Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Amazônia à Mesa

Receitas com produtos da sociobiodiversidade para a alimentação escolar
As contribuições da agricultura familiar para a promoção do direito à segurança alimentar e nutricional da população brasileira são inegáveis, com impactos significativos na dinamização socioeconômica dos territórios rurais e nos arranjos produtivos locais. O conjunto de políticas públicas voltadas para o fortalecimento do setor, implementado nas últimas décadas, tem...
2019 - Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo (SAF)

Artículo de blog
Enhancing food systems dialogues in Central Asia and Caucasus

A recent sub-regional symposia - Symposium on sustainable food systems and nutrition governance for healthy diets in Central Asia and Caucasus – was held from 24-26 April 2019 in Astana, Kazakhstan. During the event, several countries acknowledged the need to shift to more sustainable production patterns, including a shift away...
2019 - UNSCN

Sin feminismo no hay agroecología

Hacia sistemas alimentarios saludables, sostenibles y justos
El presente documento tiene por objeto fundamentar las posiciones del MSC hacia el futuro proceso de políticas del CSA sobre agroecología y otras innovaciones. Una versión más breve de esta perspectiva figura también en la nueva edición, de 2019, del Observatorio del Derecho a la Alimentación y a la Nutrición...
2019 - Mecanismo de la Sociedad Civil y de los pueblos indígenas (MSC) para las relaciones con el Comité de Seguridad AlimentarioA Mundial de NU (CSA)

Ph. D Miguel Altieri dictará curso sobre agricultura agroecológica en Centro Ceres

En colaboración con la Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA), la Fundación CIPAV (Centro para la investigación en sistemas sostenibles de producción agropecuaria) y el Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Agroecológicas (CELIA), el profesor emérito de la Universidad de California – Berkeley, Ph.D Miguel Altieri, dictará una nueva versión del curso...
2019 - Centro Regional de Innovación Hortofrutícola de Valparaíso

Artículo de blog
10 Sustainable Agriculture Methods and Farming Practices

Unlike intensive agriculture, sustainable farming has a great potential for benefiting the environment and preserving natural resources. There are more methods that overlap in many principles that are sustainable in the long-run and may be 100 percent organic or at least from the biggest part. The following ten sustainable farming...
2019 - Greentumble

Estudio de caso
Agroecological alternatives to industrial livestock production

Case studies compiled recently by Global Forest Coalition (GFC) members and allies in Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Paraguay underline the role of agribusiness in peasant farmers´ and Indigenous Peoples´ lives. These examples help to deconstruct the myth that large-scale, industrial agriculture is "feeding the world", and that it is compatible with other...
Brazil - Chile - Mexico - Paraguay
2019 - Global Forest Coalition (GFC)

Compendio para la evaluación de la agroecología

Método de evaluación de sus efectos y de las condiciones de su desarrollo
Este compendio se compone de diferentes partes: – Una introducción general. – Una primera parte, relativa a los principios metodológicos generales, a saber: • los principios y desafíos de la evaluación,  • las diferentes situaciones de uso y los distintos objetivos de la evaluación, • los efectos y los criterios de evaluación propuestos en el...
2019 - Grupo de trabajo sobre transiciones agroecológicas (GTAE)

Artículo de blog
Cresce percentual de orgânicos nas compras do Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos

Programa que atende pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade tem priorizado orgânicos e estimulado agricultores a converter produção convencional em orgânica
O percentual de participação dos orgânicos nas compras feitas pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), no Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA),  triplicou nos últimos cinco anos. Segundo a Conab, no ano passado, 6% dos alimentos adquiridos nas modalidades executadas pela Companhia eram orgânicos. Em 2013, esse índice era de 2,2%. De 2013 a 2018,...
2019 - Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (CONAB)

The use of mycorrhizal fungi in horticulture

What are mycorrhizal fungi? Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiosis with > 90% of land plants They live in the soil and colonize plant roots Mycorrhizae provides better absorption of nutrients and increased water uptake to the plant in exchange for carbon supply They cannot function without living plants Plants control the symbiosis, root exudates trigger spore...
2019 - Cornell University, United States

La alternativa es la Agroecología

Una de las causas del cambio climático y la pérdida de biodiversidad es la agricultura intensiva, el modo en el que producimos los alimentos. La llave para ver cómo podemos mejorar nuestra alimentación sin destruir el planeta, la "agroecología" propone una producción de forma sostenible. Emma Siliprandi, Oficial de Agricultura de...
2019 - RtvE

Artículo de revista especializada
The impact of long-term organic farming on soil-derived greenhouse gas emissions

Agricultural practices contribute considerably to emissions of greenhouse gases. So far, knowledge on the impact of organic compared to non-organic farming on soil-derived nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions is limited. We investigated N2O and CH4fluxes with manual chambers during 571 days in a grass-clover– silage maize – green...

HLPE Report 2019 - Agroecological and other innovative approaches

In this report, the HLPE explores the nature and potential contributions of agroecological and other innovative approaches to formulating transitions towards sustainable food systems (SFSs) that enhance FSN. The HLPE adopts a dynamic, multiscale perspective, focusing on the concepts of transition and transformation. Many transitions need to occur in particular...

Madagascar : l'agroécologie pour assurer la souveraineté alimentaire des familles paysannes

Dans le Sud de Madagascar, AVSF a contribué à travers 2 projets à la promotion de l'agroécologie, au développement de l'agriculture familiale et l'amélioration de l'accès aux services de proximité et de l'accès à l'eau.
2019 - Agronomes & Vétérinaires Sans Frontières

Artículo de boletín informativo
Good practices from Poland

The selected examples include dissemination of agricultural innovation, food production, short supply chains, organic production, reduction of environmental degradation, rural entrepreneurship, and promotion of the countryside.
2019 - ENRD

Better seed for green gram

Coating seed with good microbes and organic fertilizer protects crops from diseases and gives them a healthy start. You can also prepare your own organic solution with cow dung, cow urine, lime, cow milk or yoghurt and water.
2019 - Access Agriculture

OECD‑FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019‑2028 - Latin America

This OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028 foresees that the demand for agricultural products will grow by 15% over the coming decade. The way in which this demand is met will determine the sector’s impact on the natural resource base, notably land, water, and biodiversity. Rising food production also comes with higher...
2019 - FAO

Hoja informativa
“Empowering young farmers and rural youth”: Ceja, rural youth Europe and Mijarc Europe launch EU elections manifesto

CEJA, Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe, the three main European organisations representing rural youth and young farmers, launched their 2019 EU elections manifesto today. The document, titled “Empowering Young Farmers and Rural Youth”, was released on the occasion of the “EU Young Farmer Speed Dating” event hosted by CEJA in...
2019 - CEJA, Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe

Artículo de blog
Working towards food sovereignty in Palestine

The Om Sleiman farm in the village of Bil'in is part of a burgeoning movement of agroecology and community supported agriculture (CSA) in the occupied West Bank. Depending on the season, the farm grows broccoli, ginger, turmeric, kale and watermelon, as well as other fruits and vegetables. It claims to be the...

Boletín informativo
ENRD Newsletter December 2019

The ENRD newsletter provides all the latest rural development news from Europe straight to your inbox once a month. From policy updates to ENRD meetings and from project outcomes to online videos, this new and updated tool aims to provide something for everybody interested in rural development policy in Europe....
European Union
2019 - ENRD

Ending Hunger in Asia and the Pacific by 2030

This report was prepared under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) knowledge and support technical assistance project for Investment Assessment and Application of High-Level Technology for Food Security in Asia and the Pacific, implemented by the Rural Development and Food Security (RDFS) Thematic Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC)....
2019 - IFPRI
Total results:4011