Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Regenerative Agriculture: A Portrait in Greece

Agriculture and nature are often seen as at odds with each other. Food production puts an enormous strain on the carrying capacity of the environment. Various agricultural systems, such as organic farming, are trying to reconcile the two. Regenerative agriculture takes things one step further, combining food production with ecosystem...

Artículo de blog
Promoting the Conservation of Maize Grains Using Empty Maize Cobs: An Innovative and Natural Method

In recent years, the need for sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices has become more pressing. One innovative solution that has gained attention is the conservation of maize grains using empty maize cobs. This method, developed by Dr. Momar Talla Gueye from the Institut de Technologie Alimentaire, offers a natural and...
2024 - Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA)

Hoja informativa
Conservation des grains de maïs par des épis vides de maïs

Cette innovation a pour objet d’utiliser le broyat d’épis vides pour conserver les grains de maïs issus de ces mêmes épis contre les insectes ravageurs. A une dose supérieure à 4%, les dégâts et les pertes sont en dessous respectivement de 1 et 0,3%. En effet, le broyat inhiberait la...

Sowing Sustainability: Agroecology and sustainable land management in synergy

Global food systems grapple with challenges that demand urgent attention and innovative solutions. The world’s population is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, with significant growth in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, implying more pressure on agricultural land, water resources and food production systems. Increasing urbanisation, leading to the...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Ethiopia - India - Kenya - Madagascar - Tunisia
2024 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Entre colmenas y raíces, la historia de una familia campesina en el norte de Chile

Este video nos muestra la historia de Aroldo Gaete, apicultor y productor frutícola, sector el Manzano Norte de Chile, quien combina varias prácticas sostenibles, a través de las cuales nos refleja la dedicación y amor por las actividades productivas que realiza, cuidando con mucha consciencia el medio ambiente. Aroldo se apoya...
2024 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)

Hoja informativa
How to save water in farming

In Southern Africa people are living with persistent drought conditions brought on by El Nino and compounded by the degraded state of ecosystems in the region. Rains are arriving late and leaving early, and the long dry spells and high temperatures are affecting the health of people and of  farmers’...
2024 - Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA)

Artículo de blog
Produire son compost en 21 jours: une pratique innovante en agroécologie

La production de compost est un enjeu majeur pour l’agriculture durable, permettant d’améliorer la qualité des sols tout en réduisant les déchets organiques. L’approche innovante du compostage en 21 jours, qui utilise du biochar enrichi, se distingue par sa rapidité et son efficacité, offrant aux agriculteurs une solution pratique et...
2024 - Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA)

Aprendizaje en línea
Diálogos de Saberes y Prácticas de la Agricultura Familiar. La agricultura familiar frente al cambio climático: experiencias y soluciones desde la Agroecología

Reflexionar sobre los desafíos para avanzar en una agenda de transformación de los sistemas alimentarios y de construcción de sociedades más prosperas e inclusivas pasa por hacer frente a los efectos/impactos del cambio climático y fortalecer iniciativas que permitan una transición a sistemas productivos más sostenible. El hambre y la...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Vaincre la salinité des sols : Une clé pour libérer le potentiel agricole de l’Afrique

La salinité des sols est l’un des principaux défis auxquels est confrontée l’agriculture dans de nombreuses parties de l’Afrique, en particulier dans les régions arides et semi-arides. Lorsque les niveaux de salinité augmentent, les cultures peinent à absorber l’eau et les nutriments essentiels, ce qui entraîne une baisse des rendements...
2024 - Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Africa (KCOA)

From Germany to Uganda: Stephan’s Mission to Elevate Robusta Coffee

At the heart of the Slow Food Coffee Coalition, there are individuals—coffee farmers, entrepreneurs, and coffee lovers—each with a remarkable and deeply intertwined story. Their connection goes beyond just signing the Manifesto and embracing the values of the Slow Food network; it’s fueled by a profound passion that fuels a...
2023 - Slow Food

How to manage fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) on smallholder farms

Fall armyworm (FAW), an agricultural pest native to the Americas, was first detected on the African continent in 2016 and has since spread across Africa and Asia. FAW feeds on over 350 plant species but prefers maize and other staples, and hence potentially threatens the incomes and food security of...
2023 - Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry CIFOR-ICRAF

Artículo de blog
Anniversary voices: "A national organic action plan would be extremely beneficial for Switzerland"

These voices will share their perspectives on FiBL and talk about their relationship with the institute. This time, it is Maya Graf's turn. She is a politician, social worker and co-owner of her family's organic farm in Sissach in the canton of Baselland. In 2001, she moved into the Swiss National...
2023 - FiBL Switzerland

Boletín informativo
Access Agriculture Panorama No. 32 - March 2023

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Estudio de caso
Upgrading traditional techniques boosts production of famous Azerbaijani tomatoes

Farmers have joined together to update time-honoured practices and increase yields
Sayad village is one of the most ancient settlements nestled on the Caspian Sea coast of Azerbaijan’s Khachmaz district. It’s long been famous for its numerous varieties of succulent tomatoes thanks to the farmers’ careful cultivation of the crop and the sunny climate. But something new and transformative is happening....
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO


Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Work in Agricultural Landscapes
The aim of this report is to encourage the agriculture and climate communities to find common, integrated, and systemic responses to one of the most urgent questions for humanity: How to develop climate-resilient and sustainable food systems in times of multiple crises that are threatening global food security? Today’s planet...
2023 - German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

Artículo de blog
A conversation about agroecology and biodiversity

Biodiversity is one of the 13 principles underpinning the work of the Agroecology Coalition. On the International Day for Biological Diversity, we speak to Martin Oulu, coordinator of our member organization ISFAA (Kenya), about agroecology, biodiversity, and the challenges that the current food system presents in this respect. In this article...
Cambodia - Kenya
2023 - Agroecology Coalition

Kinshasa Declaration on reconciling food production with biodiversity conservation and climate emergency in the Congo Basin

AFSA’s trailblazing The Congo Basin Convening, held from 29-31 August, was centered around the theme in “reconciling food production with biodiversity conservation and climate emergency”. This important convening culminated in the release of the Kinshasa Declaration on 31st August 2023. Gathering 230 participants from six countries and various sectors, the...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Artículo de blog
EU Organic Awards open for applications

A call for applications for the second edition of the EU Organic Awards is now open (until 14 May 2023). Organic agri-food systems remain a keen interest for the EU CAP Network and we have been contributing to the transition of organic production in a range of ways, including through our Thematic...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network

Resilience-Building Through Agroecology

This project led by the Himalayan Permaculture Center is implemented in the Karnali Province, where the NGO has been working since 2011. In this Province, which has the lowest population density and is home to the poorest and marginalized population in Nepal, the project works to collaboratively design and create...
2023 - Agroecology Coalition

Boletín informativo
The Organic Farm Knowledge platform Newsletter – October 2023

Dear readers, The Organic Farm Knowledge platform ( provides access to a wide range of tools and resources about organic farming that can help improve production. We are pleased to share this month’s newsletter with you. We look forward to sharing more news with you in November.
2023 - Organic Farm Knowledge platform
Total results:4009