Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Quel avenir pour les coopératives agricoles?

En Tunisie, comme dans beaucoup de pays émergents, les coopératives et autres formes d’associations de producteurs ont été principalement créées à l’initiative de l’État comme véhicules pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des stratégies de développement. Malgré la multiplicité des soutiens publics qu’elles reçoivent et même si on peut citer...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
The multi-faced role of soil in the Near East and North Africa

The world’s soils are rapidly deteriorating due to soil erosion, nutrient depletion, loss of soil organic carbon, soil sealing and other threats, but this trend can be reversed provided countries take the lead in promoting sustainable management practices and the use of appropriate technologies. Several scientific reports highlighted in this...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Regional cooperation is key to sustainable agriculture and food security in the Near East and North Africa region

1 March 2019, Cairo -“Water and Land are arguably the most precious resources to the countries of the Near East and North Africa region,” the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) declared today. 
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Webinar on applying agroecology in IFAD operations

Mixed cropping, using ‘weed’ crops to attract predators and cultivating resilient local breeds - these are all examples of agroecology in action. Agroecology refers to the application of ecological science and principles to the study, design and management of sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Mediterra 2018 - Migration and inclusive rural development in the Mediterranean

Today, migratory phenomena are an essential part of political agendas. Little known, their effects on territories of origin and destination have an impact on the socio-economic balance in an already preoccupying climate context.As a major component of population movements, migration from countryside to cities is a strategy to improve household living conditions...
2019 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Applying agroecology in IFAD operations

Webinar presentation
Mixed cropping, using ‘weed’ crops to attract predators and cultivating resilient local breeds - these are all examples of agroecology in action. Agroecology refers to the application of ecological science and principles to the study, design and management of sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Artículo de blog
FAO Concludes its Regional Conference on Improving Water Productivity in Agriculture Showcasing Innovation

With innovative ideas from young Tunisians, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concluded in Tunisia the Regional Conference on Improving Water Productivity in Agriculture in the Near East and North Africa. Rich in scientific discussion and specialized concurrent training sessions, the conference benefited from the expertise of...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to the Sudan – Special Report

Mission Highlights National cereal production in 2018 is estimated at a well above-average level of 8.2 million tonnes, an increase of 58 percent from last year, mostly reflecting an expansion in the area planted. Sorghum production rebounded in 2018 to an above-average level of 4.9 million tonnes and millet production was estimated...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Le système alimentaire de Téhéran, Iran

Le système alimentaire de Téhéran, Iran Le système alimentaire Iranien fait face à plusieurs défis, menaçant la sécurité alimentaire des habitants et contribuant à l’épuisement des ressources: sanctions économiques internationales entrainant une inflation et augmentation des prix sans précédent, rareté de la ressource en eau et pratiques culturales intensives et...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2019 - Let's Food

Le système alimentaire de Sfax, Tunisie

Sfax, 2ème ville de Tunisie, est considérée comme le pôle économique du pays. Son dynamisme économique et son port ouvert sur la Méditerranée lui confèrent une place de choix sur le marché international. Néanmoins, elle fait face à de nombreuses problématiques: industrialisation incontrôlée engendrant pollutions des sols et de la...
2019 - Let's Food

Le système alimentaire de Fès, Maroc

Le système alimentaire de Fès au Maroc fait face à de nombreux défis: métier d'agriculteur dévalorisé et conditions de vie difficiles entrainant un phénomène important d'exode rural, utilisation importante de produits chimiques pour l'agriculture et pollution des eaux, stratégie de développement de l'agriculture contradictoire avec la raréfaction de la ressource...
2019 - Let's Food

Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No.1 March 2019

FAO assesses that globally 41 countries, of which 31 are in Africa, continue to be in need of external assistance for food. Conflict remains the main driver of high levels of severe food insecurity. Weather‑induced production declines and economic instability have also adversely impacted on food availability and access.
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Social innovation in forests: buzzword or opportunity?

During the VI Mediterranean Forest Week, which took place from 1 to 5 April in Brummana, Lebanon, hundreds of researchers, policy-makers and other relevant stakeholders from the wide Mediterranean basin gathered to discuss Mediterranean-wide forestry issues. Emerging topics included: the role of forests for achieving NDC targets for COP21, existing linkages...
2019 - SIMRA

ICBA at 20: A Look at History

Every day since the early 1990s some 2,000 hectares of irrigated land in arid and semi-arid areas across 75 countries have been degraded by salt. Over the years not only the scale but also the range of threats to food, water and income security of vulnerable communities around the world...
United Arab Emirates
2019 - ICBA

Conference on improving water productivity in the NENA region

Producing more food with less water is a straightforward objective that could be realized through using better production practices. The challenge is in achieving an overall optimum in using the little water available. Clarification of the WP concept in its different dimensions - economic, social and environmental – has become...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Combatting food insecurity and rural poverty through enhancing small-scale family farming in the Near East and North Africa

Around 43 percent of the NENA region’s population live in rural areas, which in turn are highly affected by the poverty that results from exclusion from the region’s economic growth; 70 percent of the region’s poor currently live in rural areas and are largely dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods....

Parte de un libro
Aux origines d'une petite agriculture familiale à Haffouz : les coopératives et leurs héritages en Tunisie Centrale

En Tunisie, la succession des politiques agricoles et le discours dominant sur la petite agriculture ont participé à construire un fort dualisme agraire entre une agriculture « performante » et une petite agriculture « en retard ». Historiquement, la petite paysannerie tunisienne a été malmenée par les pouvoirs publics, demeurant...
2019 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Actas de conferencia
Strategies towards more sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean region

Summary report
The International Forum "Strategies for More Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean" was held from May 15 to 17 in Palermo, Italy. Initiated and managed by the CIHEAM Bari and the Forum on Mediterranean Food Cultures, this important event has been granted the organisational and logistic support of many institutions including the Italian Ministry of...
2019 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Rural migration in the Near East and North Africa

Regional trends
Migration flows, including those to, from and between rural areas, have long shaped - and been shaped - by the NENA region’s complex socio-economic and political landscape. Demographic shifts and the mismatch between labour supply and demand have created common migration routes within and between NENA countries, as well as...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
FAO’s response in Yemen

FAO’s 2018 activities and achievements In collaboration with the World Bank and the European Union, FAO’s comprehensive resilience building approach focuses on recovery and development, while meeting the humanitarian needs of more than 2 million resource-poor host and displaced populations across 16 governorates.
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:997