Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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“New Success Factors” - "The Cascinadda"

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2013 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Family Farming in Romania

There are 3.9 million farm holdings in Romania, the majority of which are Family Farms of extensive semi-natural grassland pastoral systems and mixed farming systems. These semi-natural smallsale farmed landscapes are of significant economic importance. For example, the 1 million holdings between 1-10 ha (3.1 m ha, 20% of Romania’s...

The Good Family Dairy Farm Cork Ireland

Milking cows on a working dairy farm in Ireland  - a Family Farm

Hoja informativa
FRANCE - Common Agricultural Policy

During the next 7 years, the new CAP is going to invest about EUR 63 billion in France's farming sector and rural areas. Key political priorities have been defined at European level such as: jobs, sustainability, modernizations, innovation and quality. In parallel, flexibility is given to France to adapt both...
2012 - European Commission

Rural development, integrated project, biodiversity conservation, tourism development, social entrepreneurship

In 2013, Fundația ADEPT began a long term partnership with operation Wallacea. OpWall carries out a worlwide programme in which schoolchildren and university students gather information about the changes in and threats to globally important areas of biodiversity. Tarnava Mare is the chosen European hotspot
2012 - ADEPT Fundation

Documento técnico
Best Practices 2012 competition honours gems of rural development

Through the Best Practices 2012 competition, the Rural Network of Finland wishes to highlight the best projects and measures implemented as part of the EU-funded rural development programmes for mainland Finland and the Åland Islands for 2007–2013. This year, 193 competition entries were submitted for the following categories: 1) Leader...
2012 - Finnish Rural Network

Documento/nota de orientación
Act No. 89/2012 Coll. Civil code

Civil code is the basic private legal legislation regulating the status of individual subjects including for example agricultural tenure.(available in Czech language only)  

Farm diversification and market inclusion in East Europe and Central Asia

This paper presents issues and challenges for farm and enterprise diversification and integration of small scale farmers into value chains in East Europe and Central Asia (EECA). First, it discusses context and approaches to agricultural and rural income diversification. Second, it assesses the extent of agricultural diversification in EECA. Third,...
2012 - Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia

Agriculture in the European Union - Statistical and Economic Information Report 2012

The 2012 agricultural year in the EU was characterised by a stable real agricultural income per labour unit , after the income growths recorded in 2011 (+8%) or in 2010 (+17%). On aggregate, since 2005 the EU-27 agricultural real income per labour unit has increased by 28.5% driven by an...

Fientes de volailles

Les fientes de volailles constituent un très faible apport potentiel en matières organiques. Il faut plutôt considérer les fientes de volailles comme un engrais organique azoté bien que la teneur en azote total des fientes brutes soit inférieure à 3 %. L’apport en phosphore avec les fientes est également important....
2012 - Chambre d'Agriculture Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur

Rôles des matières organiques dans le sol

Bien qu’elles ne représentent que quelques pourcents de la masse des terres cultivées, les matières organiques (MO) du sol ont des rôles extrêmement importants à jouer : construction et stabilité de la structure, maintien ou augmentation de la capacité à retenir l’eau ou les éléments minéraux, etc. Les différents types...
2012 - Chambre d'Agriculture Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur

Documento/nota de orientación
Support the farmers who maintain Europe’s pastoral landscapes – change the CAP rules on permanent pastures

Since 1992, successive CAP reforms have led to the decoupling from production of mainstream support payments to farmers (Pillar 1). Instead of paying farmers for a quantity of production, payments are attached to the land that farmers use. To determine if a piece of land is eligible for CAP payments,...
2012 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

"Laugenrind" - organic beef and local ownership

The initial project dates back to 2003 (in the context of Leader+), when 8 farmers developed a quality programme for growing, feeding and breeding the typical “Alpine Grey” cattle. Following the decline of the milk market, the local farmers'' cooperative had the idea of extending the quality programme to the...
2012 - European Union

Sitio web
Act No. 89/2012 Coll. Civil code

Civil code is the basic private legal legislation regulating the status of individual subjects including for example agricultural tenure. (available in Czech language only)

EU olive oil farms report

These report analyses trends regarding farms specialized in olive oil production over the period 2000-2010. It analyses structures, costs of production, margins and income indicators. The objective is to identify the characteristics of farms in economic difficulty and those in a better situation. The main source for this report is...
Greece - Italy - Spain
2012 - European commision

Regionalwert AG — Help for farms in crisis | Made in Germany

This short video  presents the basic concept of the Regionalwert AG (RWAG) and interviews founder Christian Hiss, the fruit farmer Joel Siegel as well as shareholders who have invested in the RWAG.
2012 - Access to land

Estudio de caso
Organic agriculture and the law

This publication seeks to identify and explain the different legal issues related to organic production, including a comparative analysis of selected public and private legal sources of international relevance, as well as recommendations on the issues to consider in the design of national organic agriculture legislation. It is a first...
Argentina - Canada - India - Japan - Tunisia - United States of America
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

C.R.I.E.S. association - ASAT local partnerships between consumers and small-scale farmers

A short Video about local partnerships between consumers and small-scale farmers
2012 - CSA

Farming Systems Research: An approach to inquiry

Initially, Farming Systems Research took the farm as a starting point for an analysis of a broad range of issues linked to agricultural production. Soon afterwards, it was recognised that to understand farming, the scale of analysis needed to be broadened, to capture the interactions between farms and their natural,...

Farming for the Future – with a focus on the Baltic Sea Region

The modernization of Swedish and European agriculture in the past century has increased yields immensely. At the same time, modernization has led to a uniform, biologically depleted agricultural landscape and a number of other negative impacts. Most serious of these impacts are reduced biodiversity, pollution of water and the air,...
2012 - BERAS
Total results:2283