Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Le baromètre des agricultures familiales 2018-2019

Comment nourrir 9,7 milliards d’êtres humains en 2050
Comment nourrir 9,7 milliards d’êtres humains en 2050 ? Cette question légitime reprise en choeur par les institutions internationales entraîne surtout des considérations liées à l’amélioration des rendements de l’agriculture industrielle. C’est pourtant en soutenant les agricultures familiales que l’on arrivera à rendre la nourriture disponible tout en luttant contre la pauvreté...
2018 - SOS Faim Belgium

Agroecology is best practice

Agroecology is best practice: Biowatch's work with smallholder farmers explores the workings of eight homestead farms in northern KwaZulu-Natal, illustrating agroecology best practices through the personal experiences of each of the smallholder farmers. These farmers have shown that the land can take care of its people - if its people take...
South Africa
2018 - Biowatch South Africa

Artículo de blog
Community Supported Agriculture as a Model for a New Common Food and Agriculture Policy

Local and solidarity-based partnerships for agroecology did not wait for a supportive CAP to develop sustainable food systems. For more than a decade, Community Supported Agriculture has been contributing to creating new jobs that cannot be relocated and to the revitalisation and diversification of the agricultural sector especially in peri-urban areas. The...
2018 - Urgenci

Boletín informativo
Eip Agri August

Eip Agri August Newsletter on Agriculture & Innovation 
European Union
2018 - Eip Agri

Smallholder farmer autonomy over seed production

Smallholder Farmer Autonomy Over Seed Production – the final release in a series of six videos from the ACB hosted event, National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, held in December 2017 at Constitution Hill. Smallholder farmers feed the world, providing up to 70% of food consumed globally. The seed is...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Why farmers find FISP (Farm input Subsidy Programmes) problematic

In August 2018, The Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) and the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a speak-out with SADC smallholder farmers in Windhoek, Namibia (SOUTHERN AFRICA) on Farm Input Subsidy Programmes (FISPs). FISPs are government agricultural programmes to promote the use of Green Revolution inputs (hybrid seed, synthetic fertilizer...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Boletín informativo
“Farm-Success” Project Newsletter

Since you last heard from us we have been carrying out the final adjustments, tests, and translations to our online training platform. We have also held several multiplier events across Europe in which young farmers and other stakeholders have discussed the importance of succession processes for the sustainability of family farms with leading experts...
European Union
2018 - Farm Success

Experiences of FISPs (Farm Input Subsidy Programmes) in Africa

In August 2018, the Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) and the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a speak-out for SADC smallholder farmers in Windhoek, Namibia, on Farm Input Subsidy Programmes (FISPs). FISPs are government agricultural programmes that promote the use of Green Revolution inputs produced by multinational corporations. Farmers were not...
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Boletín informativo
Romanian National Rural Network Newsletter

Romanian National Rural Network No.5/2018 Newsletter, with a lot of news regarding Rural Development in Romania and EU
2018 - Romanian National Rural Network

Artículo de revista especializada
The Social Construction of Quality in Agri-food Localized Systems (SYAL)

The Case of the Montpeyroux Wine Arrangement, France
The approach based on localized agri-food systems (SYAL, from the French acronym) has brought about new perspectives for analysis of local productive arrangements, complementing and expanding the theoretical background of clusters and industrial districts. In addressing physical, institutional, cultural and relational factors, SYAL’s approach has enabled a more dynamic view...
2018 - Rede Brasileira de Sistemas Agroalimentares Localizados

Alternatives to FISP - Farm Input Subsidy Programmes - in Africa

In August 2018, the Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) and the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a speak-out for SADC smallholder farmers in Windhoek, Namibia, on Farm Input Subsidy Programmes (FISPs). FISPs are government agricultural programmes that promote the use of Green Revolution inputs produced by multinational corporations. These...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Agroecology as an alternative (Video four of a four-part series on FISPs)

In August 2018, the Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) and the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a speak-out for SADC smallholder farmers in Windhoek, Namibia, on Farm Input Subsidy Programmes (FISPs). FISPs are government agricultural programmes that promote Green Revolution inputs produced by multinational corporations, such as chemical fertilizers. In...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Potentially Important Food Plants of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Hoja informativa
Livestock and agroecology

Livestock are found in all regions of the world and supply a wide range of products and services such as meat, milk, eggs, fibre, hides and skins, natural fertilizers, fuel, transport and drought power. They are kept by more than half of rural households and are essential to livelihoods, nutrition...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Anuario 2018 - Agricultura Familiar en España

En la edición 2018 el Anuario de la Agricultura Familiar vuelve a acoger relevantes reflexiones de más de 40 autores y autoras representativos de distintas sensibilidades y ámbitos de estudio. También aglutina más de 300 datos estadísticos de la agricultura, la ganadería, la distribución y el consumo de alimentos en...
2018 - UPA

Documento técnico
EIP-AGRI Brochure Organic is operational

European agriculture faces increasing restrictions on the use of external production inputs, such as artificial fertilisers, pesticides and antibiotics. Organic farmers have experience in dealing with these issues, which is why organic farming may open new avenues for soil management strategies, weed and pest control, and livestock health and wellbeing,...
European Union
2018 - Eip Agri

The regional assessment report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services for Asia and the Pacific

Within the scope outlined in the generic scoping report for the regional and subregional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services (decision IPBES-3/1, annex III), particular challenges found across the Asia-Pacific region include climate change (particularly sea-level rise, increased intensity of extreme storm events, ocean acidification and glacier retreat), population growth,...
2018 - IPBES

Agroecology: Innovating for sustainable agriculture & food systems

A background paper for decision makers
There is an international consensus about the unprecedented and pressing challenges that the world is facing in the 21st century, such as hunger and how to feed a growing population, eroding livelihoods of smallscale urban and rural food producers and workers, diet-related diseases, natural resource depletion, environmental degradation and climate change (FAO, 2017). It is also recognized worldwide that...
2018 - Friends of the Earth International

Integrated Shed Houses for Topical Farming

Champasack, Laos – In recent years, the shed house was introduced to farmers as an alternative technology for growing vegetables during rainy season because the shed house is roofed with transparent plastic. However, due to the use of plastic, the temperature in the house increases, which is not suitable for...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2018 - Lao Farmer Network (LFN)

Artículo de blog
Bringing Farming Back to Nature

Farming the land as if nature doesn’t matter has been the model for much of the Western world’s food production system for at least the past 75 years. The results haven’t been pretty: depleted soil, chemically fouled waters, true family farms all but eliminated, a worsening of public health and...
2018 - The New York Times
Total results:4010