Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Parte de un informe
Who says my land cannot be productive? A farmer’s journey to a forest full of food security!

We are Magdalene and Gillian, trainers working for Kulika Uganda. We are passionate about seeing that people engaged in agriculture adopt sustainable farming practices which are easy to implement and have benefits for the people and the planet. Kulika is a non-government organization working with rural communities to empower people...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function: ​A Teacher's Manual

The activities in this facilitation manual are appropriate for  adults as well as young adults (and can easily be adapted for younger students as well). It is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards for ease of use by high school teachers.  For those who want to learn more, we offer workshops, and...
2023 - Didi Pershouse

Artículo de blog
GIZ SNRD Africa newsletter highlights Access Agriculture’s innovative delivery model

An article titled ‘Innovating digital extension delivery services in rural Egypt,’ featured in the latest issue of the GIZ Sector Network Rural Development (SNRD) Africa newsletter, showcases a partnership project that successfully supports the co-construction of knowledge and inclusive growth for marginalised farmers through farmer-to-farmer videos and last-mile delivery in...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Boletín informativo
Agroecology Schools Newsletter - September 2023

We are happy to deliver you autumn agroecology news from the Community of Practice on Agroecology in Europe and Central Asia. Below you will find several sections with regional news on the agroecology schools and organizations of small producers as well as some worldwide inspiring news. We would like to encourage you...
European Union
2023 - Community of Practice on Agroecology in Europe and Central Asia

Artículo de revista especializada
Cambodian rice farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAPs) regarding insect pest management and pesticide use

Insect pests are a serious problem for rice farmers in Cambodia, threatening livelihoods and food security. To protect their yields, farmers are dependent on broad-spectrum pesticides, which has led to a pesticide ‘lock-in’ scenario. Our study aimed to better understand farmers’ current pest management practices and the underlying knowledge and...
2023 - The University of Sydney, Australia

Artículo de blog
Científicos uruguayos descubren que nuevos pesticidas son “iguales o más dañinos” con las abejas

Como alternativa a los pesticidas más extendidos se comenzaron a usar el herbicida glufosinato de amonio y el sulfoxaflor.
Los nuevos pesticidas que se están usando como alternativa para “cuidar” a las abejas “son iguales o más dañinos” que los que ya se utilizaban, según descubrió un grupo de investigadores uruguayos del Instituto Clemente Estable.
2023 - El Observador

Artículo de revista especializada
Biodiversity, agriculture and sustainable production: GBF Target 10

In late 2021, a range of experts from around the world were approached to provide expert input to the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)–the new strategic framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that will guide interventions to conserve biodiversity and ecosystem services for the next three decades. In this...

Documento técnico
Socio-economic Impact of Sargassum Influx Events on Artisanal Fishing in Ghana

Sargassum is a free-floating brown macroalgae that has many benefits in the marine environment however has been reported to impact diverse sectors of human livelihoods. Sargassum influx has been experienced in Ghana since 2009. The consequences of this influx have been significantly felt by coastal communities who depend on the...

Boletín informativo
International Institute for Environment and Development IIED - Climate change newsletter August 2023

IIED's climate change newsletter is sent out every two months to keep you updated on our research to shape development policy and practice for climate resilience, equitable global governance and locally led adaptation to climate change.In this edition we have an interview with the chair of the LDC Group, recent...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Artículo de blog
Semences en Afrique (2/3) : pourquoi la coopération est essentielle pour mieux structurer les filières locales

L’accès aux semences de qualité constitue un enjeu stratégique pour les agriculteurs des pays en développement, en particulier en Afrique, afin qu’ils puissent augmenter leur rendement et la qualité de leurs productions. Face au changement climatique, la sélection des semences constitue un outil indispensable pour y parvenir, en particulier dans...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Resultados económicos de modelos productivos porcinos. Informe Nº 88. Noviembre 2023

Este documento elaborado en el marco del Proyecto “Caracterización de gestiones económicas de sistemas de producción agropecuarios de pequeña y mediana escala” (vigente desde enero del 2020) presenta estimaciones sobre comportamientos de resultados económicos de modelos productivos y tiene como propósito aportar información que favorezca la inclusión de productores, mejore...
2023 - Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)

Documento/nota de orientación
Sustainable seafood and small-scale fisheries: improving retail procurement

Sustainable Development Goal 14.b calls for providing ‘access for small-scale fishers to marine resources and markets’ by 2030. Small-scale fisheries directly support approximately 7% of the global population and make up 47% of the value generated by the seafood industry. International seafood markets and big retail chains are increasingly important for...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Clean water and sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is one of the most basic human needs, and crucial for health and wellbeing. Progress in this field has hitherto been insufficient, and billions of people will still lack access to these basic services in 2030 unless progress quadruples in speed. Demand for...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Sitio web
Le projet agro-écologique en France

Le projet agro-écologique en France. Articles, nouvelles et événements relatifs à l'agro-écologie et à ses pratiques en France
European Union
2023 - French Ministry of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry

Boletín informativo
Biowatch Bulletin January 2023

August 2022 to January 2023
South Africa
2023 - Biowatch South Africa

Hoja informativa
Biodiversity for food and agriculture - A treasure for the future

Biodiversity for food and agriculture is the diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem levels, present in and around crop, livestock, forest and aquatic production systems. It is essential to livelihoods and food security and to the supply of ecosystem services. Many of its key components...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Action Against Hunger’s Farmer Field School program building self-reliance communities in Uganda

Farmer Field School, a program initiated about four years ago in Uganda by Action Against Hunger, a global humanitarian organization, is now building self-reliance communities in the East African country thanks to its ripple effect among learners. To achieve this, the organization through the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) Response...

Artículo de blog
Semences en Afrique (3/3) : comment les acteurs privés veulent promouvoir des cultures de qualité

En Afrique la disponibilité de semences de qualité demeure faible. Comment la filière et les acteurs privés des semences du continent entendent changer cela ? FARM a interrogé Justin Rakotoarisaona, secrétaire général de l’Association africaine du commerce des semences (AFSTA).
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Documento/nota de orientación

Agroecology Europe (AEEU), the European association promoting agroecology as a set of practices, a science and a movement across Europe welcomes the Commission’s COM(2023) 416 Proposal for a Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience published on the 5th of July 2023.  The Soil Monitoring Law (SML) marks a positive starting point for...
2023 - Agroecology Europe (AEEU),

Artículo de revista especializada
Farmers’ profiles and attitudes towards the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems in intensive agriculture

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems are presented as a feasible alternative to increase water resources for agricultural use. However, the installation of these systems in farmers’ holdings is very limited. It is necessary to know the opinions and attitudes of farmers towards these systems to develop specific measures that respond to...
2023 - Universidad de Almería, Spain
Total results:18981