultural  production  systems, while  also  reducing  and  removing  emissions. The second part of the paper surveys institutional and policy options available to promote the  transition...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sitio web
Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas (CONAMUCA)

CONAMUCA es una organización de cobertura nacional, fundada el 1ero. de noviembre del año 1986, que promueve los intereses y derechos de las mujeres y reivindica la lucha por una vida digna. Su misión es construir un modelo de producción agrícola que recupere la agricultura campesina basada en la igualdad de...
Dominican Republic
2010 - Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas (CONAMUCA)

Revista especializada
Revista Mundos Rurales, enero 2010, n° 2

Este número de Mundos Rurales incluye artículos sobre: Charagua, líder en las reivindicaciones del pueblo guaraní, avanza a la Autonomía Indígena. Vivencias en elecciones Largo camino para ejercer el derecho Amazonía: día esperado, entre incertidumbre y esperanzas Asentamientos humanos en Pando: explorando mejores condiciones de vida Pese a la Constitución y las leyes, las mujeres...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2010 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)

Estudio de caso
Problems facing small scale farmers in Isingiro District, Uganda

Focus on Bananas
The study aimed at examining how the policies and regulations in place (or lack thereof) impact on smallscale banana farmers in Isingiro district and share possible solutions with the government, farmers, interested donors and other stakeholders.
2010 - ACORD Agency for Co-operation and Research in Development

Estudio de caso
Technology for improved income of smallholder pineapple producers

Pineapple is by far the most important crop within the horticultural sub-sector of the Ghanaian economy. The crop employs over 15,000 individuals out of which 40% are women and generates rural incomes of over 6 million USD. Large and medium commercial farms account for about 70% of production with the...
Faroe Islands
2010 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Artículo de revista especializada

2010 - Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Artículo de revista especializada
Mujeres y agroecología

Nuevos sujetos políticos en la agricultura en familiar
En ese artículo se analiza la existencia de una nueva fuerza política en los movimientos campesinos y de agricultores familiares en Brasil. Está formada por campesinas, agricultoras familiares, trabajadoras agrícolas, que, en medio de movimientos sociales identificados con la agroecología y organizados en la "Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia" (ANA), están...

Africa's Smallholder Farmers

Approaches that Work for Viable Livelihoods
This report, launched in the UK Parliament in July 2010, outlines why support for agriculture - and in particular for smallholder farmers - is critical to address hunger and poverty in Africa. The report showcases a range of approaches that have improved access for marginalised farmers, especially women, to decision-making,...
2010 - African Smallholder Farmers Group (ASFG)

Documento de la Conferencia
Gender dimensions of climate change adaptation and mitigation by smallholder farmers in Uganda

Climate change is now recognized as serious with long term negative effects on agricultural productivity, and hence on the well-being of communities especially in Africa. Farmers have experienced climate change effects and have tried to mitigate these effects by adapting new/different production practices. This study has been set up to...
2010 - Makerere University

Documento técnico
Desempeño agroproductivo de las parcelas urbanas del Consejo Popular Santiago de las Vegas

Se caracterizó el comportamiento socioproductivo en las parcelas del Consejo Popular de Santiago de las Vegas. Se realizaron entrevistas directas y observación directa a una muestra representativa del 20% de los parceleros. Se efectuó un análisis de componentes principales como herramienta en la agrupación de los parceleros para la caracterización...
2010 - Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT)

Food Security and Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa

Current State and Future Perspectives
A rapidly changing world combined with mounting domestic challenges is prompting many Middle East and North African (MENA) countries to rethink their development models and to initiate economic and social reforms. Taking this new momentum as a starting point, this paper uses the concept of Food Security to identify the...
2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Fertile ground

How governments and donors can halve hunger by supporting small farmers
This report is based on extensive research and interviews with several hundred farmers, the majority of them women, carried out by ActionAid staff and consultants in Uganda, Kenya and Malawi throughout the last third of 2009. It is complemented by an extensive global literature review, and our study also benefited...
Kenya - Malawi - Uganda
2010 - ActionAid International

ICARDA annual report 2010

Food Security: the Big Challenges
Global food production has increased by 20% in the past decade – but food insecurity and poverty remain widespread , while the natural resource base continues to decline. International research centers, which have helped drive previous improvements, must continue to deliver new technologies to support sustainable growth in agriculture; and...
Afghanistan - Eritrea - Libya - Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Actas de conferencia
Proceedings of the roundtable on voluntary standards and schemes for specific quality products

ZATAC was requested by FAO to identify participants from Africa and facilitate a 3 day roundtable meeting on voluntary standards and schemes for specific quality products. The aim of the roundtable was to consult with key stakeholders and build consensus on intervention strategies related to voluntary standards and schemes for...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Sustainable inclusion of smallholders in the emerging high quality cassava flour value chains in Africa

Challenges for agricultural extension services
Based on the premise that smallholders often get excluded as markets become more commercial, this paper draws lessons from the Cassava: Adding Value for Africa (C:AVA) Project by exploring the main issues and challenges facing extension service partners in five African countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda and Malawi). These lessons...
Ghana - Malawi - Nigeria - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania

Boletín informativo
Knowledge Share Fair in Niger, a new sharing experience

Dimitra Newsletter 19 highlights FAO’s strong interest in the exchange and capitalisation of good agricultural practices and in the methods that enable rural populations to access information and communication. The Knowledge Management and Gender programme, which organised a Knowledge Share Fair in Niamey in June 2010, illustrates the innovative methods...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Niger - Uganda
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:2167