Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
How innovative shared labels are promoting diversity, biocultural heritage and sustainable production

Shared labels used by smallholder producers can promote biocultural diversity, build climate resilience and drive social justice. An IIED report explores trailblazing shared label initiatives by smallholder organisations across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

GUIDE FOR THE EVALUATION OF AGROECOLOGY-Method for assessing its effects and the conditions of its development

This Guide for the evaluation of agroecology offers an approach and methodological tools to assess the effects of agroecological practices and systems on the agro-environmental and socio-economic performance of agriculture and on the other hand, the conditions for the development of agroecology.  It aims to help development actors to better design their...
2023 - Agrisud International, AVSF, Cari et Gret

Maize stover transfers from maize fields to banana-based agroforestry homegardens and the corresponding nutrient flows in central-northern Tanzania

Maize (Zea mays) stover produced in the drier lowland areas on the volcanic foot slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro serves as an important additional fodder for smallholder zero-grazed dairy cattle farming in the humid highland areas of the region. The obtained cattle manure is used to replenish nutrients and manage soil...
United Republic of Tanzania

Achieving Sustainable Food Systems in a Global Crisis

This report summarizes the evidence-based and costed country roadmaps for effective public interventions to transform agriculture and food systems in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria in a way that ends hunger, makes diets healthier and more affordable, improves the productivity and incomes of small-scale producers and their households, and mitigates and...
Ethiopia - Malawi - Nigeria
2023 - International Institute for Sustainable Development

Community Based Participatory Watershed Development

This Guideline addresses important developmental activity and the contents give information on how to plan, design and implement community watershed development activities. It provides consolidated and normative information for field workers and wereda sector offices. The effort is particularly important at a time when the Ethiopian Government has put a strategy...
2023 - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Ethiopia)

Economic transformation and diversification towards off-farm income in rural and urban areas

A global update with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa
This working paper is the update of an earlier cross-country study on household income sources using an expanded harmonized dataset. The analysis presented covers a total of 93 surveys representing 41 countries – nearly double that of the previous study – to depict rural and urban households’ livelihood strategies across...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
Indigenous knowledge is key to sustainable food systems

This article establishes how Indigenous and local knowledge could contribute to the building of resilient, sustainable and nutritious food systems in a way that is equitable.

Strengthen PSNP Institutions and Resilience Phase II (SPIR II) Resilience Food Security Activity in Ethiopia

Over the past two decades, social safety net programs have become a mainstream policy tool across  sub-Saharan Africa to address food insecurity and extreme poverty (Beegle et al., 2018). Since the turn of the millennium, the number of social safety net programs has doubled (Hickey et al., 2018) and today, each country...
2023 - IMPEL

Ifaa Resilience Food Security Activity in Ethiopia

The Ifaa resilience food security activity (RFSA) is implemented by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in the region of Oromia in Ethiopia. Oromia is Ethiopia’s largest, most populous region and one of its poorest, with complex and interlinked causes of poverty and food insecurity. The goal of the Ifaa RFSA is...
2023 - IMPEL

Artículo de blog
Closed Season: The woes of women and children in fishing communities

The din of brisk fishing activity greets anyone who ventures onto the landing beach at Jamestown the Greater Accra Region and in coastal regions all over Ghana. The fishermen haul nets with fish from the boats, while the women take up the sale of fish from January to December. But not so...

Etude sur l’inventaire et la caractérisation des centres de formation en agroécologie et l’analyse approfondie des centres à soutenir par le programme agroécologie

Une étude sur la formation à l’agroécologie non-diplômante. Réalisée par BRL ingénierie, commanditée par ARAA/CEDEAO. L’objectif général de cette étude était de diagnostiquer la formation à l’agroécologie non diplômante pour être en mesure d’accompagner son développement dans le cadre de la transition agricole des pays de la CEDEAO. L’ambition est de développer et/ou de consolider, mais aussi de favoriser l’intégration des savoirs et des savoir-faire sur la formation...
2023 - reseau far

Baseline Study of the PReSERVE Resilience Food Security Activity in Ethiopia

This report captures baseline survey data collected from June to July 2022 for the impact evaluation of the PReSERVE Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) implemented by Food for the Hungry in the region of Amhara in Ethiopia. This activity attempts to address and mitigate acute levels of food insecurity experienced...
2023 - IMPEL

Sitio web
EXTENSION: Convocatoria Buenas Prácticas hacia la Gestión Sostenible de Suelos y Aguas

La Alianza para la Soberanía Alimentaria en África, la Alianza por el Suelo de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa, Catholic Relief Services, Proyecto +Algodón del Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO, Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura, a...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Consumer Guide on Agroecology- what consumers need to know

Consumers are one of the key stakeholders in the food system, yet their potential and contribution to transitioning current unsustainable food systems to a more agroecological one is rarely recognized. This consumer guide on agroecology presents ten key issues and areas through which agroecology can enhance the protection of consumer rights....
2023 - Consumer Grassroots Association

How to document and share experience. Fourth webinar in the series on experience capitalization

The 4th webinar in the series on experience capitalization dealt with the second part of implementation of the experience capitalization process, more specifically the steps relating to documentation and sharing. The main objective of a capitalization process is to share the lessons learned and the knowledge generated. These lessons can be...
2023 - YenKasa Africa

FY 23 Guidance - Participant Financial Analysis for Resilience Food Security Activities

This technical guidance aims to help implementing partners (IPs) conduct Participant Financial Analysis of on-farm and off-farm livelihood interventions as part of Resilience Food Security Activities (RFSAs). The purpose of this guidance is to be a reference manual for activity designers in understanding the Participant Financial Analysis requirements as part...
2023 - USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

Climate-adaptive capacities and livelihood strategies under a prolonged drought

Baseline findings and policy implications for community-based support in Isiolo, Kenya
The “Building back better and greener: Integrated approaches for an inclusive and green COVID-19 recovery in rural spaces” project aims to: (a) build the capacity of key stakeholders in the provision of advisory and extension services; (b) integrate social protection interventions with complementary services on climate-adaptive agriculture and sustainable livestock...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
How Maasai beekeepers are restoring lands and livelihoods

Climate change has made droughts ever more frequent and severe in many parts of the world. For many small-scale forest and farm producers, this has made it harder to find enough pasture for their animals to graze on. In northern Tanzania, Maasai families have struggled as their main source of...
2023 - AccessAgric

Artículo de blog
Fao: Unregulated Fishing Threatens Food Security In Nigeria, Others

The United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has reported that rise in Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is at the centre of a crisis of food sustainability in West African coastal waters. Ms. Bintia Stephen-Tchicaya, an FAO Representative ad interim, made this known during the 23rd annual...

Africa - Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023

Statistics and trends
Africa is facing a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. Millions are expected to be at risk of worsening hunger in the near future due to the rippling effects of the war in Ukraine, which are compounding the devastating impacts that conflicts, climate variability and extremes, economic slowdowns and downturns, and...
2023 - FAO; AUC; United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA); WFP;
Total results:3556