Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Documento/nota de orientación
The rehabilitation of agricultural input subsidies?

In recent years large-scale agricultural input subsidies have had a contested ‘rehabilitation’ in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper reviews the changing paradigms, politics and theories associated with input subsidies’ decline and rise, and the implementation and impacts of recent large-scale programmes. Empirical evidence is patchy, and their impacts contested and dependent...
2014 - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Purchase for Progress - P4P Rwanda

In Rwanda, P4P focuses on supporting the government’s efforts to boost agricultural production, on increasing the income of smallholder farmers and developing the agricultural market. In order to reduce post-harvest losses, P4P and partners support farmers’ cooperatives with training in post-harvest handling, equipment and storage facilities. Cooperatives also receive training...
2014 - World Food Programme (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P)

Artículo de revista especializada
Implications of climate variability and change for smallholder crop production in different areas of Zimbabwe

Sustainable food production in the rain-fed smallholder sector of Zimbabwe is imperative in current and future climates given the increasing proportion and role of the sector in food security. Backgrounds of the smallholder sector include low resource bases, declining soil productivity, climate variability and increasing human population. Impacts of climatic...

Documento/nota de orientación
Rice, cows and envy

Agriculture and change among young rice producers in Guinea Bissau
In Guinea-Bissau, a country on the West African coast between Senegal, the Republic of Guinea and the Atlantic, rice is the staple food. During the past three decades, agriculture in Guinea- Bissau has undergone a radical transformation. In Guinea-Bissau, there is a common discourse that young people have abandoned the...
2014 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Revista especializada
Caravan - Gender focus: prioritizing the needs of women farmers

This  issue of Caravan – a collaborative effort with the CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems – focuses on gender related research being undertaken by ICARDA and national and CGIAR research partners across the world's dry areas, reflecting on experience and insights from Morocco to South Asia and beyond. Articles...
Afghanistan - Egypt - Jordan
2014 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Documento de trabajo
Young people, agriculture, and employment in rural Africa

This paper examines the current interest in addressing the problem of young people’s unemployment in Africa through agriculture. Using notions of transitions and mobilities we set out a transformative work and opportunity space framework that privileges difference and diversity among work opportunities, rural areas and young people. We argue that...
2014 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Adapting to climate change through land and water management in Eastern Africa

Results of pilot projects in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania
The Eastern African region (which includes Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania) is highly vulnerable to climate change and several of its major sectors (notably agriculture) that significantly contribute to the sub-region’s economies are at risk. About 80% of the population in East Africa depend on agriculture, which contributes to 40% of...
Ethiopia - Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
Improving policymaking for Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa

This paper investigates the role of knowledge management in African agricultural and rural development policies, and how information and communications technologies (ICTs) can contribute to enhance it. African Policymakers are aware of the importance of knowledge management; however, its actual use is constrained by inter-related factors encompassing the national context...
2014 - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Artículo de blog
"Let’s Be a Farmer", une initiative du soutien des jeunes à l'agriculture au Bénin

"Let's be a Farmer" est une initiative volontaire et  collaborative de l’ONG Youth Partnership and Agricultural  Development, une organisation chargée d’actions de  développement en milieu rural et périurbain au Bénin. L’initiative a consisté à mobiliser une centaine de jeunes  béninois et résidents, venant de différentes communes du Bénin,  pour trois...
2014 - La voix des jeunes

L’ exploitation agricole familiale du Sénégal et la pauvreté ?

L'article décrit les Exploitations Agricoles Familiales (EAF) au Sénégal, fortes créatrices d’emploi: sur les 48,5% des actifs occupés dans le secteur primaire, 45,7% sont regroupés dans le secteur de l’agriculture de l’élevage et de la forêt. Cependant, les ménages agricoles au Sénégal sont très pauvres:24% seulement d’entre eux parviennent à couvrir leurs besoins céréaliers...

Hoja informativa
Somalia fisheries: data at a glance

Somalia's fish resources remain one of the most under exploited due a variety of factors. The Horn of Africa nation also has one of the lowest per capita fish consumption in the world.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


近年来,数百万公顷的退化风沙侵蚀区又变回“森林”,几乎遍及世界上所有的干旱地区。 荒漠景观已经完全改变,但值得注意的是这些树木并不是由人工种植。外来树种迅速蔓延,形 成大片茂密的森林。这种情景会使当地农民和牧民快乐吗?其实他们很痛苦,因为这些外来入 侵物种使他们的生活变得更糟糕。入侵植物破坏牧场,成为农田杂草,阻塞道路,社区被迫迁 移。这样的经历在各个国家不断上演。现在,很多人都在学习如何利用这些新资源。
2014 - AgriCultures Network

Un projet à succès de la FAO au Burundi: ''Appui à la technologie post-capture de poisson''

La pêche joue un rôle important dans la vie économique et sociale au Burundi. Pourtant, environ 10 à 15% du poisson et des produits halieutiques étaient perdus au cours de la phase de transformation. Le séchage du poisson qui est la technique de transformation la plus courante dans le pays,...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Estudio de caso
The contribution of rural smallholder farming landscapes towards carbon sequestration

A case study of Maleka parish, Mayuge district
Uganda’s landscape is dominated by Small scale farmers who maintain trees on-farm to satisfy their basic needs. On-farm trees contribute to reduction of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and in this way contribute climate change mitigation. It has been observed that some farms are not managing trees appropriately. In order...
2014 - Makerere University

Hoja informativa
Rebuilding Somalia's livestock sector

Somalia’s livestock sector is based on nomadic pastoralism with a growing private sector led export industry and the mainstay of the Somali economy. Despite its many problems, the Horn of Africa nation comes second in global live sheep exports after Australia.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Foire sous-régionale des semences paysannes Part.1

SPSP et Biodiversité Échanges et Diffusion d’Expériences (BEDE) présentent un film d'Anne BERSON: "En route vers l'autonomie en semences en Afrique de l'Ouest, La foire sous-régionale des semences paysannes à Djimini, Sénégal". Une délégation de paysans de la sous-région et de France a sillonné une partie du Sénégal de Thiès à...
2014 - Biodiversité Échanges et Diffusion d’Expériences (BEDE)

Estudio de caso
Inclusive procurement & transparency

Connecting smallholder farmers to school feeding
Inclusive procurement is a deliberate way for governments to purchase goods or services from specific unfavoured or vulnerable supplier categories in order to advance social and economic development. However, public procurements must also meet transparency requirements in place to maintain integrity and to safeguard the expenditure of public funds. This...
Ghana - Kenya - Mali
2014 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Hoja informativa
Youth and Aquaculture in Africa

Youth un- and under-employment are critical issues facing Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In spite of urbanisation and industrialisation, agriculture remains the principal employer and producer throughout SSA. Thus, a more modern and profitable agriculture sector (including aquaculture, fisheries, forestry and livestock) is required to generate much needed decent employment opportunities for the Continent’s...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento técnico
Crop residues and agro-industrial by-products in West Africa

The present publication focuses on the availability, access and utilization of crop residues and agro-industrial products in West Africa. It contributes to the efforts to strengthen mechanisms to establish and maintain feed assessments in West Africa. It is a first regional assessment attempt, based on literature review and fieldwork in...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento de trabajo
Spatial price integration among selected bean markets in Malawi

A threshold autoregressive model approach
This research examines the extent of market integration among different bean markets across Malawi. Market integration is an indicator that efficiency exists within the flow of information between markets. The study focused on beans as they are a cheap source of protein affordable by the majority of rural smallholder farmers....
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:3603