Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Semences pour le changement en Côte d'Ivoire

Après dix années de guerre civile, les agricultrices ivoiriennes luttent contre la pauvreté et préservent la paix en cultivant des semences de riz de haute qualité, ce qui leur permet non seulement de doubler leurs rendements et leurs profits mais aussi de gagner en indépendance.
Côte d'Ivoire
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Documento técnico
Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes

The Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes presents simple instructions for the construction and use of various types of family-sized silos, with capacities of between 0.12 m3 and 4.2 m3 (approximately 120 and 4 000 kg). The contribution of...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Parte de un libro
The Historical Context of Land in Zimbabwe

One of the fundamental resources that is essential for the development and sustenance of people in Africa is land. Land is very important because it forms the basis of agricultural production in the sub-region. This chapter will trace the role and impact of land amongst the different ethnic groups that...
2015 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Documento/nota de orientación
Strengthening organic macadamia value chains in Kenya

The value chain for macadamia is generally short, covering farmers at the primary end of the chain most of whom are smallholder farmers. Also in the value chain are cooperative societies or producer groups, brokers, and local processing companies. At the other end of the value chain are foreign wholesalers...
2015 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Boletín informativo
El Niño and increased risk of Rift Valley fever

Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic, viral, vector-borne disease representing a threat to human health, animal health and livestock production in Africa, the Near East and potentially, Europe and the rest of the world. Rift Valley fever primarily affects sheep, goats, cattle, camels, buffaloes, and antelopes. The majority of...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Somalia - South Sudan - Sudan - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento de trabajo
Using National Statistics to increase transparency of large land acquisition

Evidence from Ethiopia
The 2007/08 commodity price boom triggered a ‘rush’ for land in developing countries. Yet, many affected countries lacked the regulatory infrastructure to cope with such demand and reliable data on investors’ performance. This study uses the example of Ethiopia to show how simple improvements in administrative data collection can help...
2015 - World Bank

Artículo de revista especializada
Abandonment of Conservation Agriculture by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe

This paper examines the determinants of abandonment of conservation agriculture (CA) techniques among smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The analysis uses four rounds of a balanced panel from a survey aimed at monitoring CA adoption among farmers who participated in CA promotion projects. Findings indicate that a large share of farmers...

Parte de un libro
Land Reform Programme

This chapter discusses land issues in southern Africa in general, and in Zimbabwe in particular. At independence most African states with settler white farmers inherited a skewed land distribution in favour of the white commercial farmers. Countries like Namibia and South Africa, among others, embarked on some land redistribution programmes...
Namibia - South Africa - Zimbabwe
2015 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Parte de un libro
Food and nutrition security implications of crop diversification in Malawi’s farm households

Although dramatic increases in maize yields since the implementation of the Farm Income Subsidy Program (FISP)—the major national program that subsidizes fertilizer and improved seed primarily for maize cultivation—have likely enhanced household maize self-sufficiency (Chibwana et al. 2012), Malawian diets remain poorly diversified. Indeed, the contribution of foods other than...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Professionalisation of family farming

Tools for technical and organisational capacity-building of farmers’ organisations in sub-Saharan Africa
According to the FAO, IFAD and the WFP, 805 million people in the world – one person in nine – suffer from hunger. Humanity has the means to put an end to hunger, but the key will be to invest in family farming to ‘feed the world by producing more...
2015 - CTA

Boletín informativo
Agricultures familiales en Afrique de l’Ouest: nuancer les affirmations pour faire avancer le débat

nuancer les affirmations pour faire avancer le débat
Les Bulletins de synthèse Souveraineté alimentaire sont une initiative conjointe d’Inter-réseaux Développement rural et de SOS Faim Belgique. Ils visent à produire une synthèse sur un thème lié à la souveraineté alimentaire, à partir d’une sélection de références jugées particulièrement intéressantes. Ils paraissent tous les trimestres et sont diffusés par...
2015 - Inter-réseaux Développement rural

Artículo de revista
Agroécologie en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre : réalités et perspectives

Grain de sel est la revue semestrielle d’Inter-réseaux Développement rural. Chaque numéro est consacré à une thématique précise et vise à faire participer aux débats et réflexions autour de ce thème une diversité d’acteurs et de points de vue.
2015 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

Professionnalisation des agricultures familiales

Outils pour le renforcement des capacités techniques et organisationnelles des organisations paysannes en Afrique subsaharienne
Selon la FAO, le FIDA et le PAM, 805 millions de personnes dans le monde, soit une personne sur neuf, souffrent de la faim. L'humanité dispose des moyens pour mettre un terme à la faim, mais pour y parvenir, il faut impérativement investir dans l'agriculture familiale pour « nourrir le...
2015 - CTA

Boletín informativo
Bulletin de veille n°256 - Spécial Année internationale de l’agriculture familiale

Dans ce bulletin, Inter-réseaux vous propose une sélection d’informations et de documents produits dans le cadre de l’AIAF et susceptibles d’intéresser les membres du réseau, en particulier en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. Cette sélection est présentée suivant les trois axes cités ci-dessus : définir et comprendre les agricultures...
2015 - Inter-réseaux Développement rural

Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands

Building resilience and benefiting livelihoods
The aim of the guidelines is to enhance restoration efforts in the world’s drylands. They provide specific guidance for policymakers and other decision-makers, and for practitioners. Well-informed policymakers and other higher-order decision-makers can be enablers in the design and implementation of effective restoration efforts by providing appropriate policies, governance mechanisms...
Australia - Burkina Faso - China - Egypt - Ethiopia - India - Lebanon - Mauritania - Nepal - Niger - Peru - Senegal - South Africa - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic - Türkiye - United Republic of Tanzania - Uzbekistan
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Farmers in focus: Changing face of urban agriculture

Dominic Machingura is an urban farmer in Harare, Zimbabwe. He is determined to prove the potential of urban agriculture to produce organic food and generate an income.
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture familiale : Vers une modernisation du secteur

Article concernant une Conférence nationale au Cameroun sur les politiques publiques d'accompagnement de l'agriculture familiale pour relever les défis de l'agriculture de seconde génération tenue à Yaoundé du 2 au 5 Février 2015. 
2015 - BNK Médias

Documento/nota de orientación
A Sub-regional Strategy for Enhancing the Participation of the Civil Society in Forestry Planning and Policy Making Processing in West Africa

Forest planning and policy making process in West Africa – and elsewhere in Africa for that matter – has largely been dominated by the State, with very little room for a meaningful participation of civil society. This state of affairs led to a management of forests and forest resources which...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Côte d'Ivoire - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea-Bissau - Liberia - Mali - Nigeria - Senegal - Sierra Leone - Togo
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Estudio de caso
Overcoming the constraints of agriculture in the Sahel by successful community-based approaches

Case of the regeneration of land and the fight against soil salinization in the groundnut basin in Senegal
Senegal, like all Sahelian countries, suffers from the combined effects of population growth and climate disturbances that affect its productive bio- system and induce degradation. This is manifested in different forms depending on the physical environment and production systems in different eco-geographic areas. Several factors are responsible for the degradation...
2015 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Documento/nota de orientación
Same Question but Different Answer

Experimental Evidence on Questionnaire Design’s Impact on Poverty Measured by Proxies
Does the same question asked of the same population yield the same answer in face-to-face interviews when other parts of the questionnaire are altered? If not, what would be the implications for proxy-based poverty measurement? Relying on a randomized household survey experiment implemented in Malawi, this study finds that observationally...
2015 - World Bank
Total results:3557